Trump's team weighs withholding massive research grants from universities that are too 'woke': Report
Source: The Independent
Friday 06 December 2024 23:15 GMT
President-elect Donald Trumps team is considering the possibility of withholding massive research grants from woke schools they claim lack academic freedom. Trumps nominee to head the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a physician and economist at Stanford, reportedly wants to target so called cancel culture at a number of top progressive universities, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Those with knowledge of Bhattacharyas thinking told the newspaper that hes considering linking the doling out of billions in federal research grants to a measure of academic freedom on campuses and punishing those that apparently dont adequately embrace perspectives championed by conservatives.
Bhattacharya wants to take on what he views as academic conformity in science, which pushed him aside over his criticism of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including his opposition to school closures and mask mandates to stop the spread of the virus. He suggested in a Wall Street Journal op ed in 2020 that only up to 40,000 Americans would be killed by the pandemic. More than 1.2 million people died.
While he hasnt yet established how to measure academic freedom, he has been looking at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and the nonprofits scoring of universities and their rankings based on freedom of speech. The nonprofit bases its rankings on surveys of students views on whether they feel comfortable sharing ideas, with schools being negatively scored if their administrators punish faculty for opinions, or if they withdraw an invitation to a speaker following a possible controversy.
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(12,881 posts)Irish_Dem
(60,307 posts)Doesn't look good for them.
(60,307 posts)Large American research universities do a tremendous amount of research in many fields.
All in jeopardy now.
In China, all university research must be approved by the political committees.
Nothing controversial or critical of the power structure is allowed.
Topics all must be politically correct.
(6,209 posts)to determine too "woke" is going to simply boil down to if Stephen Miller etc. feel the university has "too many blacks, Latinos,etc." and if it has more women than he feels is correct in STEM type courses. If a university dares to openly support LGBTQ+ people it will also be an immediate end to their funding.
(12,030 posts)Universities in blue states will be targets, and many of the universities that do significant federally funded research are in blue states, so we are likely to see less progress in cancer research and other diseases as well as ways to ameliorate climate warming. I think Musk or another of Trumps dystopian nominees has already mentioned killing the NIH, which funds a major amount of research for the treatment of diseases affecting many Americans.
(6,209 posts)University of Wisconsin-Madison was devastated over several years of researchers being constantly under attack etc. After awhile they rightly took their knowledge and expertise and foundation grants elsewhere. The ranking of the university went into a long deep slide not only from a research standpoint but also because the best professors left also. So the value of a degree from UW when seeking a job went way down the scale for a very long time and is even now only slowly recovering.
(23,216 posts)A number of common research areas in environmental science would also be forbidden - species extinction, effects of industrial pollution, habitat destruction, etc.
(614 posts)Replacing facts with opinions.
(144,920 posts)Fixed.
(7,027 posts)enigmania
(237 posts)will be required to offer courses in Flat Earth Cosmology and Natural Healing.
(576 posts)The terrible murder of the UHC CEO was, it demonstrated, people can only be pushed so far before they snap and retaliate. So keep pushing, assholes.
(1,437 posts)Tanuki
(15,445 posts)Lysenkoism "was a political campaign led by Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of a form of Lamarckism, as well as expanding upon the techniques of vernalization and grafting.
More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the Soviet campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Soviet Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko's mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.
The government of the Soviet Union (USSR) supported the campaign, and Joseph Stalin personally edited a speech by Lysenko in a way that reflected his support for what would come to be known as Lysenkoism, despite his skepticism toward Lysenko's assertion that all science is class-orientated in nature. Lysenko served as the director of the USSR's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People's Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official "new biology", to varying degrees, as did the People's Republic of China for some years."...(more)
(64,892 posts)U.S. scientists will leave and go to other countries where they can do their work. The U.S. will no longer be a leader in science and innovation.
(4,609 posts)Certain areas of study will be forbidden, certain conclusions will be suppressed. If they succeed here, some departments will disappear while others will be pressured to change their positions by withholding funds.
