Related: About this forumDemocratic Underground was vandalized by a script attack on Wednesday afternoon 5/17
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
Last edited Thu May 18, 2017, 09:22 AM - Edit history (1)
Earlier this evening we suffered a script attack that vandalized some of our members' posts with a video message about a right-wing fringe conspiracy theory.
Our software detected the issue and automatically banned the accounts (and reset the passwords) of those members whose posts were vandalized. This is a safety precaution we built into our software to limit damage from attacks like this. We apologize for the inconvenience. Those accounts have all been reinstated. ***See edit below***
The hacker did not gain access to any of your personal data. The hacker did not gain access to any of our website's administrative functions or data.
The vast majority of DU accounts were not affected. Most of you should be able to log back onto the site using the same password you had before. If our software does not accept your password then you will need to use our Lost Password function to get a temporary password assigned to you in order to log in.
We have temporarily turned off the ability to include HTML code in your posts. This is a short-term measure to make the site more secure while we work on a more permanent fix.
If you have any questions or comments about the hack, please post them in this thread.
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding. You all are the best.
Skinner, EarlG, Elad
DU Administrators
*** EDIT: It has come to our attention that some banned accounts have not been reinstated. We are trying to figure out which ones we missed. If you were revoked last evening and have not been reinstated send us an email so we can get you back:

(844 posts)They're obviously getting very scared.
(8,254 posts)low,,,,,, Good Job......
(19,802 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)after you got it back running.
(57,277 posts)
(90,319 posts)I was PPred! I was like what? Shocked! Minimal heart
We back!
(122,587 posts)Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)ornotna
(11,209 posts)and thanks.
(53,544 posts)Knicks007
(74 posts)Doreen
(11,686 posts)oldtime dfl_er
(7,079 posts)but to what end?
(30,235 posts)trump was being made president
lucky me, i was around for both. yesterday not nearly as bad, but the timing was suspicious.
(37,648 posts)I figured it was so DU couldn't rally people to the polls. It was MORE than suspicious. It was OBVIOUS!!!!
This time...someone was ANGRY. About Mueller? Or just everything?
(30,235 posts)i was alone in a hotel in philadelphia jumping out of my skin and DU was lost for weeks iirc
(12,523 posts)Face it, no matter WHAT day they chose to attack, SOMETHING crazy would be going on.
It may be human nature to see connection when two things happen at once, but there was nothing more "disruptable" about yesterday than any other Trumpday lately.
(24,128 posts)It started happening before the news from WashPost popped up on my computer, and besides that, the hack would have required a little amateur planning and execution.
It's human nature to try to connect things like this, but it's also common fallacious logic.
(985 posts)the timing on election day was no coincidence. I wonder if there have been any users in here with IP addresses in Macedonia or St. Petersburg.
(18,628 posts)
(37,468 posts)I am impressed with how fast and how well you have responded!
(13,888 posts)Crazy day... but thanks for being on top of it. These disruptions mean this site is getting an important job done and is needed!
(26,505 posts)DU, you, and Elad have been extremely upfront and very correct in how you've handled these matters. I truly appreciate the professionalism here.
(52,670 posts)At least everything is safe...I am too paranoid I guess.
(35,734 posts)i blamed my stupid computer.
glad i don't have to deal with finding someone to fix my computer before i'm able to go on du again.
sorry du had a problem.
C Moon
I wish you had an app, like Reddit.
(10,345 posts)justhanginon
(3,354 posts)NBachers
(18,368 posts)Take that, Litha Flowers!
radical noodle
(9,556 posts)
(7,858 posts)I got to be nastier on than I am here. It was delicious.
(7,930 posts)She's gone now I take it?
(27,447 posts)Her page was empty of any content, which is pretty common for fake accounts. Last I heard they were still "reviewing".
(18,441 posts)I wondered what you all were talking about.
radical noodle
(9,556 posts)She is either watching us or knew about the hack in some other way
(32,886 posts)Would know her MO better than me.
(20,999 posts)fuckers
(257 posts)If you don't like what people are saying; use dirty tricks.
(7,006 posts)

