General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTime to explain why I've been so insufferably pissed off since Nov. 6th
I could name all the normal reasons that have been expounded upon ad nauseum here and elsewhere, but if I'm being perfectly fucking honest with myself the real reason is personal and selfish.
I was on the cusp of retirement: saved at the expense of living a full life filled with pleasure travel, education that I wanted to pursue and opportunities to capture back time for myself; I was six months out from collecting full Social Security, which is now at risk; and I was looking forward to pursuing other interests for the final third of my life.
Now, I'm going to have to recalibrate my retirement because 77 million fuckheads stole my plans from me by choosing that motherfucking thief and rapist.
How pissed off am I? The other day I was taking a break at a local cafe and a fucking MAGAt clown showed up adorned in a t-shirt that showed an image of Motherfucker in front of the White House with the words, "Daddy's Home." He positioned himself in front of the trash bin holding his fucking caffeine drinks making sure everyone could see that fucking shirt. I had just finished my sandwich and went to the bin to deposit the trash and stack the tray while this asshole blocked the way. I said, in my gravel voice that rarely comes out, "Excuse me, sir," as I looked directly in his eyes. He immediately lowered his eyes and meekly said, "Sorry," and stepped aside.
He was around 6'2" and probably 260, not obese, but chunky; I'm 5'8" and 180, but built because I'm a competitive powerlifter.
At that point, at least in my mind, he knew that he painted a target on himself, and I was not to be fucked with. All because he robbed me of my hard work and planning.
I hope I can eventually forgive, but right now that's not in me.

(27,431 posts)but it seems incredibly unlikely that SS will be reduced, let alone done away with, for someone your age.
But having to deal with a-holes like that guy is incredibly frustrating.
(358 posts)Even if your SS is not touched, the increase in prices because of tariffs will devalue your income.
(27,431 posts)has always and only meant increasing the "full retirement age", the age at which you can collect what is considered your full retirement amount. The earliest age to collect, 62, has never changed. Nor has the age at which you get your maximum amount, 70.
Another thing a lot of people here do not understand is that, while the government keeps track of your earnings and what you've paid into SS, that money does NOT going into a separate account with your name on it. It's used to pay SS to current recipients. It's always been that way.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Im assuming youre almost 67? (Unless you mean max SS benefits, which puts you at what, 70?)
Retire now, and go enjoy life. If they try and cut benefits to existing retirees, youll be free to join the protests, along with millions of other seniors. In the unlikely event they succeed in cutting benefits to current retirees, youd be free to return to the workforce. If not, then youre protected against legislation affecting future retirees.
Also, I just read that proposed SS staffing cuts in the next administration will delay folks accessing benefits, so that would be another good reason the retire now.
If you called SS today, and went on their website to initiate the process of drawing your benefits, you could probably get your first benefit payment by February. That would give you enough time to give proper notice at your job as well.
Self-care will be critical to enduring and surviving the next four years, and, speaking as a retiree, exiting the workforce can be an effective measure of self-care.
(2,628 posts)But we are terrified until we actually are instated and have the checks coming in. Anything after Jan. 20 seems risky. I know they say it would be a process to change SS, but this isn't business as usual. My husband tells me I'm overreacting. But I consider all this talk about cutting SS like yelling fire in a crowded theater.
Even once we are collecting, how does Elon get his 2 trillion in cuts THIS YEAR unless he cuts current recipients?
It's unimaginable that they'll start putting seniors out on the streets, but everything they are already doing is unimaginable.
These guys are immune to understaning working people and have no empathy. What's to stop them? It's like hoping the bank robber will grow a conscience and in the middle of a heist leave the money in the bank.
The enormity of this potential theft on the American people is unfathomable. Will the response be enough to stop them? Will the Magas affected wake up, or figure out who to blame?
