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They should be rounding up all the CEOs and executives of companies that deny medical claims causing millions of people to die. Approximately 45 thousand people a year die because of lack of access to healthcare. After 20 years, that is millions.

(16,937 posts)Dave says
(5,041 posts)Suburban Monastery Death Poem
the police try to protect
the banks - and everything else
is secondary
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)Mr.WeRP
(726 posts)If you cant tell the difference, there is no help for you
(297 posts)Because the people who run government medical payer systems absolutely get paid. Purity is hard.
(726 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,922 posts)Private insurance? 15%.
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)Response to Silent Type (Reply #8)
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Response to Silent Type (Reply #2)
Dave says This message was self-deleted by its author.
Dave says
(5,041 posts)The organizations you mention do not deny anywhere near the percent of denials that the private insurers do.
(Of course, you need to carve out Medicare Advantage, which is a nightmare for the seriously sick.)
On edit: my replies are not going under the intended posts. Anyone else experiencing this?
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)83% are overturned as soon as doctor sends in additional info; many denials are we wont approve 14 therapy visits but will approve 10 now and maybe more when you provide info on progress near end of 10 encounters; we will not pay for the expensive advertised drugs until you have tried cheaper drugs that are effective 99% of time or your doc tells us why you are special; doctors do cheat and they are less likely to go to jail than under Medicare/Medicaid so the fudge even more; etc.
(5,170 posts)No, they dont. They do it because theyre constricted by the parameters set by congress and the cms administrator in order to save what they will call tax payer money. Not to enrich shareholders and CEOs. I dont know where you get the idea that these systems are comparable.
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)go to other patients. And the providers involve darn sure cheat for profit.
(5,170 posts)As in ANY field, there are people who are thieves. I don't know what your beef with Medicare and Medicaid is, but it's misplaced compared with the disgusting grift and greed of for profit health insurance companies.
(3,177 posts)Medigap is fine because though it's private companies, what they have to pay for is set by the government.
It's the unregulated Medicare Advantage crap that sucks and denies care.
I've been on Medicare with a Medigap plan and have been denied or delayed nothing.
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)MA at some point for premium savings and dental, etc., that Medicare does not cover.
Plus, Im not for taking away what over half Medicare beneficiaries voluntarily choose as best for them.
(3,275 posts)Any due process?
Or just cops rounding up businessmen because a critical mass of people just decide that they are murderers/fascists?
You know, some deranged right winger could post online the exact same sentiment about the murder of an abortion doctor with just as much conviction as you have for your position.
In both cases, it makes me appreciate the constitution that much more.
(11,667 posts)Then provide incentives for the self employed and co-ops.
(162,212 posts)fucking disgusting
Hellbound Hellhound
(298 posts)It's just impossible to tell, but if a decent person saw them on the street, no they didn't.
(3,598 posts)...except, gosh darn it, my vision plan doesn't cover that.
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)will deny claims for refraction and glasses/contacts.
Amanita Pantherina
(57 posts)neverforget
(9,489 posts)of no power are denied care.
(6,727 posts)The health care industry buys
influence, they own this country.
The rest of us just live here.
(9,305 posts)that conspire to defraud American citizens and to provide the most expensive and poorest healthcare in modern western nations.
The insurance executives get stock and stock options as well as inflated salaries. They are rewarded by denying needed and available health care. The conspiracies to defraud have been normalized and allowed by politicians essentially on the take.
This opinion (mine) does not imply that murder is a solution nor option.
(13,922 posts)Keep in mind who runs the Supreme Court.
(9,305 posts)The Democratic Party is not capable as a combined political force to get sane public health system on par with other western democracies.
Some need to keep the vision alive, the USA and World are not on a favorable trajectory for most humans and life on Earth.
Nothing I expect to see in a now dwindling lifetime.
Edit to add: Specifically, not calling the Democratic Party the "bad guys", the GOP and current USSC are the "bad guys".
After all, I have been a Democratic party member and voter for over 50 years and zero motive to change, just weary.
(162,212 posts)but over HALF of seniors are on those scams
Silent Type
(8,497 posts)Bettie
(17,818 posts)is celebrated in our society. That's 45 million dead peasants that they don't have to cover anymore....
(11,098 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,961 posts)Nobody should be able to buy a "get out of jail free card", with a civil judgement.
If it means throwing the c-suites and board members in prison, then each person gets a trial for the same criminal counts, if they knew a crime was committed, and did nothing.
(748 posts)DENVERPOPS
(11,077 posts)Trump and his CABAL during the Covid crisis................
(133 posts)I'm only surprised that it hasn't happened before now.
(3,053 posts)BWdem4life
(2,504 posts)Usually murders of the poor by the rich