Democrats Want Republicans to Confirm Donald Trump Can't Serve Third Term
Source: Newsweek
Published Dec 04, 2024 at 6:49 PM EST | Updated Dec 04, 2024 at 6:52 PM EST
Democrats in Congress are pressing their Republican colleagues to unequivocally confirm that President-elect Donald Trump is constitutionally barred from serving a third term. Representative Dan Goldman, a New York Democrat, introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives on November 14 that reaffirms the 22nd Amendment applies to two terms "in the aggregate," including non-consecutive presidencies like Trump's.
"Congress must uphold the principles of the Constitution and reaffirm its clear intent to limit presidents to two terms," Goldman said in a statement.
The resolution follows multiple comments from Trump hinting at a desire or entitlement to serve beyond two terms. On November 13, Trump told House Republicans, "I suspect I won't be running again unless you do something," implying a potential push to extend his eligibility. Such comments, while often dismissed by Trump and his allies as jokes, have alarmed Democrats.
The resolution also highlights Trump's rhetoric during campaign events in 2024. At a conservative Christian gathering in July, he told attendees they "won't have to vote anymore" if he is re-elected, suggesting a future where elections may be rendered unnecessary. Similar comments date back to 2019, when he posted videos and spoke at campaign rallies entertaining the idea of extended or indefinite terms.
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(53,381 posts)We should not be acting as if we need confirmation that a third term is not a possibility.
This is just dumb.
(144,921 posts)I trust Dan Goldman enough that he knows what the intent is supposed to be (including for future elections and campaign material).
(53,381 posts)with public opinion. And we've seen how bad we are at fighting back against their efforts.
(144,921 posts)ignoring precedents, it needs to be kept in mind as a real possibility since they manage to find all kinds of ridiculous loopholes like "immunity" (that's not even in the Constitution) to use to justify their criminality.
(62,812 posts)Undermining institutions is a classic move from the authoritarian playbook,
and Trump is already working to gut checks and balances.
Roe was settled law. Birthright citizenship is settled law and now they are coming for that too.
(53,381 posts)CTyankee
(65,403 posts)privacy but on the more solid ground of equal justice under the law. I dunno how they could come at birthright citizenship, seems absurd to me.
(62,812 posts)1. Deny citizenship affirming documents to U.S.-born children of undocumented migrants.
That doesn't take away citizenship, but it makes it difficult to prove.
2. Defy the 14th Amendment as much they can and use right-wing judges to chip away at it.
Number 3 is a long stretch, but don't rule it out. Declare a state of invasion in which
undocumented immigrants are unlawful combatants, not subjects of U.S. law.
(6,170 posts)bucolic_frolic
(47,841 posts)We're entering year no. 9 of this shit.
(7,027 posts)Omnipresent
(6,526 posts)Do we really have to feel that insecure about our democracy, that we have to ask that question?
(63,211 posts)Clouds Passing
(2,997 posts)LPBBEAR
(401 posts)I called into the Thom Hartmann show. Before the call I knew full well that Trump and the Republicans would try to put Trump back in the White House. I'm no political genius. Given Trumps narcissistic sociopathic personality and the corruption of the Republican party it was obvious.
Thom has a couple congress members as guests every week. One is Congressman Mark Pocan and the other is Congressman Ro Khanna. I don't remember which was the guest the day
In my opinion, after the events of January 6 and Trump's involvement in those events, the single most important issue for Democrats in Congress to address was keeping Trump out of the White House.
When you call into Thom's show you're supposed to ask a question of the guest. So, my question was something like "What will the Democrats do to Trump proof the Presidency?"
Apparently, after doing nothing to block Trump from the White House for almost 4 frigging years since I asked that question, they've decided to make a misguided feeble attempt at "Trump proofing" the Presidency by "asking" their corrupt Republican "friends across the aisle" to pretty please with sugar on it don't let the narcissistic sociopath fascist have a third term.
We're going to ASK!?!?!?!
Fuck that. We really need more aggressive leaders fighting for us in Congress. No more Marcus of Queensbury's rules followers puhleeese.
(88 posts)That'll scare him!
(1,064 posts)sarisataka
(21,321 posts)It is a two-term limit.
(368 posts)And we all know how that turned out.
Trump doesn't give one flying fuck about the Constitution. Hell, he talks about "suspending" it all the damn time.
It should have said "convicted of insurrection in a federal court", otherwise who's to say who is or isn't one?
(368 posts)overthrow the government or you're not. But yes, if there is a NEED for a conviction in a federal court, that should indeed be clarified.
Considering historical context, I very much doubt that was what the writers had in mind, however.
I find it incredibly telling and enormously hypocritical that some state courts ruled that he did in fact engage in insurrection, but could somehow still run for president, completely flying in the face of what the clause states.
(18,615 posts)I'm not one of them, but an argument can be made that he didn't tell them to storm the Capital. Some say he should have been convicted of inciting a riot, a somewhat lesser charge.
I think since it's a federal election, it woukd likely have to be a federal court. He should have been immediately tried.
Jose Garcia
(2,954 posts)Former President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that presidents should be able to run for a third term as long as they take off some time after their second term.
Ive always thought that should be the rule, he said on MSNBCs Morning Joe. I think as a practical matter, you couldnt apply this to anyone who has already served, but going forward, I personally believe that should be the rule.
Clinton made the remark in the context of a question posed by Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough, who said that many wished that Clinton could run again.
Shouldnt a president be able to take two terms, take time off and run again? Shouldnt Americans have that choice? asked Scarborough. He cited former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who led his country during World War II and again in the 1950s, as an example.
(16,546 posts)IMO that is what Gingrich was striving for when he chose to turn the Republican Party into a stridently contrarian opposition party.
(3,240 posts)amendment so this can happen. Otherwise, shut up and enjoy your retirement.
(18,615 posts)I'm not really a fan of the 22nd myself.
(6,591 posts)After going to Merde Lardo and kissing the feet of the Treasonous Pig.
You know damn well he wants Dotard to stay (p)resident as long as possible.
(16,546 posts)They wanted to limit another FDR from taking office for more than two terms.
(18,462 posts)AZ8theist
(6,591 posts)FakeNoose
(36,127 posts)In other words, a person could become President for a partial term, in the case of death or resignation, and that partial term must be 2 years or less. This is what happened in the case of LBJ after the murder of John F. Kennedy. Then Johnson ran for reelection and won in 1964. He was still eligible to run again in 1968, since he had only served 5.1 years by then. But the Vietnam War changed things and Johnson decided not to run for reelection a 2nd time.
If Kennedy had died a year earlier, then Johnson would have been President for 6.1 years in 1968. In that case he would have been constitutionally disallowed from running again.
(355 posts)It says you can only be elected twice.
(9,282 posts)Likely to turn into a drumbeat while Trump "serves". The USSC is corrupt to the degree would be willing to rule on the question of a 3rd inconsecutive term. More dangerous bull shit.
(26,897 posts)Why on god's green earth is this even remotely being considered? Sort of like some question about Santa Claus, or if the Pope can tell Muslims what to do or believe.
Honestly, doesn't anyone there have any remote understanding of the Constitution? What am I missing here????