General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsFirst thing that comes to mind - What does "World's Greatest Healthcare" mean to you?
Word association basically - Picture something in your head that is genuinely "world's greatest healthcare" and not sarcastic, but a healthcare system that is truly better than every other healthcare system, the best one that it could ever be, and the first thing you you picture in your head is...
12 votes, 3 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Choices (The best healthcare system would be one giving you the largest amount of choices in which medical professional to see, which hospitals you can go to, etc.) | |
1 (8%) |
Equality (Doesn't matter if you have a skin rash or cancer, the best healthcare system would be the one most ignoring your ability to pay or your skin color and focusing on treating what's wrong) | |
4 (33%) |
Humanity (The best healthcare system is the one in the greatest crusade against conditions and diseases, the best healthcare system would be the one seeing the eradication of smallpox and asking "How do we top that?") | |
0 (0%) |
Improvement (The best healthcare system would be one that would be most dedicated to allowing people to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function AKA transhumanism) | |
0 (0%) |
Justice (The best healthcare system goes the most beyond treatment of the individual but also acts as an aggressive guardian for the society their patients live in against inequality, oppression, injustice, and corruption; which would also mean policing themselves against corruption that could taint them and takes a stand against laws/practices which could harm their patients) | |
2 (17%) |
Life (The best healthcare system that puts quantity of life, quality of life, and dignity of life of their patients before anything else) | |
2 (17%) |
Money (The best healthcare system is the one that is the best for obtaining/securing upward mobility for the people who work in it) | |
0 (0%) |
Power (The best healthcare system is the one that is the most trusted to define what is right, what is wrong, what is healthy, sick, etc.) | |
0 (0%) |
Sci-fi (The best healthcare system would be one that provides the most goods and services that are essentially indistinguishable from magic) | |
0 (0%) |
Other/what (Write in and instead of repeating what someone else says, rec it instead, count it as a vote) | |
3 (25%) |
3 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(4,864 posts)Have the top ranked healthcare systems for outcomes and affordability
(1,872 posts)2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)Your poll is too complicated--- because every option looks so good, I want to vote for all of them-- at least those which I read and thought about---
In the end I favor "single payer" or "socialist healthcare"
(24,515 posts)A private healthcare/insurance policy or company would be a different but related question.
(15,811 posts)dgauss
(1,258 posts)Really a ranking of priorities, which is maybe what you intended.
Many good guiding principles that should be incorporated into a good healthcare system.
The question I would ask, and sorry to sidetrack the poll, is would those principles, in any order, be more likely to be realized in a for profit system system or a government run system funded by taxes. That would be an easy poll on DU.
Wish it could be put clearly to the general public.
(20,097 posts)I definitely supported The Public Option, and better yet- Single Payer.
It's what my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter get in the European country they live in. Same with education. My daughter will get her PhD(s) for free, because the country values happy, healthy, educated people.
It should also be this country's goal: affordable health care. I don't think politicians that get campign donations from the health care industry will allow it to happen though.
(16,154 posts)All patients get a regular full scan, detecting tiny problems before they become major ones, tricorder or not. Whatever is the most thorough technology, not the cheapest.
This way, the front line practitioners are also the smartest, not just doing educated guesswork out of cheat sheets, or otherwise misdiagnosing serious illnesses as colds or ingrown toenails.
This is an enormous preventive step. Problems are caught and cured immediately and not when they are life-threatening and expensive.
Medical care and pharmaceuticals are free and universally available, subsidized by expensive cosmetic surgery and life-extension hacks on the rich (BTW, the life extension stuff doesn't work, but, for the large sums, freeze the rich. WTF)
Health care software to be entirely open source, not opaque and understood only by a few individuals.
Being open source, it:
Is open to scrutiny by thousands of security experts, who catch bugs before bad guys or a bunch of in-house and overworked software engineers can.
is interoperable with other health care systems
avoids lock-in, since underlying database designs are open to migration and not a big lock-in tactic, and may even be a common design.
Pharmaceutical and other medicines are developed in a not for profit manner, and results shared, disincentivizing ripoff pricing to recoup R&D that many others are doing in parallel, trying to beat each other to the shelves. It also disincentivizes lies.
Medical education is free or even paid for, to incentivize the public benefit rather than trying to recoup the expenses by overcharging or fraud
(have you heard of any such incidents. lately? I sure have)
Use of AI is strictly isolated to proven uses, and every single result is scrutinized for accuracy by a highly competent human.
Accuracy is incentivized over "efficiency"
Quacks like Dr. Oz, Joe Mercola and Doctor Demento RFK Jr. are sent on a deep-space mission. With provisions for two weeks.
Well, I am sure there are more, but this is a good starting point.
If nothing else, the first item.
The front-line person needs to be the smartest (aided by good technology) not the cheapest.
P.S. I wrote a strategic plan for a hospital that was made into a very fine paper plane.
(7,746 posts)Dont drink alcohol
Wear a seat belt
Dont smoke
Dont do drugs
Spend times with loved ones
Get plenty of rest
Limit device time
Read and listen to music