Related: About this forumHeads up for turncoat Parker Griffith's attempt to re-enter Congress.
Those of you "up north" in the Huntsvile area remember Parker Griffith, who was a Dem, made it to Congress, served one term, in 2008/10, then switched parties so he could run in 2010 as a Republican,but lost to Mo Brooks.
Well, Parker is at it again, as a Republican, this primary ( March 13th)
He is on the ballot against Mo Brooks again, for the chance to run for Congress again.
Just thought I would highlight that race, for those who have not yet noticed.

(14,804 posts)That race is about as exciting as Bachus versus Beason. Beason calls black people "aborigines." Bachus said the job of the House Banking committee is to "serve the banks." A couple of real winners, I tell you.
(60,015 posts)So he may be out by this primary season. He has a lot of money to fight with, tho.
However, if enough people are fed up, and I think they are, maybe he will be out of the races come March.
The key here is if we can unseat the old timers, they lose their positions of seniority for committees and Chairs, in DC.
(14,804 posts)I would love to see Bachus get thrown out. But I'm thinking Beason might be even worse. Plus, with seniority comes the bacon. Bachus is a horrible, terrible embarrassment to the state, but given his seniority, he has the clout to bring federal funds to Alabama. What's a'body to do?
I'm proud to live in the only district in Alabama that is represented by a halfway-decent representative. Terry Sewell isn't perfect, but out of the seven, she's the only one that's not the opposite of perfect.
It's depressing, politically speaking, to be a reasonably sane person in Alabama. But I'll get by, I guess.
(60,015 posts)Ok, how about we keep Bachus and get rid of that pencil neck Sessions, who always reminds me of Howdy Doody on
(14,804 posts)
That's a good one. Beauregard has always reminded me of this guy.

"What, me worry?"
And what's with the way Sessions and Shelby speak? They both sound like uneducated, backwoods rubes. Honestly, few of the people I interact with in Alabama sound anything like that at all. And those are the people that we send to represent us. I don't get it.
(60,015 posts)Hybart/Camden area.
And i do hear that accent around here in some people.There is a wide range of accents around here, to be sure.
One funny story about Sessions, it is in Wikipedia:
Thomas Figures, a black Assistant U.S. Attorney, testified that Sessions said he thought
the Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot."
(14,804 posts)I think I've posted about that Sessions thing before. It kind of exemplifies the perverted mindset of the Republican Party, circa 2012.
(60,015 posts)home to a whopping 6,000 people ( including Harper Lee).
Glad I don't have to run into Sessions here..the guy gives me the willies.
I always envision him with striped beanie hat with a propeller, on his head.