(34,770 posts)bathroommonkey76
(3,827 posts)And sorry for my annoying DM and tweets.
I thought this was going to be another election hack.
(27,835 posts)Fortunately, it was a very slow news day ...
(2,050 posts)Perfect..
(42,862 posts)LeftInTX
(32,707 posts)I got a black screen, then I was auto-logged out of DU. When I tried to login, I got Posting Privilege Revoked.
I was like "What did I do?" "Did I piss someone off". It was a creepy feeling.
I don't think I was targeted. Just the wrong place at the wrong time.
R B Garr
(17,531 posts)and it looked like it was replicating (?), if that's how you describe it. Then I thought I saw (maybe... it happened fast) a countdown clock (didn't get a black screen, though) before I scrambled to close screens and turn the power off.
I see Skinner's explanation about what happened -- thanks Skinner!
(42,862 posts)... I knew something was wrong.
Glad it's over and everything is back to normal so quickly.
(63,645 posts)It happened automatically to anyone who clicked on a post that had been vandalized.
(27,427 posts)Were certain specific accounts targeted?
(60,978 posts)
(34,224 posts)for reinstating us that got our posting privileges restored due to the hack. Great job getting back online!!
(97,964 posts)Control-Z
(15,686 posts)Thank you for all the work getting DU up and running again so quickly!!
(13,062 posts)LeftInTX
(32,707 posts)Doreen
(11,686 posts)I started to go through withdrawal right away. It is odd because I got a hack warning and it just kept working until I actually went off site to go to something else then it would not come up at all. Like I said it was odd. When I just came back on it just came back like I had never left except a statement about being hacked.
(6,991 posts)Withdrawal is horrible
Julian Englis
(2,309 posts)Is they made the donation button harder to find. Post it prominently as I imagine traffic is up with the moron in the WH--and you could probably use a beer or a soda or something after today.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Hekate
(96,604 posts)
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Liberty Belle
(9,648 posts)A day earlier we had all sorts of comments posted in Russian on the site.
I suspect someone didn't like what we posted or had keyed things to trigger the attack if we posted certain words, perhaps. Thankfully our wise webmaster prevented any damage.
(1,342 posts)For the swift reaction and return of our beloved forums. We really need each other more than ever.
(36,594 posts)L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)There was a poster named skinner22 posting the Seth Rich thing. I sent an alert on that and another identical post in the same thread. Let's do some crowd source forensics and go after these fools.
(38,687 posts)Kicked off but now back.
(23,554 posts)They catch the bastards doing this.
(7,694 posts)for getting DU back up so quickly!
(113,308 posts)That's a real bummer!
Mountain Mule
(1,088 posts)I rely on DU to keep me current with what's going on and a major source of support in these troubled times. Thank you so much for keeping it here for us all!
(153,130 posts)It's a relief to have DU back online.
ATL Ebony
(1,097 posts)triggered their contempt of DU. Thanks for being prepared and steadfast. DU rocks.
(10,493 posts)R B Garr
(17,531 posts)
Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)Good job getting back
(19,529 posts)Thank you for existing, persevering, maintaining, tirelessly and grounded in Democratic values for the last 16 years. Wishing you and all of us many more together. You are my heroes.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)hibbing
(10,414 posts)I've not watched the "news" shows since the election and this is where I come for real coverage, been too busy at work to view much so night time is the right time.
(43,626 posts)Boy, FB DU was trollville.
radical noodle
(9,556 posts)getting back up so quickly! Thanks, guys!
herding cats
(19,659 posts)I'm really glad you kicked that little script kiddy in the butt so fast this time. You guys are the best!!
(8,182 posts)DONT FORGET SETH RICH in the subject line of your post and thought you and Chevy initiated it. My sincere apologies. I deleted the post this morning but I'm afraid someone copied it to DI.
herding cats
(19,659 posts)It's very sweet of you to apologize, but not necessary. Things like that can be confusing, and I could care less what they post about me at DI.
(21,252 posts)I am lost without DU, especially in these times, so a big thank you!
(19,438 posts)when I tried to access DU and saw that message.........oh no, not AGAIN! But you guys are on the ball and stopped the S.O.B. dead on his tracks! I can't believe you're up and running already. Bravo!
(90,319 posts)You kicked ass.
Well done.
(367 posts)I lobe this site more and more!
(246 posts)same as election night! one goal of any "war" is to disrupt enemy communications. funny how this happens right when the boom lowers on Donnie Moscow!
(28,270 posts)That was fast guys, GJ!
The special snowflakes on the right must be scared shitless to do crap like that. I wish they could be caught and prosecuted.
Punks like that need lots of jail time.
radical noodle
(9,556 posts)or is it just me?
(24,298 posts)like something we as members need to do?
herding cats
(19,659 posts)I had to, but I thought that was because my account was nuked as one of the infected ones. Maybe everyone had to, though?
(43,349 posts)I am glad you guys are prepared but this FUCKING hatred from Right wingers is stupid but I don't expect much more from Republicans. They are a despicable bunch!
(7,309 posts)Good job guys. Thank you for your speedy recovery.
(105 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)I thought I had been PPRed! Shocked like on Election night only it didn't last as long..
(9,950 posts)Blue_Roses
(13,673 posts)Twice in less than 6 months! Been here a long time and I don't ever remember it being this bad when Bush was president. Good grief...and we thought Bush being president was bad. Little did we know...
But, you guys are sure on top of it! Awesome job! Thank-you! You guys do indeed rock!
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)I was attempting to access DU twice and got the eerie message followed by a black page with Asian-type script.
Then I noticed that I was locked out or removed from DU.
Finally, I'm back on, but with a new password, which may be a problem in the future, as I can only remember 2 passwords, and it's recommended that I not use older passwords.
Glad to be back on, and, yes, I missed DU during those hours.
(1,528 posts)If they want to hack something, why don't they hack a foot up their ass.
Thanks for bringing us back.
The Last Dem.
(76 posts)everything is working good here.
(20,036 posts)So the maggot lovers panic.
(15,539 posts)SO much for all the work that you all do!
U guys must scare the sh$t out of our rePulsive friends. Keep up the good work.
(2,396 posts)So happy it was short lived. I get my news and happy stuff here!
(14,395 posts)And I suppose these kinds of attacks will only increase as the battle comes to a head. Together we will all get through this disaster. Resist.
(16,395 posts)Great job getting us back up! Clearly the right doesn't like what we have to say.
(37,648 posts)Chemisse
(31,046 posts)yallerdawg
(16,104 posts)

