Activist Headquarters
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This message was self-deleted by its author (uhnope) on Tue Nov 26, 2013, 01:21 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(68,644 posts)mike_c
(36,480 posts)It stopped being interesting about twenty years ago.
(21,086 posts)uhnope
(6,419 posts)I have a job and a good one. What's your excuse?
Response to MichiganVote (Reply #3)
mlauer59295 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(138,478 posts)BAD idea.
(108,134 posts)uhnope
(6,419 posts)your opinion is so valuable as is the time you spent in conveying it
While I realize you are new to DU and do welcome you, I'd strongly suggest you learn that not everyone on DU is going to share your opinions or ideas.
Petition to cancel an already cancelled show? Really? This is hardly a Democrat/Progressive ACTIVIST issue... Is that what you think Democrats/Progressives on the leading Democratic internet forum should spend their time doing?
I might suggest that you take the discussion to the DU Lounge as there are generally plenty of opinions on entertainment expressed there and you might well find some of common mind. As evidenced by the fact you think they are called "Frick and Frack" rather than Click and Clack, I'd guess you were never a real fan to begin with. Too bad as they could be hilariously funny and a nice Saturday morning diversion. Regardless, NPR will undoubtedly monitor listener volume and make decisions accordingly--with or without a petition.
(6,419 posts)the show isn't "cancelled" if it's on the air. The hosts retired but the show is still on the air, being rerun. If you don't like the suggestion, why not just pass it over, instead of feeling the need to proclaim things stupid, especially while being pretty stupid in your response? Is that what you think "Democrats/Progressives on the leading Democratic internet forum should spend their time doing?"
(108,134 posts)You are new so I will calmly explain to you that suggesting someone's statement is stupid or silly is discussion. Calling another stupid or silly is personal attack.
The show is cancelled for new content. Reruns only.
(9,518 posts)and, as a dedicated listener, i am getting really pissed off at all the regular repeats. it seems like they have the same bits again and again. i have 'enjoyed' hearing the same thing five times in two days. must be some sort of cost cutting. how can they play the same program during the morning rush and then again during the evening rush? and, then again a couple of times during the day?
at least car talk is entertaining and, with all the back episodes, i don't hear the same show every saturday.
(10,745 posts)abelenkpe
(9,933 posts)As more tune out and advertisers opt out. A petition advocating a replacement show that would do better in that time slot would be a good idea.
(855 posts)are on are side they were great bush bashers/ until thy were told to stop by npr
(1,548 posts)i hope they bribe them to stay on the air.
(438 posts)Their jokes are corny but they are entertaining. They were interviewed on 60 Minutes in 1995.
(24,347 posts)It's Click and Clack, not Frick and Frack.
They're awesome, funny, and brilliant.
You're a jerk for wanting them to be taken off the air.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Arkana
(24,347 posts)uhnope
(6,419 posts)oh no and you don't have any obvious emotional or mental issues in needing to call someone a jerk on an anonymous chat room. Shine on you brilliant commentator
(6,109 posts)Imo it's one thing npr did right. They are a couple goofball guidos from Cambridge but they are entertaining.
That said, yeah. It may be time to move on.
(25,054 posts)ellenrr
(3,864 posts)from my occasional forays into this website it is clear that there are some people that post interesting things. And then there exists a whole population whose only point in life is to bash someone. It really doesn't matter what the subject is. I wonder what it is that draws so many insecure people to this website....who try to pump themselves up by bashing others. Instead of - if it doesn't interest you -- move on.
btw, I'd sign a petition to get rid of npr (national propaganda radio) period. they are so right/centrist, under the guise of being"fair" or "moderate" or even "liberal".
(1,096 posts)Look me up when you have something socially or politically distasteful and I'll help, but leave CarTalk alone.
(58,162 posts)the reason it`s still on is it`s now cheaper to buy and it`s still popular.
Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)olddots
(10,237 posts)"lets get rid of Wait -Wait Don't Tell me " NPR kinda sucks but it's better than static.
