Related: About this forumThere was a software glitch affecting about 250 threads in General Discussion
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
The affected threads were posted roughly between 11:30am ET on Tuesday, Oct 28 and 1:30pm ET Wednesday, Oct 29 (today) in the GD forum only.
We have copied over the affected threads to a bug-free database table, but there will be glitches associated with these threads lingering. These can include bookmark and journal links being broken (delete from your journal/bookmarks, then go back and re-add them), views and recs counter being reset back to 0 (sorry, nothing to be done about it) and a small number of replies being lost.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

(17,796 posts)I'm sure a few of us were doing double takes.
(3,747 posts)It's fine if not, just wondering
(2,323 posts)I'm clicking on some threads and getting a page where the posts don't relate and are dated in December 2011
Ie I cliked on molinkos thread " Something to think about when you hear those depressing polls" and got this repsonse:
Went to molinkos profile and clicked the their lasted posted thread and got a thread and post also in December 2011.
(27,509 posts)seaglass
(8,182 posts)Hatchling
(2,323 posts)Especially as the response I was reading kinda made sense. I didn't catch on immediately until I tried to view the other replies.
(26,793 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)I wondered why they where showing posts from 2011. Thanks for letting us know, it saves from wasting your time in ATA.
(15,469 posts)are actually going back in time. Your mission is to hit the correct date and vote multiple time for Obama. You are off by a year. get it right, your country needs you! Oh. and by the way will you pick me up a loaf of wheat bread?
(53,661 posts)sheshe2
(90,319 posts)just got home and can't read some things in GD or link to my posts and OP's last night! I lost my EW thread!
LOL~ I went back to one of your Op's posted in 2011! Yikes!
(53,661 posts)sheshe2
(90,319 posts)Well 83 now, I just rec'd it. Good OP and perfect timing right now.

(53,661 posts)herding cats
(19,659 posts)Anything else you need to stock up on at 2011 prices while I'm there?
If you want a laugh go to the Home Page and click on Skinners post in The Left Column. I thought he'd finally given over to the pressure of running the sight when I clicked it!
(15,469 posts)I bought a really cool Red Sox t-shirt at a store that year. I spilled deck stain on it this summer. I can not find one like it anywhere. I love it because it is a lightweight fabric, so not too hot. Can you please get me another?
(17,997 posts)Replying to threads I never saw. Very weird
(47,450 posts)I guess we will just have to wait.
(53,475 posts)barbtries
(30,235 posts)the threads are not what they purport to be and they may have close to 100 recs but no replies. i was going to watch the video of the 100 catcalls in a day. oh well.
(109,763 posts)I'll find it and send it to you.
(30,235 posts)it was very sweet of you to go to all that trouble!
(109,763 posts)I'm glad it wasn't some hacking job, as I'd feared at first.
(51,078 posts)I'm never coming back to this site again
...until after dinner.
(13,297 posts)just to save ya'll some work from idiots like me who post about it! hahahah
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)I don't usually go to the announcements, so I wouldn't even have known about this if another DUer hadn't mentioned it.
Recs are being misattributed. If people recced one of the deleted threads, their rec has now been applied to whatever random thread the link goes to now. Even worse, random posts come up that are clearly from the middle of threads, but they come up WITH a rec box but without any link to the OP. appears you are reccing the post...but are you actually reccing an OP that isn't visible?
I just followed a link to such a post, and I disagree with the post itself, but I think I loved the OP it was replying to. So do I unrec it because the post stands alone now, or rec it assuming that the rec still or will eventually apply to the thread I remember?
People should be aware of this so they can decide where they want their names attached and where they don't.
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 29, 2014, 09:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Where are the threads/posts now, and when/how can we find and re-add them as per your instructions?
Right now ten of my fifteen most recently recced threads seem to be gone...or at least the links to them from "My Recommendations" go to random posts from 2011. That's a lot of gold from DU missing. I'm glad you have backups.
Thanks in advance for help figuring out how to do the re-add.
Also, this is important:
Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)
And I was so proud of the rec's...oh well, so it goes.
(4,453 posts)Is there a secret way to access it, or must I wait?
I'm so cOnFuSed!

