Editor who wrote Klan editorial has penned countless racist, sexist, xenophobic pieces

The Linden newspaper The Democrat-Reporter has a track record of publishing racist and offensive editorials.
Warning: This story quotes offensive language.
The same editor who penned an editorial calling for the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and elaborated on those views by calling for lynchings of Democratic politicians has a long track record of penning racist, homophobic and sexists editorials in his small-town newspaper.
Democrat-Reporter, a community newspaper in West Alabama, published the editorial on Feb. 14 entitled Klan needs to ride again. In it, the papers editor, Goodloe Sutton, called for the Klan to raid the gated communities of Democrats and Democrats in the Republican Party who are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama.
I posted a copy of the story on Twitter yesterday. Fellow APR writer Mikayla Burns and I found the editorial in a print copy of last weeks issue of the paper. Burns works with me at
The Auburn Plainsman.
Suttons editorial immediately drew ire, and he is facing calls to resign over the content he published in the editorial.
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Cross-posted in the African American Group.