Limestone County sheriff indicted on 13 counts of theft, ethics charges.
Limestone County Sheriff Michael Blakely was arrested on Wednesday after being indicted on 13 theft and ethics charges.
Blakely is charged with four separate counts of theft from his campaign account that total $11,000. Additionally, hes charged with five counts of theft or ethics charges for stealing money from Limestone County funds, including from the Sheriffs Law Enforcement Fund.
The 10-term sheriff is also charged with soliciting a $1,000 wire transfer, two counts of using his official position to get interest-free loans in the form of a $50,000 cashiers check and/or a $22,189.68 credit. Hes also charged with the theft of money from Limestone County inmates personal funds.
Blakely was booked into his own jail and released Wednesday on a $49,000 bond.
Despite the indictments, one of Blakelys three attorneys, Robert Tuten, told APR on Wednesday that the sheriff will remain in office while the court case proceeds.
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(Alabama Political Reporter)