General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRepublicans are stopping their town hall events.
They have not been going the way they planned.
They have become very confrontational and accusatory for the elected Republicans.
People scream at them. "Do your job!"
They are feeling the heat of their constituency. Their power is threatened by the people they purportedly represent.
And to think, the consequences of their cuts and illegal activities have not yet begun to be felt by most of their supporters.
Who will they blame?
The Constitution does not give any one person the right to create their own budget or make their own cuts without the debate and input of Congress. They are indulging in an illegal and unconstitutional act.
However, it could be a long time before the Courts rule upon it.

(17,026 posts)newdeal2
(1,892 posts)Acting as a rubber stamp for Elon and Trump in exchange for protection.
(8,775 posts)admonish them to do THEIR jobs!
(48,966 posts)OrangeJoe
(477 posts)Every elected Democrat, both federal and state, need to hold town halls and challenge the Rs to do the same.
(283 posts)This is what I said in another thread. This is a great opportunity for Dems to hold MANY town hall meetings! Go into red areas also.
(304 posts)Exactly this. I said down thread that Dems don't need to just hold town halls. Hold them in the home districts of Republicans, especially the ones who are refusing to hold town halls because of the negative reactions they're getting from constituents. I'll flesh that idea out a little more:
Identify the Rs that are skipping town halls. Have Dems that sit on the same committees hold town halls in the conservative districts. Specifically tell the crowds:
"Your representative won't attend a town hall here, because he knows you are pissed at what is going on. He is AFRAID of you! Yes, I am a Democrat. Yes, you elected a Republican. HE IS NOT HERE, BUT I AM! Remember that a Democrat WHO IS NOT RUNNING FOR OFFICE IN THIS DISTRICT came here! I am here to HEAR YOU! I will MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! I sit on the same committee as him and I will take video from this town hall and play your reaction here in that committee. HE WILL HEAR YOUR VOICE!"
Can you imagine the pressure that would put on the Rs? It would scare the bejesus out of them. Some of them would have to flip and start voting against this shit and if not, we would have some campaign gold for next year.
(477 posts)If you cant get a committee member, their time is very limited, do it yourself. Get a public space, set up an empty chair (or better yet place a rubber chicken in the chair with a name tag) and open up the floor. Make sure you have media cover it.
(559 posts)get some attention away from Republican congressman for a change
(8,253 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,200 posts)bluestarone
(18,982 posts)CHALLENGE these bastards to town hall debates, for the next two years!! It's their WEAK spot!!! Take advantage of this NOW!!
(304 posts)Democrats need to GO TO REPUBLICAN DISTRICTS and hold town hall meetings there. The optics of Republican politicians avoiding their own constituents and having Democrats step into districts THEY DON'T EVEN REPRESENT so that the will of the people can be heard will be brutal for Republicans. Imagine the campaign ads showing the people in conservative districts shouting at the Republican that "represents" that district, then cutting to a Democrat who shows up to hear the people of that district as the Republican hides from them.
(18,982 posts)
(13,839 posts)rubbersole
(9,426 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 26, 2025, 03:36 PM - Edit history (1)
(2,084 posts)NOT!!!
(49,899 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 26, 2025, 03:11 PM - Edit history (1)
thought would happen at town hall meetings. Did they think their constituents would congratulate them on a job well done? "Keep it up, you're doing great."
It is bad enough that they are sniveling cowards, but apparently they're totally out of touch with the people who elected them. They should be more afraid of those irate voters than that clown in the White House.
(2,084 posts)I dunno maybe not, if theyre being physically threatened by party mob bosses and their sycophants. Which, judging by the behavior of obedient Congresscritters over the past several years, is a distinct possibility.
(49,899 posts)but that maybe they should be. Right now, it would seem that no matter what they do or don't do, they will put themselves in some kind of jeopardy.
allegorical oracle
(4,205 posts)But they can't hide forever. It's still early and if Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA programs begin failing, we won't have to do much -- because the Repug members will be helpless to fix things -- djt is calling all the shots, not them.
The midterm election is on their minds. The most important thing Dems can do is to make sure every single Republican candidate has at least one Dem opponent. Election after election, I see Repugs slither back into office because they ran unopposed. We can't win if we don't provide candidates and FUND them.