(8,547 posts)Last edited Mon Apr 10, 2017, 02:15 AM - Edit history (3) you click on a thread link from the Home, Greatest, or Latest pages (or even a google search) and it takes you to the wrong thread; it should at least take you to the proper forum (I think all the affected threads are from GD). Click on that forum to view the threads and then sort them by thread title. Click on the page number navigation links until you get to the page that has the thread in question sorted alphabetically by the title.
(53,661 posts)
That was easy!
(13,297 posts)(nevermind)
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 29, 2014, 10:25 PM - Edit history (1)
Links to posts and threads that were deleted in the glitch now lead to posts from 2011. Apparently, a rec given to an OP that subsequently disappeared has instead now been applied to whatever thread the link goes to now.
Even worse, random posts come up that are clearly from the middle of threads, but they come up WITH a rec box but without any link to the OP. appears you are reccing the post...but are you actually reccing an OP that isn't visible?
People should be aware of this so they can decide where they want their names attached and where they don't.
I recommend that everyone check your recs carefully and remove your name where needed.
(8,846 posts)Gotta find some way to blame this on him.
(56,126 posts)clicking last post from several profiles sends me to random posts from other people dated 2011.
(308,408 posts)my Posts at all!
And, of course.. a Thread I made last on the Huge Turnout for Mary Burke and President Obama has lost all its Rec.. but, it's also infected right now. I replied to "hue" twice and it ended up under Hekate's post..
And, Major Hogwash just posted to NBachers and it ended up under a post of mine.
Good Luck in Fixing this.. and Thank You!
(90,319 posts)Op is still okay...yet I lost my EW Op.
I got home a short time ago and thought I lost my mind, Cha!
(308,408 posts)this morning I had 1.. oh well, it's up to 6 now. LOL
I've been so busy trying to get this straightened out I haven't had time to go check and see if I can get to any other of "My Posts" during that timeline) besides "fishwax"!
Btw, that "transcript" you posted in the EW thread was great.. I posted it around on another thread and got 3 replies but I haven't been able to get to them YET!
(90,319 posts)I tried my comment and your thread in GD. I am still on time travel mode. I go back to 2011.
Thanks for posting the EW transcript! It was indeed awesome!
(308,408 posts)on the 1st.. and reply that way.
Just tried again.. Yep, Fishwax has all of my posts! This is the one to the Transcript.. I'm going to go find it and I'll report back.
(308,408 posts)can see by the thread that it was a perfect place for it..
Fishwax is in my journal, too!
Thank you, I wondered how my post was redirected to a topic I hadn't commented on.
(53,661 posts)
(39,215 posts)talking about. Interesting.
(2,852 posts)I thought this was Facebook, for a while there.

(90,319 posts)

(26,793 posts)I love my president.
And I love DU, warts and all.
Happy Halloween.
~ Lmsp 🙅
(26,793 posts)🙅
(26,793 posts)In tropical climates or summer months.
Do we really reset clocks soon?
~ littlemissmartypants 🙇
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 29, 2014, 10:23 PM - Edit history (1)
Links to posts and threads that were deleted in the glitch now link to posts from 2011. Apparently, a rec given to a post that subsequently disappeared has instead now been applied to whatever thread the link goes to now.
Here's how I discovered it. While browsing "My Recommendations," I found that ten of the links to the fifteen most recent threads I recced were now mistitled and led to random threads. Then I realized that all those threads had recs from me!
These included threads I would never have recced, including a troll thread describing DU as "by far the worst website I have looked at lately" and a thread praising Obama as a populist.
I recommend that everyone check your rec lists and read the titles carefully, follow the links, and unrec whatever needs unreccing. Nobody here should risk having their name associated with a random post that may happen to be insensitive, bigoted, or reflective of political views they do not share.
Even worse, random posts come up that are clearly from the middle of threads, but they come up WITH a rec box but without any link to the OP. appears you are reccing the post...but are you actually reccing an OP that isn't visible?
People should be aware of this so they can decide where they want their names attached and where they don't.
I hope the old threads will be back and easily findable soon so that re-recs can be made and our history here is intact. There were some excellent threads that deserve to be searchable and accessible to everyone.
(3,068 posts)I'm a Star Member! This shouldn't be happening to ME! Let the freeloaders who don't contribute money to this site get all... whatever.
Jeebus Crust.
end of rant
Oh, and in case this gets misposted.
(26,793 posts)
(26,793 posts)I am reporting no problem with my rec list.
I am a little disappointed.
~ littlemissmartypants 🙇
(122,587 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Aerows
(39,961 posts)It displayed something like 90 posts, but you only saw ten of them. And none of them were on ignore, either.
(18,219 posts)Most bizarre. You broke DU!!!!
(39,961 posts)LOL!
(103,206 posts)When would the '24 hours' start? I think a lot of good threads are getting lost.
(82,333 posts)Where the hell is this?
(38,522 posts)the body of the text had nothing to do with either title as far as I could tell.
It was a post by Third Way Manny ...
So I said, "well, OK" and never realized it was a glitch. :/
(115,916 posts)though since the weird post looked like an op of wtf sort of statements
(68,644 posts)And not to the reply that I adjudicated.
Is that part of this problem or something else?
Response to Elad (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Response to Elad (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed