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December 11, 2024 at 6:34 PM
I think we could all use a bit of inspiration right now.

(49 posts)We would not be where we are today if Democrats did not have a nearly 75 year history of being defeated by the long term and highly successful right wing plan. Read Democracy in Chains to understand how intentional and long running this right wing effort has been. That is not to say Dems have had no successes at all, but rather in the big picture over the long haul, we are where we are today because Democratic leaders have not successfully countered the well organized and well funded right wing effort.
I appreciate the attempt to rally the troops but I would prefer honesty.
(7,417 posts)defeated
(2,486 posts)Yes, and read Antidemocratic: Inside the Far Right's 50-Year Plot to Control American Elections
It all started with The Powell Memo -- which was a blueprint for a rightwing and business takeover of the US. Here's Bill Moyers on the Powell Memo:
(49 posts)I will read it
(5,069 posts)Hillary Clinton called it out 30+ years ago (a vast right wing conspiracy) and look what happened. Perhaps misogyny and racism is the entire crux of the issue, compounded now by dis/misinformation campaigns via social media and networks being owned by right wingers who amplify the lies. Republicans are well known for falling in line, while Democrats fall in love. MVP Harris ran an historic 107 day campaign flawlessly and she consistently called out what we would be facing if tfg returned to the White House.
And to call this gaslighting/dishonest is nonsense, she is trying to rally folks to not be despondent. YMMV
(49 posts)You have responded to something I did not say.
I did not/dont blame Harris for the last 75 years, or any one person for that matter. But I do see a chronic and utter failure of the Democratic Party leadership to to counter the vast right wing conspiracy.
I agree with you when you say Hillary was right. But you make my point for me when you say look what happened. The Dems had an opportunity at that time (if not earlier) to confront this head on. They didnt. They were embarrassed by her and shooshed her up for truth-telling.
My issue with current Democratic leadership, including but not limited to Harris, is their not dealing with us where we are, with our our entirely authentic and valid despondency. I do not need or want platitudes, no matter their benevolent intent.
Dont tell me we wont be defeated when we have in fact just been defeated and in the big picture have been losing for 75 years. That is not honest, even in service to efforts to cheer us up. Its like telling someone grieving a preventable death to cheer up. Not helpful. In fact it makes me feel worse, because they seem to be in some alternate reality which renders them unable to change this one.
Heres what would make me less depressed: tell us what you (Democratic leadership) are going to do differently going forward than you have been doing in the past, because what you have been doing has gotten us exactly here.
You dont think Democrats have had any wins in the last 75 years? That society hasnt moved forward? That we battle each and every election?
(5,069 posts)
(5,069 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 12, 2024, 12:52 PM - Edit history (1)
that isn't what my OP is about.
(19,563 posts)But I do think you read something into Harris' statement (about not having a pity party) that wasn't there.
If you feel this strongly about the direction of the party, perhaps you ought to make an op about it.
(28,310 posts)LatteLady
(49 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,417 posts)obamanut2012
(28,310 posts)I hope she runs.
(7,417 posts)Unwind Your Mind
(2,234 posts)After all, California has a history of leading the way
(19,563 posts)I don't live in California, but I'd vote for her if I did!
(65,733 posts)Unwind Your Mind
(2,234 posts)He cant run for governor again in 28
(65,733 posts)Hotler
(12,730 posts)and tell them to toe the party line and show some resistance.
(5,069 posts)MVP Harris gave her all for 107 days trying to warn folks about what was coming.
(36,594 posts)Bettie
(17,830 posts)but I can't believe it.
We're watching our elected officials, not all of them, but there are several already lining up to gleefully kiss magat ass.
(28,310 posts)usonian
(16,170 posts)The GOP represents a tiny minority, 10% or even 1%, with all the money and a permanent interest group.
Democrats represent all the people, and that permanent interest group varies.
Unlike claims by the "every accusation is a confession" party, no permanent group controls the party.
And the populace is affected by the great lie machine. That's why the oligarchs bought almost all of it.
So there's the problem and question. Democracies are fragile.
What are you and I going to do about it?
(5,069 posts)outward and upward. When MVP was campaigning, she would often say "we need to be intentional about building community". Start with family, friends, locally, statewide, etc.
Also, if you think about how the gop did it, they ran folks from dog catcher all the way up to POTUS, Dems need to do the same. Like Howard Dean's 50 state strategy, which I think Jamie Harrison tried to do. Additionally, we need to reach out to those who don't vote and/or apathetic about politics. Tell them how politics impacts their lives whether they participate or not, and wouldn't they rather participate than let others decide for them? Democracy will only be as strong as each individuals participation in it -- "we, the people" after all.
(16,170 posts)YES bottom up.
But who coordinates?
(5,069 posts)We all have to participate, each one of us has the potential to be a leader. I'll refer back to MVP's campaign when she calls folks "leaders". She does that to empower each individual to come into their own power and feel a sense of purpose. I really think a lot can be gleaned from her words.
I think a lot of us currently are frightened (rightly so) of what's happening/about to happen, perhaps with time we will see new leaders emerge, but we all have the capacity to be one.
(16,170 posts)Inspirational leaders (and I list a bunch) above the primary fray aren't there AFAICT and there is no permanent "coordinator" like the opposition has had for a long time.
Response to PunkinPi (Original post)
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(787 posts)but I more concerned with our party. If anything we should have a pity party for our own Dems who seem to be nowhere to be found at the moment. Who is actually leading the party right now?!?
(4,677 posts)and went straight to kissing the ring. imho
Think. Again.
(21,395 posts)...but, we are facing a very serious crisis and what we need is some hard-core resistance and full-force agressive action to beat the enemy down.
(307,964 posts)our Dems.
And, Especially from VP Kamala Harris. I remember her speech the next day after she lost... It was uplifting while many of us were Numb.
Mahalo Punkin'Pi
(5,069 posts)Yea, it was super tough to listen to her concession speech (I didn't listen to Hillary's until months after) and many of us were numb, I know I was. But I'm grateful she is still her inspirational self.
Hope you are doing well, despite the obvious.
(307,964 posts)good way to put it. And you?
I don't think I ever did hear Hillary's Speech.. and here we are again in Nightmare Hellscape Redux .
In regard to the calling for "organization "... I believe it will come when the timing is right.
Even my daughter said she was "numb" this time and she doesn't do politics
(5,069 posts)but I'm doing the best I can and trying to remember folks have it worse off than I do.
I know, it's truly infuriating how this country took a pass on two phenomenal leaders.
I feel for your daughter, tell her she isn't alone.
(307,964 posts)and will be until the 20th. I try to roll with the punches but It has been Challenging.. but yeah, there's a Lot who are dealing with much worse.
I will tell my daughter... she's in Portland Oregon with her family One of those Maverick Blue States!💙
(16,170 posts)Inspiration
Carry on.
(340 posts)Like I posted recently on here, stop w/the weeping, wailing and caterwauling.
Dust yourself off and try again.
This time, do it differently.