(2,084 posts)Loubee
(171 posts)should contact his offices to ask when they can meet with him about his vote.
(11,667 posts)Country belonged to American citizens??? Silly fools. It belongs to Putin now and the next step is Russians moving in.
So stand aside, your Russian dictator is going to give your property to his Russian pals. It's the next most logical step.
(2,005 posts)Come on this date, ALL are welcome.
(1,238 posts)that tRump/Musk have 5 votes on the SCOTUS to rubberstamp their coup just like the Rehnquist 5 did in 2000 to take we the people's right to vote away.
(5,018 posts)GoreWon2000
(1,238 posts)mgardener
(1,965 posts)Despite a high-school and college, she chose to have it in the local NPR studio.
I kid you not, you had to win a lottery to get inside to ask a question.
There were more people outside protesting her recent vote to rescind the ACA act( without any replacemebt).
She was a coward then and continues to be one to this day.
She , did however, have a goodbye tour.
et tu
(1,985 posts)they don't need the base
remember krasnov said 'vote for
me and you won't have to vote again'
he meant it and his party is soooo supportive
complicit all
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,471 posts)Instead, his mindless Pavlovian minions laughed and cheered.
et tu
(1,985 posts)and now almost hopeless
(8,598 posts)Bev54
(12,067 posts)BobTheSubgenius
(11,881 posts)... this maladminitration gives a rat's ass about either judicial rulings (except in the rare cases where those rulings go their way) or public sentiment. It's possible that the concept of term limits has sunk into that ooze of a reptilian brain (not something I'm willing to concede without a lot of evidence) and he doesn't care about reelection. Frankly, and sadly, I think our best hopes are incredibly poor diet, obesity, sloth and old age.
Never have I been so pro-indolence and self-indulgence. OTOH, it's rare when the next stop on the line of succession is so unutterably awful.
(1,131 posts)The time for the people to speak up was before November 5th, 2024. Reap what you sow.
(15,718 posts)constituents yelling at them hurt their feelings
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,471 posts)Sneederbunk
(15,811 posts)GoodRaisin
(9,945 posts)theres no point to have town halls. Especially if they plan to cut peoples medicaid and health care. Just go do their dirty deeds and get ready to find another job 2 years from now.
(8,080 posts)Packed local town halls who disrupted Congressmen from meeting constituents. Many of them from outside the Congressional district.
So how does it feel, now that you got what you asked for?
(5,338 posts)Is this happening?
(47,819 posts)Especially when they find out there is no efficiency and no savings and many voters won't even get much of a tax cut.
(15,175 posts)One to each DC office (2 senators, 1 representative), and their local office nearest us. Six calls.
Every day.
Plenty to talk to them about.
(3,086 posts)Dulcinea
(7,923 posts)Easy to use, free, & is available for androids & iPhones.
(215 posts)the ACA, they stopped town halls. So constituents made cardboard cutouts of their rep and held gatherings with it on the streets outside their local offices which generated local news coverage, too. Some organized folks to go to D C and crowd the hallways outside rep offices in the Capitol which also generated coverage. Hopefully that can happen again.
(24,350 posts)Hate their constituents and want them to suffer.
(558 posts)Those Town Halls they do are for show. If the shows don't go the way they like, the shows get canceled. Republicans love cancel culture so long as they're the only ones doing the cancelling.
(11,661 posts)It's time for Democrats to rev-up their own events and lean into the lies and chaos deliberately orchestrated by Republicans in their servile loyalty to President Musk and his counterpart, Donald Trump.
These arsonists need to be hammered 24/7. If James Carville is correct (not so sure of that) about the Republican Fascist Administration imploding in the near future, our own representatives and senators need to douse the whole damn mess in fire retardant, as in exposing the venal nature of this debacle.
Spread the Truth Bombs, be specific, use personal citizen narratives on how these reckless decisions are wrecking lives, hurting families, setting up health and well-being disasters for all Americans, MAGA included.
It will also spur activist groups and protest into high-gear.
Sorry, I do not see sitting back and watching the fire grow and spread and/or waiting for the timbers of democracy go up in smoke without a peep from the very people we elected to push back on the madness.