Climate Change? Not real. Gender and ethnic studies? Disappeared without a trace. Political Science? You get the idea. This is what they want. And theyre very close to getting it.
(613 posts)definition of "woke."
(1,563 posts)... a definition from Merriam Webster.
(442 posts)...
(1,563 posts)... that surround Trump don't even know the definition of "WOKE".
Fools with an (R) after their name, attend: WOKE: [To be] aware of, and actively attentive to, important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
If you consider the word "woke" to be a pejorative, then you are one sick fuck, and have NO business in a position of authority. You should slither back into the cesspool of malice and deceit that spawned you.
(7,329 posts)Destroy the media and free press. Destroy the educational system.
And, apparently, destroy the health system, the banking system, relationships with allies, and basically, the Federal Government.
They know what they are doing.
(1,563 posts)... that such men would burn their country to the ground so they could rule over the ashes. The diseased minds of the sycophants sucking up to Trump are just such men (and women), and they are all in thrall to Vladimir Putin. They're gladly doing his bidding, even if they think it's for Trump. And he does Putin's bidding as if his life depends on it, because it does. I'm sure he knows what a messy death defenestration delivers. As they say, it's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop.
Every breath the Orange Gargoyle takes is in furtherance of Dear Vlad's fevered desire to bring America to its knees by gutting its institutions from within. It's been his publicly stated desire all his malevolent life. And he's well on his way to achieving his evil dream by exploiting the malice and greed that motivates every Republican that Satan ever defecated, starting with the blubbery embodiment of malice and greed himself, Donald J. Trump.
So, to all you Trump-humping traitors out there, you deserve whatever fate befalls you as a result of your treachery. The rest of us do not.
(7,329 posts)"Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a physician and economist at Stanford, reportedly wants to target so called cancel culture at a number of top progressive universities..."
This will prove to be embarrassing to Stanford, one of the world's most elite universities. It will be interesting to see if Stanford loses its grants. Or, if just the other Ivy League universities that students can choose from get hit. Not saying that Stanford is Ivy League. But, its standing in the academic world is megastar.
I am most concerned that it was mentioned this weirdo doesn't believe in standard medical practice in the face of an epidemic. What is wrong with these nutty people? We had so much trouble in the last pandemic, what with astonishing suggestions from the pResident in speeches to the American public, that I have no faith that they will do anything beneficial for us. It is truly frightening to think that this person would be in charge of NIH. I can see professors now being forced to teach shoving a uv light up your butt in order to receive grant money--probably to research lights up the butt medical practice. Whatever Donald, who knows everything about everything, wants.
It was a mistake to vote for Donald Trump, and those that did are going to find out.
(1,059 posts)Mblaze
(439 posts)By those who insist that America stays in a Fascist coma.
(85,103 posts)rampartd
(1,059 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(102,718 posts)Conservatives and authoritarians spend a few years making up claims about being "cancelled" (which in reality is individuals ignoring or boycotting them), and then when they have sufficient power and have brainwashed their followers enough, they actually do "cancel" their ideological enemies. Just like Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and Mao did.
(1,059 posts)the hollywood black list
the smothers brothers
phil donahue
the dixie chicks
(51,325 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(116,960 posts)They refuse to kiss his oversized ass.
(3,983 posts)LoisB
(9,039 posts)LeftishBrit
(41,313 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,677 posts)Scrivener7
(53,381 posts)I don't think so.
(653 posts)Whether a university is what they term 'woke' should have no relationship on what research grant it receives.
For example, US News and World Report ranks Harvard as #1 University for Oncology but Trump probably also considers them 'woke'.
City Lights
(25,467 posts)I am so upset with pretty much all the news coming out of that evil circus. Leaves a pit in my stomach.
(25,443 posts)did you get childhood vaccinations to go to school...............yes or no............
and second what do you think of this dude, see below............what's his / your opinion of this person..........
The Doctor Who Fooled The World.
Andrew Wakefields War On Vaccines
By Brian Deer
(13,620 posts)Such dumbshit policy proposals.