Related: About this forumREMINDER AND UPDATE: Five hidden posts and you can't post
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
Back in September, we announced some changes to the way the site is run. In that announcement, we promised that we would make the following change, after a 90-day period:
... If you have five hidden posts showing on your Transparency page (a 90-day period), then you will be temporarily unable to post. In order to regain your ability to post, you will need to wait until the oldest post of the five is more than 90 days old and "falls off" of your record. At that point you will only have four posts showing on your Transparency page, and you will regain your ability to post.
Due to a fluke of scheduling, that new policy was supposed to go into effect on December 25, Christmas Day. However, because the DU Administrators do not wish to spend our holiday break fixing the inevitable bugs, we have decided to push back the launch date.
The new launch date is Monday January 6, 2014.
Members whose transparency pages are showing will be restricted in the following ways: 1) they can't post, 2) they can't serve on juries, 3) they can't serve as hosts in forums or groups, and 4) they can't serve on the Malicious Intruder Removal Team. If they are currently assigned as a host or as a MIRT member, they will be removed by the software.
Members whose transparency pages are showing will not be restricted in any other ways. They will be able to send and receive DU Mail. They will be able to recommend threads. They will even be able to send alerts (this is so people can't insult people who are temporarily blocked).
Thank you for being a part of DU. And have a happy holiday season!
The DU Administrators

