Related: About this forumWe have made some changes to the DU Homepage
It's been three months since we launched our comprehensive overhaul of the site. One of the things that we changed was our homepage. But over time the admins decided that we needed to revisit the homepage and make some changes in order to make it fresher and more compelling. The updated homepage is now online:
One of the driving principles of our comprehensive overhaul has been to give greater control of the site (including its content and its standards) to our members. But the homepage we created last December went in the opposite direction, giving greater control to the administrators to determine what appears there. This was a mistake which did not leverage our community's greatest strength: Our members. Our new homepage is an attempt to remedy this error. We believe this new homepage will much more interesting and useful than before.
The DU Administrators are working hard behind the scenes to make this community the best it can be. The next items on our agenda: Polls, Advanced Search, Spell Check, and improvements to the DU Journals.
Thank you for being a part of this community.
DU Admin

(153,130 posts)The judicious use of red makes it pop.
I like it!
But the best news is what's finally coming next! FINALLY!
Thank you Skinner, and all the admins. This is, bar none, the best site on the internet. I am proud to be a member.
(10,337 posts)tridim
(45,358 posts)I'm sure there are spell checkers for the other browsers too. I use IESpell on every post.. It's great.
Ironically the only word it caught on this post was "iespell".

(26,549 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,762 posts)I had no idea how many typos I made until we were without spellcheck...
(53,661 posts)
(35,052 posts)
(54,450 posts)concise format.
(45,358 posts)quispquake
(3,050 posts)Full of info, but not BUSY looking...I love it!!!
(11,304 posts)Kali
(56,126 posts)
(9,464 posts)On the right side of the screen.
(63,645 posts)rox63
(9,464 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Gimme a few minutes to see if I can fix it.
(9,464 posts)Whatever you did worked. Thanks!
If anyone else is having this problem, you may need to do a Shift+Reload/Refresh on the homepage to load the fix.
(912 posts)found out all I had to do was maximize the page to fix it Good thing as all that Shift+Reload/Fresh stuff is greek to me. I also want to put in a word for spellcheck! I need it!
(11,347 posts)longislandAnnie
(13 posts)Blogroll is back!! love it!
(9,927 posts)Oh wait, this ain't so bad.
Hollywood Hills
(48 posts)I like the new look.
(10,533 posts)button. It was a little hokey.
The red is nice too.
(58,162 posts)where`s the old check spelling? the new one is crap!
(57,277 posts)MindMover
(5,016 posts)
(17,208 posts)I like this much better. Hopefully, it will add a little vibrancy to the site.
I would consider expanding the size of the banner/button in the upper left of the screen. The real estate is available, and as it is, our "branding" is overwhelmed by our content. It should be just a little more obvious. But that is just a quibble.
Good job!
(19,326 posts)MissMarple
(9,656 posts)
(71 posts)I like it and I usually don't like sudden changes to me favorite on-line places. It looks good and is easy to use.
(20,219 posts)

(54,628 posts)
(39,665 posts)Content freaking everywhere. Love it, love it, love it.
(20,043 posts)
(96,793 posts)Very nice. I like it! Thank you.
(135,425 posts)dixiegrrrrl
(60,025 posts)Just enough color to draw my attention to the headings, looks "fresher" and easier to find things at a glance.
Pic of the moment is such a great feature, btw.
Thanks again to all of you for your hard work.
louis c
(8,652 posts)I really enjoyed the original DU. I am a member and a contributor since 2004.
I'm too busy to check every spelling error and I have come to rely on spell check in all the writing that I do everywhere.
I won't post again or contribute without spell check and a return to something closer to the original DU.
This is a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
louis c
(2,966 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,414 posts)(And ditto what Blanche said above thanking y'all for DU !)
Atypical Liberal
(5,412 posts)On the old DU, the home page was pretty much my "portal" into DU. It was where I could easily scan for new content on DU. Most of the time I never even bothered with the "greatest" page, just the DU home page.
Since DU3, the home page seems cluttered and confusing to me.
For some reason my eyes don't like the video articles down the right sidebar of the screen. My mind keeps interpreting these as advertisements (because sidebars are usually advertisements, I guess), and I ignore them. The video articles used to be one of my biggest draws on the old DU home page.
I still think the home page is far too long. I don't tend to scroll down very far on web pages without something drawing me there.
The most important DU jump points for me are "greatest" and "trending now", which seems to be just another name for "greatest".
Other than that, I jump to my pet forum (guns).
(31,893 posts)When the page is minimized, I see "Latest Breaking News" as a column to the right of the "Pic of the Moment". But when I maximize the page, the "Latest Breaking News" header appears at the bottom of the column under the the "Pic of the Moment" - following the "Around DU" section - and the whole area to the right of the Pic is completely blank.
I just logged on this minute, so I don't think refresh/reload would help. I already closed the Home Page once and reloaded it - same thing.
I am also using IE 9.08112345.whatever. I'm on a laptop, circa 2009.
Any ideas on why it's doing this?
Other than that, I heartily approve of the changes!
(63,645 posts)Sometimes, things look funky when you resize, but they look fine when you load the page fresh with the page already at the desired size.
(31,893 posts)It stayed the same.
BUT!!!! I have just now hit refresh on the Home Page, and - voila! - the "Latest Breaking News" section is indeed appearing as a column to the right of the "Pic of the Moment".
I am convinced that there is no technical explanation for this, and that the problem was corrected solely through your awesome mental powers decreeing that it should be so.
(63,645 posts)Let me know if the problem reappears.
(31,893 posts)Via mental telepathy, of course!
(12,272 posts)Even nicer than before, thank you
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)