(12,388 posts)I would not like it, but I could still live with a reduction in SS. I do not want to see Medicare privatized and all senior healthcare turned over to insurance company executives using AI to deny as many claims as possible or to force you into ineffective treatments because they cost less. If Trump tries to turn all of Medicare into Advantage plans, we should have a Seniors March on Washington in protest. No insurance company should be llowed to come between you and your medical treatment.
(2,628 posts)Medicare Advantage is Medicare. Low information people, like the ones who voted for Trump.
i want no part of Medicare Advantage, I want my medicare, which will likely disappear just when I need it.
I continue to be beffudled what's in it for rich people to destroy this. I know the insurance companies have a lobby, are their friends, but they have no other rich donors? No other friends? Wouldn't they rather not screw over millions of people they then have to supress or fight?
(162,429 posts)they don't give a DAMN about WE THE PEOPLE
(12,388 posts)Corporations can secure all kinds of loopholes from Congress to help them pay low or no taxes on income. However, there are no loopholes to avoid paying Social Security and Medicare taxes for each employee. They see retired workers as no use to them anymore so they want to discontinue anything that benefits them. Its all about the greed of the rich for more money than any of them could ever possibly spend while they force those not so fortunate into poverty.
(2,628 posts)since i'm self-employed. Since I pay 100%, the money I put in has always been a big hit. But thank God for it now that Im about to retire. Unless they take it away. But I can see now why rich people see it as a major expense.
(5,384 posts)It's exactly the thing the ultra capitalists expect from their 'employees' in public office. Gotta get the reins of ALL means to keep exploiting the citizens.
(57,596 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,534 posts)If you get a reputation for forgiveness, some will interpret that to mean it's safe to screw you over. Better to inspire thoughts of FAFO, especially if you can deliver.
But of course FAFO should be only for those who earn it.
(2,628 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,534 posts)So popular lately, it's in about half of DU posts.
(36,026 posts)Any SS cuts are likely going to impact younger generations. Not us 60+ Boomers. They know that cutting benefits for old people is touching a third rail.
Aviation Pro
(14,061 posts)Propped up by big Pharma to get people on as many of their overpriced pills and ointments as possible.
And these motherfuckers will cut benefits.
(36,026 posts)But you're already PO'd, so I won't argue the point more. I have to go put on an ointment. Maybe an unguent, too!
(4,388 posts)It will likely be my kids who will have to work into their 70's.
And isn't it a bit ironic, that the same people who are telling us that we have to tighten 'our' belts in order to save Social Security, are the same people who are telling us that we have to deport Latin American immigrants, who right now are responsible for keeping the SS system afloat?
(2,628 posts)We keep acting like this is politics as usual. Trump has said people won't have to vote anymore. What happens if they are more scared of Trump than voters? No one believed the Nazi's would follow thorugh on their threats.
I want you to talk me out of this. Really.
(36,026 posts)All they will do is lie. They cannot govern. They will not slash the budget as they imagine. They are liars and con men.
I'm not acting as if its politics as usual. I'm acting as if we're at the start of 4 years of endless bullshit that we can't stop.
(2,628 posts)And I hope it stops there, as you say.
(1,821 posts)And the thought process that went into buying it and proudly wearing it. I guess the guy thinks it's funny and it will "own libs". What a pathetic cuck.
(2,628 posts)She has told him to watch Fox in his separate room. One day he came out with a photo of Kamala dressed up like a clown. He said "She finally got what she wanted!" He was laughing.
My friend lost it. He didn't understand her anger.
They are both heavily dependent on SS to make a living. He thinks it's all entertainment, a joke. He has no idea the repercussions. This is the mindset of the people who gave us Trump. They found enough people who could be duped, and here we are.
(31,745 posts)after TSF "won" the first time. It was pink. It said, "We sure trumped that bitch."
We need to come up with some good slogans after we put these scummy bastards in the dumpster of history.
(10,411 posts)Raine1967
(11,627 posts)It's about as Blue as you can get.