(9 posts)I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
(9 posts)Dear uhnope:
I listen some to NPR and for a long time have disliked CT as I feel it promotes a love of the car, which is one of the last things we need. So count me in on your mission go get it cancelled. I'm surprised by the number of car lovers who responded...given the car's contribution to global warming I'd expect more to side with your position of anti-car-worship, but I guess the answer is for the Government to make cars more efficient so we can continue to build more roads and drive everywhere.
Frick and Frack can be personable and entertaining, but given all of the belly laughing in between the car worshiping, I conclude that they mostly entertain themselves. One of them sure laughs at himself a lot!!
NPR should promote a show that encourages people to live without cars, or share those that must exist until we figure out a better way to get around.
I'm a new member...was listening to NPR...Car Talk came on...searched "Car Talk Sucks"...found this forum.
(9 posts)BainsBane
(55,607 posts)that is no longer being made.
(9 posts)If not, please let me know that I have violated some policy, point me to such, and I will abide by the rules from now on.
I tried to PM him/her but have not posted enough to earn that credential...thus this response.
While I'm at it though...there may be more to this than a call for cancellation, perhaps "car wonderers" emerging and asking why we drive everywhere to do everything? To a "health" club in order to walk on a treadmill?
(55,607 posts)Then I see in another post you live in the burbs and depend on a car. Quite the irony.
Why do you drive everywhere? Because you live in the fucking burbs, that's why.
(9 posts)Yes, I own and to an extent, depend on a car. 12,000 miles in the last 6 years. I bicycled and walked to work from 1984 - 2011 and now only drive due to an untimely job change; I now carpool with my neighbor.
I assume you never drive anywhere...never need the use of a car. Sounds like a place I might live, but I'd like someone more polite for a neighbor. Thank you so much for the warm welcome to this forum (whoops I mean Group).
P.S. No thanks to you I've learned the difference between a Group and a Forum, and I will try to learn which forms of activism are allowed in the Activist Headquarters Group.
(55,607 posts)I recently got a car. For years I walked and bused everywhere.
Staking out the fight over the excesses of the automobile over CarTalk is, IMO, inane. I listened to that show for years when I didn't have a car and didn't care about cars. I like the humor.
(9 posts)OK...this new member searched the forum and learned what MIRT is.
So rather than a canned, polite, ''Welcome-and-thank-you-for-joining-us-and-posting-your-thoughts-but-I-AM-ON-MIRT-which-means-...-and-this-topic-is-inappropriate-we-hope-you-find-something-else-of-interest-perhaps-try-a-topic-that-is-more-recent-or-maybe-try-this-Forum-or-that-Group" message you jump on my case for my first post to this group and to Public Transportation And Smart Growth!
The Terms of Service do not explicitly prohibit use of the word "f_ing" but it adds nothing to your, IMO, inappropriate response. Enjoy the rest of your 90 days....
While I can see the value of retaining the discussion from a historical perspective, can it be closed if it is a "zombie thread"?
(72,300 posts)[img][/img]
Your name also shows up here:
So ... [img][/img]
Hopefully you're finding something more enjoyable to read than the ToS?
(9 posts)Thank you for the welcome message!
(68,644 posts)This new member said they did a search and ended up here, that explains resurrecting the thread I think.
Having the ability to see new members' posts isn't something that we ought to use to challenge new members, IMHO.
I'm a bit saddened by the exchange.
(55,607 posts)period. He challenged my right to respond to him. He seems to think I owe him something, which I do not. I am not the Welcome Wagon, and I have a right to express my views.
Response to BainsBane (Reply #44)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(55,607 posts)The f word. You asked who I was addressing, I told you, and explained why.
MIRT always notices new members, especially when they are confrontational. That is our responsibility. You seem to object to the fact I was honest about it.
Response to BainsBane (Reply #46)
Name removed Message auto-removed
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,353 posts)and how to diagnose and fix them. It's useful and funny. And the reality is that a lot of people live in places where there is no public transportation so they need cars, especially cars that run reliably. I don't think a show that helps people keep their cars running qualifies as "car worship."
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,353 posts)Anyhow, haven't we got bigger fish to fry?