(2,060 posts)Keep up the good work!
(72,174 posts)you guys are geniuses in my book.
(2,514 posts)i am totally impressed with du3... glad the spell check among other features will be added as you can.. one feature that i used occasionaly was the ability to forward a thread via e-mail... was a handy feature that i miss... just glad that all is working congats on getting it up and running.. oh yes big THANKS
(32,107 posts)Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)tclambert
(11,156 posts)Botany
(73,522 posts)
(3,813 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)That topic alone made me visit the front page every day. Thanks for all you guys do! Great job!
(63,645 posts)I kind of miss it too. I enjoyed scouring DU for the hidden gems. Maybe we can bring it back somehow.
(21,615 posts)
PS: I need spell check ASAP!

(15,812 posts)I loved the cool stories.
First thing I looked at.
(22,507 posts)I'm happy about that overall change, and also that the polls are at the top of the list.
(31,893 posts)That way you clearly differentiate it from the user-determined Home Page content.
(1,712 posts)DU's home page had turned into a dead snooze. This looks much more like the DU we know and love. Less control makes for a more dynamic, interesting community space.
(115,916 posts)Tumbulu
(6,507 posts)to the Bank of America corporate colors. Instead of doing the red/blue thing, could you go with some other combo, or make the red more orange or more purple? When Bank of America switched all of their signs to mostly red rather than mostly blue, it actually corresponded to their corporate headquarters moving from San Francisco to North Carolina......
So, I don't want to see that color of red here, it has too much baggage with it. But it is a good idea to have color contrasts.
(970 posts)I didn't really care for the redesign of the home page - too subdued for my taste. This is much better, methinks.
(1,655 posts)It's much better. Thanks
(2,983 posts)"This was a mistake which did not leverage our community's greatest strength: Our members. Our new homepage is an attempt to remedy this error. We believe this new homepage will much more interesting and useful than before. "
I'm finding it both more useful and more interesting. Thank you to all the DU admin for your work over the years. This is one of the only forums I frequent on the net, in large part because I agree with the above statement. The community's greatest strength is in our members. No need to differentiate between admin though, aren't we all in it together? Technically, aren't we all members? Much praise. Well done.
(11,700 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)Gore1FL
(22,286 posts)When a jury fails, there needs to be a recourse.
(8,209 posts)april
(1,148 posts)Celebration
(15,812 posts)Could we get some of the group hosts to submit possibilities to the Forum and Group Hosts and return that one feature?
(8,747 posts)To increase the width of the pages for those of running 1920 x 1200 or 2560 x 1600 monitors?
I use W7 64Bit and FF 10.0.3, and still see about 4 inches of white on either side with a 24" 1920 x 1200 monitor.
(17,609 posts)bout time.
(31,893 posts)On DU2 "Advanced Search" was used for archived posts (and was mostly useless, imho). So far, there are no archives on DU3.
So, is the DU3 "Advanced Search" only going to search DU2 archives? Are you going start archiving DU3 threads, and THEN activate "Advanced Search"?
Does this mean there will never be a "Simple Search" on DU3, like there was on DU2?
I think a lot of us would really like to know what the intentions are vis-à-vis a DU Search function on DU3.
Thank you in advance.
(63,645 posts)Hopefully more so.
(31,893 posts)MUCH appreciated!