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I guess they will start with people who are registered in swing states as a Democrat.
Well they probably start with the LGTB community, then Blacks, and non Christians.

(98,038 posts)getagrip_already
(17,634 posts)I think they have those.
(98,038 posts)moniss
(6,713 posts)adverse rulings in cases.
(98,038 posts)To repeal a amendment requires at least 2/3 of both Houses of Congress to agree on the change, which must then be ratified (approved) by no less than 3/4 of all the states.
There are plenty of things to worry about, but that isnt one of them.
(6,713 posts)you think I wrote it might be more clear to you.
(98,038 posts)is not something that will happen.
(6,713 posts)Nobody is talking about a direct nullification. As cases are brought the decisions can, do and have in the past placed further and further restrictive interpretations on various amendments until the case law around the amendment basically nullifies the amendment. Liberal Supreme Courts typically are expansive in their ruling s towards the amendments and conservative courts restrict. For instance the tremendous expansion of the 2nd Amendment interpretation by successive conservative SC justices over the last many years versus their treatment of the 14th Amendment. The last decade with the Rehnquist Court and now the Roberts Court have been very hostile to the 14th for example and have rolled back use of it to base a "right to privacy" etc. The Warren Court was expansive of the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th for example.
(98,038 posts)Trueblue1968
(18,398 posts)moniss
(6,713 posts)getagrip_already
(17,634 posts)Then how was trump allowed to run for potus after having lead an insurrection when the constitution clearly forbids it?
Answer: scotus interpreted it to mean he could, nullifying that section of the amendment.
Another example? How does a single nutcase possessing an arsenal of modern weopons of mass destruction qualify as a well regulated militia as written by someone who lived almost 200 years ago? Same answer, scotus interprets it and changes its meaning.
The constitution only means what 5 appointed people say it means on any question brought before it. And they can either grant it new powers, or take away those it has.
Crunchy Frog
(27,446 posts)Beachnutt
(8,511 posts)and they also hate poor folks.
(1,240 posts)when the repug SCOTUS majority said it was ok to count repug votes while at the same time NOT counting dem votes in Florida. Equal protection was clearly only for repug votes.
(2,491 posts)I must admit, I'm more than a little nervous.
(162,429 posts)yes indeed
(104,076 posts)They are the "enemy from within". Our country is being held hostage by a sadistic think tank run by maniacal billionaires and a vindictive propaganda outlet that calls itself a "news" channel.
(409 posts)Last night. Id never heard of it. It was exactly what youd expect hosted by Sean Hannity. They cracked jokes about being compared to Nazis.
(104,076 posts)Thats some serious third world dictator shit there.