Related: About this forumReminder: If your candidate has dropped out, here's how to update your Primaries forum preference
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
If you have been participating in the Democratic Primaries forum here at DU, you will recall that you were asked to select a candidate preference before you could post in that forum. You could select from any of the candidates who were running at the time, or "Undecided" if you had not yet chosen a favorite (or if you didn't want to say).
However, you may or may not be aware that if your candidate dropped out of the race at any point, your preference was automatically re-assigned to "Undecided."
If you were not aware that this happened, and you would like to update your candidate preference so that it reflects your current favorite, you can do so easily by visiting this link:
(Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.)
Thanks for reading!
-- The DU Administrators

(22,651 posts)I'd like to make a suggestion please. The democratic primary now has only 2 front runners remaining.
I think it would avoid much divisiveness & foster discussion on policy differences to drop the DU picture tag preference.
(43,626 posts)
(57,277 posts)It would have been nice to have been given notice so we could have been able to give our final thoughts & say goodbye to our fellow supporters of Pete. I have happily switched over to V.P. Biden but feel like I am missing closure with Pete.
Just a thought.
A bit of a grace period might have been nice
(27,995 posts)I felt the same way when Klobuchar dropped out. We all were immediately switched to undecided and could no longer post in her group. I too happily switched over to Biden but missed closure with the Klobuchar group.
radical noodle
(9,556 posts)It was a shock to come back and find I was undecided and locked out of Pete's group.
(8,592 posts)Sniff.
(22,762 posts)Since we introduced this system a year ago, whenever any candidate dropped out their supporters have been automatically switched to "Undecided" within a few hours of the news breaking.
Since there was a such a large bump in Undecideds over the last week (with Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Steyer, and Warren all dropping out) this thread is just to remind people that they have been switched, and to let them know how to set a new candidate preference should they wish to.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)I will stick with Andrew Yang.
(22,651 posts)Yang just started a new venture called Move Humanity Forward. He's a brilliant person and defiantly a rising star!
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Much appreciated.
I had received it via email from his new effort and will be contributing to goal, which is where my future political donations will be headed. I found that following his Presidential Campaign articulated what I had long believed but was just unable to put into words, which is essentially this, "We are measuring things wrong."
No matter who the nominee is will hopefully understand this and not just try to fix the current system, but turn the whole thing on it's ear and change the underlying structure. To a very large degree, I believe that this is why Donald Trump was elected. People are angry, want change and Trump promised change (granted, the only change he was going to provide, was to screw the people over, but folks are tired of the status quo and getting screwed by a system that doesn't seem to care about them.)
(4,733 posts)To have another category of undecided, was originally supporting x
Otherwise, when conversing, we may not realize the poster has not always been an undecided, or a biden or bernie supporter. It means many more categories so probably not feasible. But, being undecided out of attrition feels kinda lonely.
I know I need to suck it up, but just still feeling a bit raw.
(47,997 posts)yet those candidates still exist in other public offices and their supporters should still be able to post in their forums. Candidates who dropped out should have their forums open up to anyone to post, or have a grace period where existing supporters can still post.