a judge demands proof shitgibbons anti trans military EO isnt arbitrary and capricious
the judge gave the DOJ until saturday at 8am to answer 8 questions
1. The total amount of Department of Defense (DoD) spending per year from 2015 to 2024, and the total overall for that time period.
2. The total amount of DoD spending per year from 2015 to 2024 on psychotherapy for all service members, and the total overall for that time period.
3. The total amount of DoD spending per year from 2015 to 2024 on surgical care for all service members, and the total overall for that time period.
4. The total amount of DoD spending per year from 2015 to 2024 on elective surgical care for all service members, and the total overall for that time period.
5. If publicly available links exist, links to the line-item budget for DoD spending for each year between 2015 and 2024.
6. Identification of any "mental health constraint," other than gender dysphoria, that DoD has previously found to be inconsistent with "honesty, humility, and integrity."
7. For each Plaintiff, whether implementation of the Action Memo would require him or her to be separated from the Armed Forces.
8. The most recent estimate made by the DoD of the number of transgender individuals currently serving in the Armed Forces.