(148,616 posts)for having a trigger that activated safety mechanisms to limit h4X0r damage. Real life testing for sure.
Real coincidental regarding the timing.
(22,976 posts)First-class effort, as always. Thanks so much!
(6,642 posts)I bet WTF? is way out if stock now.
Was my exact words upon getting the Seth message.
We have some catching up to do!
(32,342 posts)I was on when it happened and boy, scary stuff. Those a$$holes!
I'd been checking all day for the opening of the May Photo Contest--which just happens coincidentally to have the theme of
"The Sacred Mystery"--when boom, mysterious and nefarious things start happening to a post I was making!
Thanks for getting back so soon!
(1,918 posts)Throck
(2,520 posts)Can the police investigate it as a cyber hate crime?
(51,722 posts)democrank
(11,260 posts)Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
(38,823 posts)the biggest Russian intelligence operation since The Trust in Dzerzhinsky's days.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)This was a quick recovery!
(32,886 posts)Do you have a sense of how far back one's posts were vandalized?
On an amusing note, it seems that Library Girl was active on the DU Facebook page being nasty. I think she called herself Litha Flowers.
(18,434 posts)logosoco
(3,210 posts)With great worry, I emailed "the administrators" and I got a reply almost right away! You all are just wonderful!
This attack reminds me that "the other side" is desperate and they don't have a leg to stand on with their ideas and beliefs. The only thing they can do is attack.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,002 posts)bitterross
(4,066 posts)If we're pissing them off enough to attack us then we're doing it right!
Good work Admins!
(255 posts)We cannot be the best because you all are!
Fiber Lady
(11 posts)You are helping save my sanity!
(11,347 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,382 posts)Additionally, thanks for reinstating me.
(25,816 posts)I had a sinking feeling when we went down. Nice save.
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)Great job admins.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)Nitram
(25,124 posts)and I don't think anybody can untangle the posts designed to put Bernie and Hillary supporters at each others throats (remember how supporters on both sides kept expressing surprise about accusations of over-the-wall attacks on their candidate by the other side?). DU proved inhospitable to the Russian sock puppets, so they're resorting to taking us down instead.
(28,394 posts)Thank you for restoring our home away from home so quickly!
(28,394 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)Sissyk
(12,665 posts)Y'all did good with communication!!
(148,652 posts)The two attacks are disturbing. I wish the culprit could be found.
(39,360 posts)turbinetree
(25,836 posts)of his right wing god, he has no god, he's an ass****
Wado------------to the DU team, and to all of the members, that are getting under the proverbial skin of these right wing trolls, we always come back, because we have TRUTH and FACTS on our side, they (right wing ass****) have nothing
(36,510 posts)to be the focus of their repeated attacks. Good. They should be.
(22,651 posts)Use the business that worked for Hillary campaign. Catch these people because they will be back again and again.
These attacks are criminal.
(2,969 posts)Only down a few hours - feels like days
Wounded Bear
(61,513 posts)and for being here.
(3,429 posts)Though I rarely post i spend more time here than any other place on the internet. The loyal Democrats here give a much better analysis of the news than all of the talking heads put together. I miss you when your down.
(47,755 posts)It worked fine. Thanks.
Obviously, we're getting under some folks' skins.
(10,561 posts)that perhaps were taken after the last hacking.
In other words, did you put protections in place last time to make sure that the site would not be as vulnerable to attack in the future?
(63,645 posts)We're not taking a victory lap here because we would have preferred this didn't happen at all. But yes it appears that many of the changes we made after the last hack did serve to limit the damage this time.
(10,561 posts)And after what you went through you deserve a victory lap.
BTW, I am so happy to learn that I am not on your ignore list. I often wondered if I got put on it during the sometimes combative Clinton/Obama primary back in 2008.
I put up a post last year proclaiming: "Armen Tamzarian's reign of terror is over!" I figured you would get the reference. And I thought you would be amused. But you never replied so it got me wondering.
Anyway, thank you so much for making this site a fun place for Democrats to come and express our beliefs, our frustrations and our hopes for the future. You guys are the best!!
(22,748 posts)and thank you David for bringing me back.
(1,865 posts)DU is the BEST!
(8,203 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)FailureToCommunicate
(14,414 posts)louis-t
(24,026 posts)They were probably using Windows 95.
(24,047 posts)