We went to a fairly upscale Bar &Grill the other night. Unbeknownst to me A Magat sat next to us at the bar. The dude was surprised that so many POC were there, for starters and then he said something to the effect, 'Wait are you Democrats? Wow. ' I had to bite my tongue. I knew exactly what he was doing. The F8cker was testing our reaction.
Asked him if he lived in our county, and he said 'I'm from California and here for work'. Then he started going off about covid and saying was a hoax. Dude said something along the lines of 'I know what you are thinking' to which I replied 'you know nothing about me and don't presume to know what I am thinking'. (BTW, I don't have a poker face, so you can assume the look on my face was not pleasant)
My husband got us out of there before I escalated it further. It would not have ended well. And I am not quite ready to have a police record.
So I'm feeling you. We were planning the same and now it might be that my husband can't retire. He'll be 64 next year.
(24,961 posts)from these idiots who seem to think they got an unlimited right to infringe on our private conversations, etc.
Ha ha ha...of course I wasn't there, but I would have just simply got up, and downed down a few seats, ignoring the POS. That way, it's in his face clearly that what he said wasn't acceptable, and if anything, I would have complained to the mgmt that he was stirring up crap by his ignorant comment 'wait, are you democrats? Wow'. What an ignorant comment.
(2,628 posts)due not only to actual cuts, but the threat of cuts.
This will affect unemployment. Young people wont be able to fill vacancies. Als, a lot of seniors wont be able to compete in the job market. When Seniors stop buying stuff, that alone could create a depression.
Even the Billionaires don't know what's in their own economic interest. We think in this country you have to be smart to be rich, but to be uber rich, you just have to be mean.
(7,400 posts)Beyond a point, one has to be a soulless, inhuman animal with zero compassion for anyone or anything to amass that kind of wealth. That old attitude comes from a long time ago when people got wealthy because they offered a good or service that was solid and popular.
You know, instead of existing to find new ways to screw people out of their money in the most cost effective way possible.
(2,628 posts)were pretty mean. 6 days work weeks, 12 hour work days, poor safety. Under Carnegie, a lot of deaths for steelworkers on the job. Violence to strikers. There have always been mean rich people.
The robber barons bought McKinley's presidency, duped the voters, and then were foiled by an assasination that gave us Teddy Roosevelt. But even McKinely didn't want to be a dictator.
Response to Raine1967 (Reply #11)
MadameButterfly This message was self-deleted by its author.
Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)is no common ground, and that "own the libs" shit is what's driving it.
(7,004 posts)No longer.
(47,755 posts)I don't want any misunderstanding on that. I don't think they're out to take your social security, though. Nor mine. I think they plan to screw everyone coming up behind us. I think and hope you find your dreams aren't as compromised as you think they are right now.
I must admit to being scared for the money I managed to put away from the sale of my house. He could destroy the world economy, and that money could be endangered. It has lost money but not all by any means, and the value has come back. There are probably ways to protect it to some extent.
My message is, you have every right to hate the fuckheads without enough sense to see the ends of their noses, but I sincerely hope their stupidity hasn't totally compromised your dreams.
(104,076 posts)In public. She said they looked as cheap as they sounded. If I was there, I would have busted out laughing. Though my last trip to Costco, I saw two people wearing Fuckface shirts. It's pretty nauseating. You can't reason with these people.
(20,232 posts)I figure it helps them remember how stupid they are. It sure helps me remember how stupid they are.
I am worried about my financial footing getting cut off at the knees. If the idiots can take away bodily autonomy of half the people in America, they can take retirement benefits away from the 20% of people over 65. I hope most of the 20% over 65 are rwnj and pay dearly.
This is another element of fear to intimidate a large segment of Americans. I am trying not to change things I do, because I see staying on track is a type of resistance.
(2,628 posts)Marthe48
(20,232 posts)There are about 17%. I didn't include anything but age, used 65 years old because it was the original age of retirement.
(2,628 posts)MAGAts.
(20,232 posts)If the rwnj can find a way to deny our access to our communal retirement savings. they will. If they do, we are all going to be in a world of hurt. Even if the rwnj leave it alone, they will still use the threat to make us fearful and uneasy.
