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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJosh Marshall: There it is: Mike Johnson says Elon has already started running your Social Security through his AI.
(44,094 posts)highplainsdem
(54,381 posts)unblock
(54,678 posts)It takes, at best, weeks of extensive research and conversations with users of a system to understand what each data element represents, what exceptions there are, etc.
I do this for a living. It's easy to get a quick answer that covers 98% of the data you see, but fully understanding all the cases in that last 2% takes a long time.
They don't care, they just call it fraud and claim victory.
(19,498 posts)thank you for this. aloha.
(54,678 posts)More likely, he's finding enormous gaps in his understanding of what's going on and mislabeling it as fraud, waste, and abuse.

(307,933 posts)as he is.
But, of course, they're All the Axis of Deranged Evil.
(6,860 posts)I'm waiting on a reporter to ask Johnson or any republican, what expertise does Musk have to take on this task?
They are going on and on about DEI - anyone they don't like did not earn their position. What experience does Elon have to earn this position?
He is not a forensic accountant. He has no experience in how govt works. He has no idea what he is looking at, therefore, how can he determine what is a waste, fraud or abuse??
(86,920 posts)
(3,150 posts)and oops, for some unexplained reason, I didn't get my mail in ballot.
Also, this should come as no surprise, if you been following the wretched far right for the past, I don't know, 40 years, they have been pretty clear about wanted to do away with this "socialist" program.
(307,933 posts)Raftergirl
(1,609 posts)My kid works for a cybersecurity software company and he says AI is very dangerous, irt to security.
He has nothing to do with software development, its just a known fact in all of the cybersecurity sector.
(19,498 posts)I don't use it. I've never installed any of that and I understand it's necessary to learn it if I want to not get way behind, but my good friend who is getting his PhD send that he finally resorted to using AI to answer of query for a paper and found that most of what it wrote was not wrong, but it also threw in two studies that didn't actually exist. I guess that's what they call hallucinations
Everyone's busy and I don't mean to give you projects, but I am certainly interested to know more about what your son is saying about this. Thanks heaps anyway!
(1,609 posts)I wont use it.
(21,157 posts)Wiz Imp
(3,954 posts)It's nearly impossible for there to be massive amounts of fraud, waste & Abuse in Social security. The vast majority of expenditures are monthly payments to people who earned them through their contributions to SS while they were working. Before a person starts collecting SS, it is very thoroughly reviewed that the payments are accurate.
We already know the claims about dead people and people without valid SSNs are a lie. The system checks all that stuff and it isn't even complicated to do. I'm sure there is some small amount of fraud in SSDI but there is no way AI would ever capture that stuff.
They're making it all up (which most everybody at DU already knows). Notice they have identified no legitimate examples of fraud? When they they come up with an idea that they think might indicate fraud, it has taken about 2 seconds to explain why they have no idea what they are talking about.