Related: About this forumSome advice about the Olympics and possible spoilers
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
As everyone here is probably aware, the Winter Olympics start this week. And once again NBC is going to be showing many events on tape-delay during primetime. That means that many DU members will probably not see the events when they are actually happening, and will instead see them for the first time during primetime -- hours after they have actually happened. This of course raises the possibility of "spoilers" -- when you learn the outcome of the event before you actually watch it.
With this in mind, here are a few thoughts...
[font size="3" font face="arial, helvetica"]Advice for people posting about the Olympics on DU[/font]
- Thread titles: If you want to post about the Olympics it is common courtesy to refrain from posting spoilers in the subject line of a discussion thread. Posting spoilers in the subject line of a thread is considered rude by many people and may put your thread at risk of being hidden by a Jury.
- Repeatedly posting spoilers on purpose: During the last Olympics, one person loudly and proudly proclaimed that he was deliberately posting spoilers for every event (for what he believed was a perfectly good reason). Even if you think you have a perfectly good reason for maliciously disrupting DU in this manner, don't do it.
- If you feel strongly that you do not want to accidentally encounter Olympics spoilers, you should not be on Democratic Underground or any other social media during the Olympics. That is just a fact.
- You should assume that any discussion thread about the Olympics will include spoilers even if there is no "spoiler alert" warning in the title.
There are a number of DUers who have already indicated that they intend to boycott the Olympics this year to protest the horrific treatment of LGBT people in Russia, and the laws passed by the Russian government which serve to legitimize anti-gay hate. If you decide to watch the Olympics, and discuss the Olympics here on Democratic Underground, you should not be surprised if some DU members question the appropriateness of your decision to watch. I fully expect this discussion to occur here on DU, and I hope that members who choose to engage in a discussion on this topic will make an effort to remain respectful.

(7,619 posts)I intend to watch the sports in the Olympics which I find interesting. Why punish the athletes because of the hosts' policies??? This is once in a lifetime for many participating. Why can't we discuss these events here?
This brings me to a general question. Why do some of the "group" posts end up on general discussion, and others remain on the special interest thread? Some of the special interests always stir up antagonistic arguments when posted on general discussion. Why even put them there? Isn't that what the groups are for? Discussion of special interests with others of like interest? Is it the group host who makes the decision to post a special group post onto GD?
I don't intend to do any spoilers, but might have a question or comment about something. Should I just post on "Sports" since there are people reading GD who might have to say something nasty about the Olympics, however innocent the post or comment might be?
(108,318 posts)This isn't the first Olympics where geopolitical issues overshadowed and I am not at all downplaying Russia's hateful LGBT attitudes and policies... It is sad, though, that the athletes and their sacrifices continue not to be the focus--and that includes many many brave LGBT participants from throughout the world.
I hope all can be respectful, as Skinner has asked.
(7,619 posts)"If you decide to watch the Olympics, and discuss the Olympics here on Democratic Underground, you should not be surprised if some DU members question the appropriateness of your decision to watch. I fully expect this discussion to occur here on DU, and I hope that members who choose to engage in a discussion on this topic will make an effort to remain respectful."
(17,112 posts)you never know around here. I'm personally against our participation in the games this year, so I won't comment in the threads about the events directly related to the games themselves. If some news event happens that affects world politics, such as an attack, I might say something about it. I don't think making 'protest posts' in the threads about the games are a good idea. Besides, if you do that, you're only kicking the thread. Everyone might have different ideas about how to handle it; this is just what I plan to do.
(115,916 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 5, 2014, 05:01 PM - Edit history (1)
which Hosts look at. Make an effort to remain respectful is good advice for DU in general. You can discuss the Olympics, but acknowledge that people hold strong opinions about human rights issues and be civil in posting.
I advise you to refresh your memory as to the differences and also what Hosts do as"Is it the group host who makes the decision to post a special group post onto GD? " indicates to me that you are unclear about it. It can be confusing.
Forum and Group Hosts are discussion forum members who volunteer to serve in a particular forum or group. Their role is to deal with posts which may violate a particular forum or group's Statement of Purpose. Forum hosts cannot serve for more than 90 days at a time. Group hosts may serve indefinitely. Members must meet certain criteria before they are permitted to serve as Hosts. For more information see the Forum and Group Hosts section below.
(51,078 posts)Go to "My Account" and click on the "Trash Can" tab.
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(16,600 posts)and quickly stopped once he got yours.
I hope he reads your message this time, too.