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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRubio looked like a bug that hit a windshield yesterday Conway:
someone just texted me this and its the best description yet

(21,157 posts)The offer of a lifetime..which will be short lived because if the job doesnt overwhelm him, TSF will.
Silent Type
(8,502 posts)UTUSN
(73,416 posts)applegrove
(124,772 posts)UTUSN
(73,416 posts)applegrove
(124,772 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 2, 2025, 02:33 AM - Edit history (4)
out according to MAGA practice. It was all an act anyway for Republicans. Rubio's adjusting awkwardly. Don't know the Cuban Batista crew well. Are they mob-like like Batista was? Rubio has glitches as he transitions into a fake cult member cause he wants SOS on his resume so he can run for President in 2028. But I could be wrong. Putin manipulation and power network is geopolitical and the crimes are human rights and war crimes oriented. Batista's power network was local and he dealt with US mobsters who were also local. Local crime that is.
(73,416 posts)Las Vegas type mobsters in Havana, wingnuts, sugar plantation richies, CIA seeds all under the blanket of anti-"socialism". RUBIO is next generation but it's his heritage. He might have some cultural sensibilities rubbed wrong by drump's bizarre behaviors but is willing to live with them for his own agenda. Like Poppy BUSH'S "kinder gentler" tactic after RAYGUN. Really incongruous for Exile anti-socialism/Communism to be helping PUTEEN.
(124,772 posts)Last edited Mon Mar 3, 2025, 07:34 PM - Edit history (5)
Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump are all dyslexics. So is Rubio. Dyslexics can be smart or dumb or good or evil like any other person. Dyslexics counterpunch, speak plainly, paint a big picture and can mess up manipulators (if they are not in thrall to them). They explore and find novel information. They are not good with the known details of human constructs. They see things around the constructs. They see things concretely. They are sharp at pattern recognition, think divergent thinking so they are good at debates (coming up with multiple reasons for things or ideas on a topic. Look at how stymied Kamala Harris was when asked on the View if there was anything she would have done differently than Joe Biden and she came up blank because she is not a divergent thinker and does not have 5 possible answers to any querry. She is good at known details as required of a prosecutor. Not unknowns).
Jeb Bush was not a dyslexic and he tanked in 2015/2016 nomination race. Many people expected him to do well. He is a smart political guy. George W. Bush nobody thought was brighter than Jeb at all, and he thrived in the 2000 nomination race and won. Then won 2 elections.
Fact is dyslexics are populist like George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt (FDR's eyes and ears since he couldn't travel easily), Woodrow Wilson, Churchill, most of the Kennedys especially JFK, Al Gore...... all dyslexics. Napoleon too. The Republicans figured it out and captured a dyslexic in the wilds of California by the name of Ronald Reagan and have been running dyslexics for President ever since.
Dyslexics are populists and see through the human constructs of others (often elites) because they think concretely and don't know the details of establishment policy or structures (human constructs) very bright non-dyslexics human beings have built up. They appeal to the regular people at their level fanning their gripes. They can pull down the human constructs of the elites (like Kennedy trying to move civil rights forward against racists in the South or Reagan getting people to not like government). They can use this dyslexic power of populism for good or bad depending on their characters or mental deficits. The worst dyslexic ever was Hitler. He was also a psychopath. Look at how he got his people to feel strong by hating jews who had been successful, and then all jews, other europeans, homosexuals and communists..
Trump is no different than Hitler in the 1930s with MAGA lying narrative as he slowly rolls out hate of one group or another that has/had a bit of power of late...... even if it was power for only a second or two like trans folk or women or african americans or immigrants from certain places.. Part of this is Putin's influence. He's instigated the the anti vax thing, the anti-immigrant thing, anti feminist thing and Trump and the far right authoritarians complied and got with groups in the US that were already there. Trump is now fused to Putin, a war criminal.
Rubio took on Trump in 2016 and lost, was disgusted with his own sexual innuendo joke at Trump's expence, lost out to Trump and quit politics. Republicans quickly brought him back. He is the Crown Prince afterall. Republicans were not expecting Trump to be the dyslexic they ran in 2016 but they went with him when he seemed to be very good at building a cult and won the nomination race..
When they get into power dyslexics get others to do the detailed work of taking apart or building up the system their base wants to change, while the dyslexic does the big picture. Foreign affairs and economics should be done by experts with great working memories, not dyslexics who rely on episodic memory and do not have good working memories.