I bolded the above but it didn't come out bold, FYI...
(11,676 posts)bolding, italics, underlining, excerpt, blockquote, and pretty much all other formatting features are implemented with html, e.g. bold is implemented by {b} {/b} (but where the curly braces are replaced by square brackets)
I sure miss it -- the Economy Statistics pages at my sigline is now a long wall of sometimes undecipherable text without it. Some of the tables are now no longer tables but just a string of numbers (sigh).
But yes, security is far more important.
>> I bolded the above but it didn't come out bold, FYI... <<
I bet it was THE RUSSIANS!
(12,605 posts)Had to change my password, but I'll get used to it . I should change it more often anyway.
(18,395 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)So glad you're back!
(27 posts)WTF is WRONG with these asshats?
(30,461 posts)suspicious.
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)lovemydogs
(575 posts)I find it stupid for them to do so. what do they hope to gain? A half a day of a blog being down? You are not going to knock one out.
But, DU must upset the right enough...
I am glad to see this blog back up and running and hackers will not knock it out!
(229,762 posts)I didn't make a post, I called up DU and was immediately called for a jury. I weighed in on the jury, then a video inexplicably popped up which I reflexively backed out of, but I was immediately logged out and when I tried logging back in, I got a message saying my "account was revoked." I've always wondered what happened with this and now I know. And once was more than enough. Thanks again for the quick response and for all you guys do!
(18,628 posts)

(229,762 posts)Banning someone currently on MIRT.
(18,628 posts)Watch that rowdy behavior in the lounge and no more hoverboard races in the editorials forum.
(229,762 posts)We always thought it DTG took a break, we'd have nothing to do! But others have stepped in to fill the vacuum...
(18,628 posts)...and then some. Everyone appreciates your dedication...
...well maybe not the spammers and disruptors but the many fine folks here do.
---And also the others like me who aren't quite so fine.
Have a great DU day where a day in MIRT is always a party!
(229,762 posts)I somehow missed this post earlier. I was struggling to keep up after I finally managed to come back. And I'm so glad to see you back on MIRT! I've always said it's the friendliest forum on DU!
(18,628 posts)Have my favorite Irish blessing:
May those who love us, love us;
And for those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts;
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles,
So we will know them by their limping!
(115,916 posts)That must've been really weird, being temp banned. I got the floating text, immediately backed out of and tried to reload too. "Wtf was that?"I missed the video so didn't get temp banned. I'm glad you're back.
(37,468 posts)To say I was shocked is pretty accurate LOL
(229,762 posts)Last edited Fri Jul 14, 2017, 07:58 AM - Edit history (1)
I learned that from our most persistent disruptor.
And I always wondered what happened when someone was banned. Now I know and it's not pleasant. But I'm hardly alone, others on MIRT were temporarily banned, too. I just hope that there aren't others who can't find their way back, like has happened with the previous hack.
And I'm glad, too! I felt cut off from the rest of the world...
(15 posts)Along with mitigating the effects of the attack (which it sounds like you're on top of) and plugging the security hole(s) that enabled this attack, it could be worthwhile to look for the perps' digital fingerprints. Any efforts along that line?
(12,402 posts)NNadir
(35,283 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)I'm really really missing the excerpt function
(24,047 posts)Response to Skinner (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(44,900 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 19, 2017, 10:39 AM - Edit history (3)
I've learned that the excerpt feature is especially helpful in terms of separating quotes from commentary, and in some cases, fact from opinion. At any rate, I kept coding my DU posts as usual and kept the faith that this day would come.


or maybe I should say

(229,762 posts)