Obstruct, Delay, Agitate and Inform.
If they can't do that, everything else is a wash.
I'm looking at you, John Fetterman. I was an energetic, unapologetic supporter of your Senate run. Now? You're breaking my heart.
Uncle Joe
(60,859 posts)Thanks for the thread kentuck
(2,486 posts)My "Representative" is Rob Wittman (R, VA-01). He has been in office since 2007 (special election, predecessor died) and has done NOTHING -- as in NOTHING.
He held in-person town halls until late summer 2010 when he held one in Warsaw, VA, that dealt primarily with the Affordable Care Act. The place was overrun by lunatics from our two (since defunct) tea parties -- 99th District Tea Party and Montross Tea Party. They were such assholes that Wittman never held another in-person town hall.
He shows up in the district for quick photo ops at schools, cafes, businesses, but that's it.
He endorsed Trump, votes 100% with Trump; appeared alongside Trump twice during the campaign.
Ask anyone who votes for him, they tell you: "He's a nice man."
(6,812 posts)Nobody expects them to be... accountable.
(482 posts)Is thinking. They are witnessing the beginning of a tsunami of litigation that will soon swamp them and seriously test whether they are "originalists" or not.
Of course a couple of them might not even know what is happening. They might be fishing in Alaska or on a yacht somewhere exotic enjoying their "gratuities". Nod - nod, wink - wink.
(586 posts)Call them two or three times a week. Maybe more. Just keep telling them rhat we are mad as hell and wont take it anymore.
Scalded Nun
(1,358 posts)You can see the hatred in their eyes for their constituents during those town halls.
They have been assured that the fix is in, and they have only to do his bidding without question.
Either the vote count will be fixed so they win, or better yet, there will be no mid-term elections at all, with the military in place to quell any 'unhappiness' that will exist.
I am a 20+ year disabled vet and I hate to think that the military would support doing something like this, but I no longer feel assured that the current military is as constitutionally committed as in previous years.
And why obey the courts? Where would the legal consequences come from? DOJ?
The pieces are pretty much in place now. I do not think that even the corrupt/complicit SCOTUS majority will even pretend to care about what is going on.
Believe it or not, I still have hope for this country to pull through this Hell we find ourselves in and emerge victorious.
(21,072 posts)and asked them to do something to help them. What do you expect?
(63,519 posts)
(16,315 posts)They have homes. They have businesses. They golf. They go out to dinner.
Don't let them hide!
(37,506 posts)Tea Party crashing them. That only made things worse.
(162,216 posts)healthcare for all?
now people are protesting FASCISM
(11,000 posts)themaguffin
(4,389 posts)Blubird
(8 posts)John Moolenar (R) Michigan Representative only holds telephone town halls. He gets a pre screened question, answers with a lie and no one can rebut anything he says. Its been going on for years.
(2,417 posts)Karasu
(630 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 26, 2025, 06:27 PM - Edit history (1)
(162,216 posts)NOPE
(31,643 posts)to force it down our throats.
You're right, the Republicans don't give a hoot in Hades what the American voters want.
(137 posts)Set up meetings in every district, introduce primary candidates and discuss current House and Senate issues. Establish outreach for constituents, assist and advocate for citizens' rights. Be visible and accessible to the community. Sponsor events to show solidarity and raise awareness. Provide Community Service and be a force for Good. Hearts and Minds, People... one at a time. Democrats need to define themselves. Republicans Lie and Cheat. What's so hard about looking better than that?
(6,807 posts)Republicans who hold them must think the crowd will come and listen to their words, spreading the Trump-Musk delusion, and smile and cheer and declare them Good Guys.
Except the veneer and glow of Republicans now running the country has worn thin, and people notice the negative effects on them.
Must be a shock, really.
(2,491 posts)I swear that party needs to go extinct.
(3,086 posts)bee_peaceful
(58 posts)Godot51
(379 posts)Our masters are raising the castle gates.
(357 posts)and dialog with the town hall attendees.
(162,216 posts)OH WAIT, I DID
(32,769 posts)OLDMDDEM
(2,321 posts)only for the money. They are all grifters.