(23,663 posts)I'm in a precarious situation and planned on taking early retirement upon turning 62 next summer. Permanent chemo side effects have forced early retirement but I also don't qualify for SSD (mainly because it isn't a documented side effect), and now there's no way I'll ever get disability, nor can I wait that long. Just found out NC expanded Medicaid in the spring of 2024 (yay!), which I just got approved for, but I'm sure they'll cut funding that makes that possible, so boo.
They've fucked with me personally, as they have so many of us, so we have a right to be personally enraged and concerned about our collective wellbeing too. Granted, nothing has happened yet but we know some sort of fuckery is coming.
(65,746 posts)I'm also planning to retire within a year or so, so I asked one of my financial advisers his thoughts. I figure all those guys are Republicans, and exit polls show that most Republicans voted for Trump, so I thought it was a fair question to ask his thoughts, given Trump's promises about tariffs and SS and so forth.
I got some hemming and hawing, but wading through the "both sides are extreme" comments, etc., I learned that the financial dudes seem to think that things will stay mostly the same. They think Trump yaps a lot but won't crash the market, defund SS, or enact crippling tariffs.
I'm inclined to agree, mostly because there's nothing I can do about it anyway. If you're within six months of retirement, I would be astonished if anything changes before then.
For one thing, changes to SS require a majority vote in the House, and they just barely have a majority, if everyone shows up for work. I can't believe 100% of the Republicans in the House will vote to defund SS (or abolish Obamacare).
Live your life.
(2,628 posts)already who will vote against Trump?
I want you to be right.
(65,746 posts)My sense is that Trump, being a narcissist, wants people to like and admire him. I don't think he wants the blowback from cutting social security. Instead, I think he'll focus on being mean to people who don't vote and can't fight back - like undocumented immigrants. He might eliminate whole departments from his cabinet and lay everybody off - and sell it to voters as "eliminating government waste."
Trump might encourage Congress to do stupid, short-sighted things that weaken the future of social security, but I just can't imagine the GOP or even Trump eliminating or even cutting SS for current recipients or soon-to-be recipients. Trump doesn't do wildly unpopular things. He punches down.
(2,628 posts)And will he be held to the same standards in this term as the last?
i agree it doesn't make sense for him to do it. But then it doesn't make sense for Musk and others to be talking about it.
(4,210 posts)thinkers at Fidelity Investments and they basically believe the same. I"m not changing my investment strategy for my 401(k) and I hope to retire in the next 2 years if not sooner. I'm not worried at all about a Trump presidency. They have a lousy track record when it comes to actually governing.
(65,746 posts)I'm worried about international relations, our healthcare system, giving companies and billionaires even more power and wealth, and the environment.
But I'm not going to change my retirement investments or plans out of blind panic based on Elon Musk's tweets. A lot of it is trolling.
(11,061 posts)do to the U.S. economy. Is it possible oil begins to be valued in crypto or a basket of foreign and U.S. currencies? With all the crypto billionaires having his (The SlobFathers) ear and he himself wanting to create a crypto exchange what happens to the value of the dollar? Crazy tinfoil hat thinking by me or knowing hes a BatShitCrazedLoon looking to maximize his plundering of the country while hes in charge I think NOTHING is out of the realm of possibility.
(2,628 posts)and it turns out there are some pretty crazy billionaires.
He isn't planning on being held responsible to voters ever again (whether or not that is true) so the Billionaires are who have his ear. I pray the guardrails hold, but nothing feels safe to me right now.
(1,631 posts)Stay as rational as possible and don't catastrophize. Social Security is not being taken away or reduced.
(1,881 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,628 posts)and maybe DU.
(1,631 posts)maybe called DBT (?) or dialectal behavior therapy, which is about getting the client to deal with actual facts and not distort based on misperception, worry for the future, and other stuff that distorts thinking. There are lots of people in politics and "journalism" who practically make a living out of distortion and deliberately manipulating people by scaring the shit out of them. It makes me really angry because so many people have anxiety issues, as it is (I have PTSD, so it's also personal) so I make an effort to stick to what's known vs catastrophizing and try to help others do the same. There's enough to be legitimately concerned about without wild speculation for the worst possible scenario. While there are always some members of congress who bring shit up like this, it will not happen because it would ALL of their careers to vote for such a things and TFG has repeatedly said he has no intention of touching SS or upping the age of retirement. At the very least, put it on hold as something to be upset about until you have solid evidence to the contrary.
(2,628 posts)Where was Elon Musk when Trump said those things? Supporting DeSantis. He swoops into the campaign at the last minute with his millions to rescue Trump and buy a seat at the table.
While SS is not being cut now, the threats are happening now. i hope everyone who says the cuts won't happen is right. I won't keep arguing that point because it's not healthy for me or anyone who reads this.
But is it unreasonable for someone who receives death threats to be stressed because it hasn't happened yet? The threats themselves are considered a crime. And so, IMO, is a threat to cut SS. It's peoples' livelihoods, and it's their money. If they want to reduce or end SS, the only thing to do with the money is give it back to the people who paid in. It isn't available for some other purpose. Whoever uses it for anything else is stealing. We need to call it for what it is.
Any talk to the contrary is going to throw milions of people into crisis.
(1,631 posts)There's always some congress person who makes these suggestions as though SS is welfare, which it is most certainly is not. My point is that congress, as a body, will not go along with dismantling it because they would be voted out of office and most want their jobs, benefits, perks and the pension. Just from the standpoint of self interest, they won't do it. Every election we go through this where we're told SS is going to be taken away, retirement age raised or it's going to be slashed. I agree it's criminal to deliberately send people into a panic. I'd say be aware but remember this goes on all of the time and it hasn't happened yet.
(2,628 posts)to keep enough Republicans beholden to the voters.
(1,631 posts)maybe they all took note that there are some lines that can't be crossed.
(1,025 posts)LittleGirl
(8,593 posts)I got my first SS check 2 weeks ago. Medicare started in Oct and Ive already had one denial. I also have 240 bill from my surgeon. Overcharging me 200 for a 5 minute office appointment and Medicare paid all but 40 bucks for my MRI. The MRI was 1200. I dont understand how this silly system works! Ugh
(477 posts)Hopefully you have a traditional Medicare Part B supplemental. Ive been on it for 7 years now and it actually works pretty good. There are those months old this is not a bill explanations but once you get used to reading them they make sense.
What Im most impressed by is how fucking much the docs, labs & hospitals initially charge and then how Medicare knocks them down to a reasonable number. Of course this very savings is why Big Pharma, the doctors corporations and the big hedge fund owned hospitals want to tank it. follow the money yo see who wants what and why.
(2,628 posts)Dave says
(5,055 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,628 posts)which is not Medicare
Nigrum Cattus
(432 posts)They can't just stop paying SSI, it's not part of the budget.
They can however speed up the reduction in payments by
first exempting it from federal tax - about 17% as of now.
Also, think of how many people would be on the streets, hungry.
(1,881 posts)calimary
(85,376 posts)They dont care about ANYBODY OR ANYTHING else except their own bottom line.
Pretty selfish and shitty, if you ask me.
(38,823 posts)was finding out that there are so many idiots. Obviously, you'd expect a few, but I always thought Americans were so clever.
Dave says
(5,055 posts)Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
(7,708 posts)Im not sure. But I have been thinking about getting early Social Security even though I am still working just so that I can get some of it if they end up canceling it or messing it up. I think theyre gonna be very hesitant to do that immediately because their own voters rely on that too.
(2,628 posts)to be grandfathered in. We shouldn't be having to make that choice.
I'm not sure they care about their own voters. They got what they wanted. Now they don't need them.
They aren't planning on a fair election after this. They have no shame. They can control the media and dupe enough people.