Trump is a fool to be such a Putin stooge. So bankrupt is he to foreign affaires information, on traditions and practices that he is doing everything Putin asks him to. Trump 's big picture is a criminal on top. Putin and Trump have fused. Trump is no longer in control of his actions but insists the experts be shown the exits.....whatever Putin wants. Trump is fully owned. He is one of those rare dyslexics that doesn't see through big psychopaths that he spends any time with. Roy Cohn kept Trump happy when he was Trump's lawyer and they could sleaze together.. Seems psychopaths are an addiction for Trump. He needs to be possessed by one to be happy..
Churchill was hands on in the war which is a big picture lots of moving parts thing. Look at how heroic Churchill was in going after the NAZIs and weaponizing the english language. Or Teddy Roosevelt, as a Republican, introducing income taxes to make sure the rich payed their fair share of taxes. Amazing things or horrible things can happen. These two were amazing.
I'm thinking Rubio can see the bullshit in MAGA and how bad it is for the world and the country but made his bed because he wanted to burnish his resume for a future Presidential run by being SOS so he has to lay in it. Powerlust and fear of having no power it is. When the dyslexic populism is only a ruse to get power for the few, like Republicanism has been for the last 50 years, that is authoritarianism or illiberalism. When authoritarians take over only the powerful live decent lives. 1/4 of Russians don't have indoor toilet facilities in read somewhere in the last few days.
* also noted that dyslexics make great inventor/scientists like Einstein, Darwin, Edison, Davinci or Alexander Graham Bell.
(73,416 posts)to our State of the Union and how I wasn't impressed by his performances and candidate and his caving after being humiliated. And in my email battles with a radio wingnut, I was up against his trying to make CHURCHILL bigger than FDR, which I wouldn't swallow and then felt vindicated by learning that he had plenty of sordidity, racism, and responsibility for famine deaths in east Asia.
(124,772 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 2, 2025, 06:01 PM - Edit history (1)
the 1960s. You don't want to read James A. Mitchener's "Jamaica".
The man voted Canada's favorite person a few decades ago was Tommy Douglas. He was an Member of Parliament, and Leader of the New Democratic Party after being the Premier of Saskatchewan. He brought in universal healthcare and a host of other progressive laws in Parliament in the 1960s. So he is everyone's favorite. He also wrote a PhD on eugenics in the 1930s. He was for it. It was a popular topic for white men and women of the day. Nobody knows that about Tommy Douglas. They just know he gave the country what we cherish most.
Fact is the early 20th century was a pretty vicious place. After WWII, people wanted a different way of being and eugenics fell out of fashion for obvious reasons.
They also tore down mansions in my neck of the woods, those that were not turned into apartments. It was suddenly impossible to afford the staff to take care of them as you had to pay servants a decent wage finally. And it was not cool to be living the highlife.
Guess who got involved with McCarthy communist witch hunts? RFK was a lawyer working with McCarthy committee. Dyslexics make bad decisions when they are young and just learning how to fly. They can be flakey. They learn differently.
The Communist Party turned down Ronald Reagan when he tried to join because they thought he was a flake. He then joined the Democrats. Then the Republicans got ahold of him. He was still a flake as President and actually thought he was in control and his kitchen cabinet was his and not Movement Conservatives'. They only needed his instincts for the elections. And to brainwash Americans when they started to dismantle it.
Fact is dyslexics have a wide scope not burdened by the details of current structures. So they are horrible at manipulating/managing known things. But they are experts at exploring and finding new things. It is an anthropological specialty they have: to explore. They are bad at jobs that require a singular focus on known information and working with that alone. They are great at dynamic situations like seeing through the fog of war, politics, science, sports, engineering, journalism, any form of creativity and others. Churchill was terrible in WWI. He was terrible to the Indians he starved to death. He was not alone.
My family were very pro British. It sure was interesting when I got home from university with some African history under my belt. Not that my parents were racist. I was doing organizing for study tours for African National Congress politicians before the South African elections that saw Mandela win. My Dad's administration assistant's family were South African so we got her and her mom, and a South African woman on one of the tours I helped organize and had them over for dinner to celebrate the South African election (my dad just loved politics and wanted to share that love, he vaguely knew about apartheid). But I'm sure I have a British bias even though I was never an anglophile.
Canada was running residential schools for indigenous children and their were high death counts because of diseases that spread and we all know indigenous people are very vulnerable to old world diseases. The federal government had an employee who sounded the alarm in about 1920 and the Government did nothing. There is a plaque in the cemetery near me by that man's grave and soon there will be plaques for those thousands of children concentrated in boarding schools who died before there were vaccines. They were forcefully taken from their homes in remote areas with lots of space and forcefully concentrated to separate them from their cultures. The residential schools were not all shut down until the 1970s.
I'm not excusing Churchill. Or war crimes of times past. But you have to remember it was the 1948 before there was human rights laws.