(68,644 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 19, 2013, 02:29 PM - Edit history (1)
For a moment I thought I'd brought in five hidden replies!
OBTW, the system seems to be working by your own statistics, fewer alerts and fewer hides.
(12,638 posts)joeybee12
(56,177 posts)I thought I'd been pretty good as of late!
(113,131 posts)so I had to wonder which five posts got hidden.
Paranoia, it's what's for breakfast today.
(38,613 posts)
(85,363 posts)Whatever it is - I apologize!
(14,400 posts)I've decided to alert on every one of your posts with the hopes of finding a dream jury on enough of them to get you up to five.
Of course I'm just kidding but without specifically saying that, someone is bound to take me seriously and start alerting on all my posts in retaliation.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)petronius
(26,678 posts)Musta just been the bad kids...
(110,159 posts)Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)if we see you before the holidays???
(110,159 posts)in real life, all these decades i am the goodest of good. see how that works.
i get to call someone hoot and toad. does it get any more fun than that?
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)But here's where I heard you wanted to be told to step away . . .
Better watch out - or you'll rack up enough new hides to be banished for another 90 days - of course, the good news would be that they're all in a very short period of time so they would drop off quickly.
Who you callin' Toad, anyway???
Enjoy your break - it will be a bit shorter than anticipated, at least!
(110,159 posts)was not being said. i couldnt let du down like that. what would that make me....
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)I don't think I have ever - ever had a post hidden.
Just the same it was a wake up call!
(20,219 posts)Pooping your pants is icky and announcing it is a critical TMI breach.
(68,644 posts)Changed it to "poop"!
(20,219 posts).
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)since I knew I didn't have any hidden posts
(30,994 posts)NYC_SKP
(68,644 posts)It's usually when I'm away from a facility, later in the day.
(30,994 posts)So although I appreciate you can chew through the restraints pretty well, I do have one small issue.....
The Pomade has to go.
(68,644 posts)That's dingleberry prevention right there, brother!
(43,349 posts)Is this like an Easter egg hunt? I love those!! but why would you hide a post... its supposed to keep a fence up..right?
I am kidding of course, .... we all know its that yucky post bran cereal which deserves to be shoved to the back of the shelf.
I kidd!! Really!! hides... promises to be a good girl! really!
(68,644 posts)Don't hide the posts!!!
Happy weekend, yuiyoshida!
(43,349 posts)Skp san! Yay its Saturday!
(5,668 posts)Bah Humbug 5 seems awfully small unless it's 5 hidden posts in a week. I know I've been I was um juried once (no appeals court here) for um a mistake on the main page that let an atheist only page get there so naturally I responded. and that got ugly real fast. Not like I just go seek out the Atheist only section and post something nasty. It showed up on the main page and I responded to that. which is why I was against the Jury system for over a year. I changed my mind at some point this year. Now I'm watching The Hogfather. Happy Hogswatch
(67,112 posts)me I was cranking up hidden posts! Panic over! Phew!
(7,759 posts)Does this mean if I hide someone's post or does it mean if five people hide my posts? I know, it seems simple to folks who are familiar with the issue but I don't understand the meaning of the phrases. Thanks.
(68,644 posts)When you have a reply hidden, you get a PM telling you about it.
So, you probably have no hidden posts.
Your transparency page is a feature by which other members can see when you've been naughty, but it's only visible to members after you have a bunch of hidden replies.
You can check on a member's transparency page by clicking on their profile and then on the transparency button.
I'll send you a PM with a link to an example, for privacy's sake, to a member who has been banned.
(162,406 posts)I AM OFF MY GAME I TELL YOU
(7,638 posts)that flashed across the page and I read it like I had just been banned from posting. Warnings are wonderful as long as they don't give rise to fear.
(51,122 posts)Had a yikes moment.
How about toasting the obvious trolls and sockpuppets? I can provide you a list.
(84,711 posts)Sheese. Anyway sounds good what Skinner says.
(10,559 posts)I hope this does what we are all hoping it will, and helps us to be courteous and polite to each other (even when we think the other person is completely and utterly WRONG - lol!).
ON EDIT: And for the record, I *also* had the heart stopping moment about five hidden posts. Definitely freaked me out.
(8,361 posts)also, it was informative to see the ATA discussion (somewhat spurred by post on GD about how to calculate 90 days from any date....) and to see just how few of us have run afoul of the transparency page threshold.
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)
I'd actually been curious, but both that discussion & another about the upcoming imposed periods of silence led to me asking the question.
(110,159 posts)there is actual repercussions with a hide. this morning alone i have had different duers send me three alert results, for three posts. that is just this morning. the last couple days i am having duers all around send me alert results.
how hard do you think it is going to be to find four jurors that do not like me? not cause i am uncivil. or name calling. but simply for the fact they do not like what i say. you are behind the scenes. you can see if there is a concerted effort to get particular duers kicked off du. i hope you take this into consideration.
(56,126 posts)
(110,159 posts)Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)seabeyond
(110,159 posts)
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)You probably all DUmailed each other - and you're probably gonna have a rockin' good time talking about us behind our backs for a while, since DUmail will apparently still work.
(110,159 posts)it is 5 o'clock somewhere. rules are rules.
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)Try again.
(110,159 posts)hootinholler
(26,449 posts)I most likely would have voted to hide those. A couple of them I was surprised they weren't 6-0 hides.
(110,159 posts)i love using hoot, legitmately. makes my reply even kinda fun. no disrespect. simply a statement
(26,449 posts)It's shorter to type, and yes, I do answer to it IRL.
We all have our hot topics, it seems.
(110,159 posts)yes. we do have the hot. well. not all. some are really really opposed to getting into hot. me? meh.
for you, from the heart...
(26,449 posts)Have a Merry Solstice!
(110,159 posts)you're da man
(22,000 posts)No judging. I've never had a problem with you that I know of (unless it was in a different life). At least the pushback of the date gets you a few extra days. If you don't get another one you'll be back in late Jan with only 3. We'll still be here waiting for you (and I mean that in a nice way).
(110,159 posts)alerts have i had today, that i did not receive a heads up? as i said, i am controversial. i am a small minority on du, though a very progressive stance and we are on a democratic board.
i am not well liked by many. all that is needed is four jurors that do not like me. enough alerts, surely that is not hard. the hides are inevitable, unless skinner and the others actually pay attention to any abuse of the system. i would hope that they would. understanding that it would be no more or less than majority rule, bullying. and we as progressive cannot allow bullying. surely. we must... stand up for our minority sistahs.... wink.
thanks for your reply.
(3,797 posts)Some of them are absolutely ridiculous. I don't know if you are being targeted or if jurors are making no effort whatsoever to evaluate what is being said. Either way silencing you for any period of time does not help this board at all.
(110,159 posts)thing i have heard today. and with all the ugly, i have had a lot of nice today. thank you. very much appreciate. and ... very much needed.
(11,862 posts)about my luck on Obamacare..and had a comment waiting, and I thought...uh oh...maybe there should be no more Obamacare posts???
(34,657 posts)There's something about red and yellow together that raises the pulse, I think...
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)You pick twenty prominent people in town and send each an anonymous telegram reading, "Flee at once. All is discovered." Then you wait to see how many suddenly vanish.
Still, I'm glad to see that I was far from the only one who immediately assumed that the banner was aimed specifically at me.
question everything
(49,739 posts)Was going to ask how does one know that one has any hidden post, let alone five!!
Please change the banner to: attention EVERYONE!
(8,175 posts)How does one know if they have had a post juried or hidden? Still too new here to know all the ins and outs and I would prefer to know immediately if I am saying something that is too objectionable, as that is never my intent here. I didn't know what the yellow stripe meant...was afraid to open in case it was an ad or something. Now I know to open and read them.
(85,363 posts)now. And then this big yellow warning banner blares across my screen! YIKES!
There goes the ol' paranoia again...
(11,862 posts)So far 32 folks CARED that they could be banned from non are trolls
(85,363 posts)Yeah, I care a lot! What if I'm prevented from mouthing off? How can I continue maintaining my status as a truly Insufferable Bloviating Schmuckette?
I'd only be a troll on some CONservative site, but that's really not possible because I don't think I could stomach being on one of those, even for a few moments. I don't know how the folks here do it - who voluntarily go over to the freeper sites to be our eyes and ears for us. They've got a lot more fortitude than I ever could imagine having!
(2,964 posts)I don't have any hidden posts yet.
(5,103 posts)Now I need to take a Xanax.
I am not joking and I have ZERO hidden.
(22,000 posts)*kidding*
(17,671 posts)but the yellow alert notification thingie startled the shit out of me.
(41,738 posts)it looks like it is directed towards the member rather than an announcement.
(68,644 posts)