The normal protections for SS might not be there anymore.
But I hope I'm wrong
(7,708 posts)They still have to vote on changes like this etc.
(2,628 posts)on actually policy. Or is he just fantasizing and taunting us.
(7,708 posts)The agency is not a real agency so they can only make recommendations. It will be up to the other loons in charge to decide on whether to listen or not and I think it still has to be voted on which means d have to vote too.
(1,881 posts)to enrich themselves. I feel helpless but call senators who want to cut our social security and Medicare. What gives them the right to take this from us?? CALL THEIR OFFICES (I believe numbers may help). I am clearly ashamed to live here and yes I would leave if we could afford it
(5,460 posts)about his govt officials: if they could sell the air, they would.
(16,412 posts)At home, bear spray, though that's looking mighty portable lately.
Chinga Tu Maga
(64,195 posts)That shit drops everything instantly.
(16,412 posts)Then again there's the story of the guy who took out a hornet's nest in his garage with a torch.
Predictable result.
(64,195 posts)And outdoors.
(5,093 posts)As did my hubby. Were on every short end of the stick there is. I hear you. I wasn't ready to retire, loved my work. But needed to work remote at least 3 days a week. Easy since all my work was on WiFi to the cloud. But my dept didn't believe in that.... we were slackers unless we had butt's in office seats. So for my health I had to retire. Being female every job I had paid less than the guy doing the same thing next to me. So I've been penalized so much I want to scream bloody murder.
Brother, im right with you. I'm only 4'9" and 80 pounds, but im a virtual tiger when u get me mad!
Response to Aviation Pro (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(11,349 posts)Been retired and living on social security, my wife and I. Settled into our retirement home only wanting to live out our remaining years in a happy place.
Medical problems
with no insurance wiped savings
led to bankruptcy. We adapted, adjusted our lifestyle to live simply everything was looking up. Then
Ive got, maybe, 5-10 years left, Ill never see the end to this shit.
(24 posts)I feel your pain and anger. I am about to turn 65 next month and had planned to semi-retire on June 21st. Full social is 67 for me. Now, I am bewildered, to put it mildly, considering what may be coming. I suffered a TIA last April, so now, like many, I have a pre-existing condition, and I hear Elon carping about destroying the VA healthcare system, which saved us from major medical debt.
I've worked hard all of my life, 46 years worth, and these fuckers voted for a complete imbecile who's about to destroy this country through the very vermin MAGA so despises, the monied elite; they just don't know it yet. We will all be in the same trenches soon.
I hate to make this about me, but this is the reality, a life like yours, planning to enjoy the last part of life with no more worries. I have to constantly remind myself to breathe to keep my stress level down. I hope the Ds are working on stopping this crap.
(35,829 posts)Or a net they wouldnt cut.
Why? Because someone, somewhere, might be happy. (Courtesy of Hunter S. Thompson)
Its a pathetic shtick.
Example: My SOs earned SS benefit went down $130/month because the COLA didnt cover the Medicare premium. Benefits that had only been collected on for less than three years. If this trend continues for the next three years (theres no reason to expect it not to) It will actually cost money to collect earned SS benefits.
(3,399 posts)Are they talking about reducing monthly SS payments to current recipients? Or, would those currently drawing benefits be grandfathered in, and future benefits would be re-computed to lower payments based on new formulas?
Either would be bad. But, Republicans would be able to hold support among current SS recipients (mostly old, Trump voters) if they were grandfathered in. (The "we-got-ours-locked-in, who-cares-about-you-in-the-future" trick.)
(9,441 posts)They HAVE NOT changed anything to Social Security yet!
I just started receiving mine this year at my proper age (to collect in full) of 66 1/2 y.o. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Would you let me know what happened?
Aviation Pro
(14,061 posts)I'm not there yet. There's plenty of digital ink out there expressing how these fuckwits have put SS on the table.
(9,295 posts)And we're pissed. And scared. AND: Once they take away medicare, we're screwed.