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Only one thing seems crystal clear: America has never needed reliable, left-leaning news programming more than it does right now.
Our corporate media is now officially disgraceful, and failed to do its job by giving the greatest internal threat to America since the Civil War the attention it deserved. Democracy and our rights as Americans are hanging precariously by a thread, and these incompetent, bought-off boobs in the working press are in large part to blame for it. Regular visitors to this space will know how I feel about all this and them, so for the sake of time, Ill just leave it at that for now.
Start listening to your audience, MSNBC. They hate you right now. They believe you have failed and betrayed them. Stop trying to be some both-sides-do-it news organization, and start capturing the millions of people who are starving for truth, and know a revolting racist when they see and hear one. Stop trying to be too many different things to too many different audiences. Immediately dump the half-baked garbage on your station like, Morning Joe, for instance. Seriously, what is it that show supposed to be doing? What crucial niche is it fulfilling? Is showcasing two lily-white people kissing the two-ton ass of a dictator that important? Their stupid show bleeds into a significant problem Ill delve into a bit more shortly: What the hell is your penchant for recruiting Republican refugees as headliners on your station? Its disgusting. Start listening to what your audience wants immediately. Start giving them what they want instead of what you think they should want. Its haughty as hell. They, not you, are all that matters.
There is more at the link below.

(161 posts)brush
(59,019 posts)walkingman
(8,882 posts)Do you have any suggestion of a better channel? I honestly would be interested.
(73,239 posts)better do real news across the board. Get daytime looking like nighttime programming.
Honestly, if they can't remember what real news broadcasting looks like, there are some old reels of the greats (Cronkite, Murrow, Ellersbee) online.
(35,936 posts)and are avoiding all news about national politics because it makes them feel worse.
I can barely flip through the front section of the paper nowadays.
(2,491 posts)Also I believe many of us are tuning into social media rather than lame stream media.
I love watching channels like MeidasTouch.
I get my news from social media.
It's these out of touch Rethug Boomers who get their news from newspapers and Faux news.
(283 posts)IcyPeas
(23,249 posts)But I guess the truth doesn't pay their shareholders enough. The media is nothing without divisiveness.
I'm not talking about serious discussion on issues... serious... not just arguing for arguments sake.