(8,217 posts)Then I got five simultaneously?
(3,747 posts)all of us couldn't have had 5 hidden posts in the last hour!
(148,652 posts)this at all. Those who regularly get posts and replies hidden have a simple solution to avoid this in the future. For those few, maybe a few days off from posting until they have fewer than 5 hidden posts will be enough to change whatever habits they have that cause their posts to be hidden.
(26,582 posts)MineralMan
(148,652 posts)It's not difficult to avoid hidden posts, really, even when you disagree with someone. I had one, once, and understood why. I simply never did that again. Lesson learned.
I hope that soon there will be 0 visible transparency pages. That would be great for DU.
(26,582 posts)He also said the number of alerts has gone down significantly too, so overall people are "behaving" better. This is all good for DU.
(148,652 posts)For the most part, DU is polite, even when people disagree. That's not always the case, and there are a few people who can't resist ugly comments about people, but they're few enough to simply ignore, either using the forum's Ignore function or the old fashioned way.
(8,182 posts)any evidence that a reduction in hides means DUers are acting more civilly towards each other. The only thing fewer hides means is that fewer jurors are hiding posts. That's it. It could just as easily mean that DUers have a higher tolerance for treating each other like crap.
(148,652 posts)It seems to me that there is less blatant rudeness.
(8,182 posts)MineralMan
(148,652 posts)I don't know.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)Went out and chopped ice and calmed down.
I appreciate the efforts to keep discussions real around here most of the time. Good work!
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)
(915 posts)Whew, a sudden big scary yellow alert at --)ME(--.
(301 posts)How do I know if I have some?
(14,400 posts)To check it out:
Click on your profile (looks like an old rolodex card next to your post count at the top of any post or at the top of the page on the right next to your username (My Profile).
Then click on the (explain) next to the chance of serving on juries and it will tell you how many hidden posts you have.
If you ever get a post hidden you will also get a message in your in box letting you know which post was hidden and why.
After clicking on your profile you can also click on the Transparency Tab at the top under your bolded user name. If it's grayed out you have fewer than five hidden posts if it's yellow you have five or more and you're in trouble and everyone can access it. You can click on the grayed out tab and it will say it's not displayed. But, because it's your page you can click on the "Show me my transparency page" link and any hidden posts and other information will be displayed.
(38,983 posts)sharp_stick
(14,400 posts)epic series of way too drunk to post posts that would cause five hides in one night.
(38,983 posts)
(115,916 posts)winter is coming
(11,785 posts)
(51,078 posts)Just like Obamacare!
Typical liberals!
(29,876 posts)Gothmog
(159,632 posts)I do not think that I have any hidden posts. Do you get an alert if your post is challenged?
(5,917 posts)SaveOurDemocracy
(4,485 posts)MicaelS
(8,747 posts)This should force members who like to skate on the edge to learn to self-moderate the tone of their messages or face the consequences.
Just imagine if some people had to take an extended vacation from DU.
(37,549 posts)Plucketeer
(12,882 posts)Where's my nitro tablets!
(25,348 posts)...and then I thought..ah...maybe not.
(21,020 posts)narrowly averted at my house...
Like some of the others, my heartrate went up a bit when I thought I had somehow gotten five hidden posts in a matter of a couple of hours.
Then it got really crazy when I thought about the mathematics of it...
Five hidden order to be hidden, at least 4 people have to in the space of two hours I managed to piss off 20+ people???
At that point, I was about to kick the shit out of my evil twin...
(8,175 posts)It's almost as bad as seeing a cop car creeping up behind you and you just assume you did something wrong, even when you haven't.
And you know we all do that!
(34,502 posts)and I will wish you a Happy New Year if by then I have recovered from the mini stroke I just had seeing the big, yellow warning.
(31,182 posts)I get most of my headlines at Facebook these days.
(14,337 posts)and how many posts you have. I have 2 I think but that is over 10 years and a few thousand posts.
Just a suggestion.
(31,182 posts)The Ron Paul fans should not have votes on the DU juries, to make it fair.
(23,156 posts)A while back I got some posts hidden, but according to my profile it's been 149 days since the last one. Obviously I'm doing a very poor job of riling people up lately.
(18,876 posts)
(18,876 posts)Read more comments and got my answer.
(719 posts)They have gotten so anal lately. All the comments I've made in the last week on their crappy site have disappeared. I should stick to DU and get my count up.
(85,363 posts)And I'm not - uh, forgive me - clear about the whole transparency thing. Not sure I understand that.
(68,644 posts)Then, "Show me my transparency page".
(85,363 posts)Wasn't sure even where to start looking. Thanks!
(8,515 posts)chknltl
(10,558 posts)(Like other DUers have said here, I too thought I had somehow gotten myself into hot water).
Dear DU Admin:
There is NO WAY that I could have written 5 posts worthy of being hidden overnight, I've never even had one post hidden! The only explanation for my having five hidden posts in one night must be due to the fact that you can now read my thoughts and are predicting posts I may post in the future.
I applaud this new telepathic upgrade to your servers, I am comforted in the knowing that DU's days plagued by covert energy industry shills, CATO Institute provocateurs and those who believe the good Earth to be round like a pizza have come to an end!
Ah, what a pleasant DU we must now have! DUers who secretly believe a woman's place is in the home, gone! Members who want everyone to own a gun or three and yet whose own God given 'gun' has more width than length GONE!! Posters who think to persuade their fellow DUers that Ron/Rand Paul actually read and understood the US Constitution GONE!!1! Those annoying Karl Rove plants, (aka 'Fart Petals'), GONE GONE GONE!!!
I assure you I've no such secret agenda, I swear that in my heart of hearts I know Alex Jones to be a fraud...what possible reason could the new DU Thought Police have had to temporarily block my posting privileges????? More importantly what about my right to be safe and secure in my own skull, shouldn't the robbing of one's very thoughts without a warrant be a no-no?
Tell you what, I promise that unless Senator Sanders changes his affiliation to Team Democrat I will not vote for him in the next Presidential race and I swear that I will try to curb any anxious thoughts I may have should a woman other than Elizabeth Warren get that nomination. Sooooo can I have my posting privileges reinstated?
(21,020 posts)There is NO WAY that I could have written 5 posts worthy of being hidden overnight, I've never even had one post hidden! The only explanation for my having five hidden posts in one night must be due to the fact that you can now read my thoughts
Because the only other thing I could think of, short of being the butt of my Evil Twin's sick joke, was that 20+ jurors had somehow gained the ability to read minds and saw me thinking about another poster, "What a wanker!" but not actually posting it.

Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)FLASHY YELLOW. Jesus.
(575 posts)me think for a second......
OK, take the time off and enjoy the holiday's!!!!!

(25,539 posts)

(15,472 posts)AllyCat
(17,602 posts)

(12,309 posts)It will take a while to see the effects but I'm guessing it will make DU an even better place.
(951 posts)I can't tell you how many people I've bull dozed in my life and those were family members. To be honest there were 9 kids. Sink or swim.
I don't mind the jury system, but someone actually called me a troll. I call it projection.
What kind of left-wing, tree hugging, feminist is a troll? Or rather, what kind of troll?
Left Coast2020
(2,397 posts)SCVDem
(5,103 posts)Avoid responding to any posts on Israel.
Avoid them like the plague!
They are the thinnest of thin ice!
You will notice there are not many OPs on the subject.
(19,598 posts)I got knocked off for just making a statement that was absolutely true but it was not politcally correct.
(31,182 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)...seemed almost all the "big names" at DU, freaked out thinking that they were all in trouble!
Oh come was funny.
(51,722 posts)ChiciB1
(15,435 posts)I don't have a clue either. I need some help!
(2,338 posts)...the funniest thread I've read on any forum in a very long time.
I so love that I found DU.
You folks rock!!
(73,522 posts)

(15,435 posts)all about or how to go about fixing this. I haven't posted as much as I did in previous years, but did contribute money so I could keep my star. I'm not sure what the Transparency page is. Is this the page that shows where & when I've posted in the past? I thought the posts would automatically be deleted after a certain length of time. I haven't cleared out my posts, but have tried to clear quite a few out and I can't delete them.
Could you explain further. I feel kind of stupid here, but just haven't kept up with everything here at DU. I thought if you contributed money that you would be able to start threads and post at them all too.
Sorry for having to ask. But thank you if you can explain a little further.
(115,916 posts)If you have 5 or more posts hidden in the last 90 days, it will show. You have none. It is not all your posts, but just ones that were hidden by juries.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)I have a question about the 5 post rule and repeat offenders.
One would hope that a DUer with the needed break due to 5 hidden posts would be humbled by such a short-term hiatus.
What are the consequences for repeat offenders that seem to have not gotten the message?
Do members of MIRT get to make that decision?