What ELSE we're voting for Nov 5: Why the Maga Six will uphold Cannon's ruling to dismiss the documents case.
When the Immunity ruling was made July 1 2024, Clarence Thomas gave Cannon the reasoning the SCOTUS WOULD SUPPORT re the existence of the present special counsel.
At this point, Jack Smith (the People of the United States v Trump) CAN appeal to the 11th Circuit, AND the 11th Circuit CAN remove Cannon for this ruling, BUT the 11th ALSO knows that its decision will be appealed and the maga 6 injustices WILL OVERRULE THE 11TH CIRCUIT for the reasons Clarence Thomas gave in the maga 6's latest Immunity ruling.
He noted that the appointment of U.S. attorneys from the very beginning has been safeguarded by presidential appointment, requiring confirmation of the Senate. . . . You are thus required to win an expression of confidence in your character by both the legislative and the executive branches of the government before assuming the responsibilities of a federal prosecutor.
Jack Smith hasnt passed that test, and with his record of having lost cases both at trial and on appeal because of his overreaching approach to criminal law, likely wouldnt. At a minimum, these prosecutions should be handled by a duly appointed and confirmed U.S. attorney who has.
Mr. Mukasey served as U.S. attorney general, 2007-09, and as a U.S. district judge, 1988-2006. He joined a friend-of-the-court brief challenging both the creation of Mr. Smiths office and his appointment in the Florida case.
On November 5 We the voters will have to solve this maga 6 constitutional crisis.
Kid Berwyn
(18,649 posts)BFEE turd Mukasey and his co-conspirators are in for a rude awakening.
We the People dont approve SCROTUS censoring the Constitution to read: Me the Donald.
(39,093 posts)Has Mukasey been listed as a co-conspirator? If not, then don't think quotes from a former AG count for nothing.
You might as well say that Clarence Thomas is a co-conspirator. A lot of good that will do us.
We need to vote DOWNTICKET like hell for Democrats for Senate and House. That's our only recourse.
The only OTHER recourse is that Biden take advantage of the maga 6's "official acts" key clause and make it his official act to restore the DOJ's special counsel himself.
Kid Berwyn
(18,649 posts)If President Biden doesn't use the powers of his office and the loyal public servants in government, I seriously doubt Trump will restore law and order come January 20, 2025. So, if there ever was a time we needed some executive action, this is it. Joe can declare a national emergency and round up the traitors beholden to Putin -- from Trump to JD Vance to Mukasey and to whatever bums Bush Sr. gave keys.
(39,093 posts)Our only power is our numbers. We have to win a trifecta to restore a government that truly represents the will of The People.
It goes against every fiber of Biden's being to overrule a maga 6 ruling, but since the DOJ falls under the Executive Branch, and the Executive is sworn to faithfully execute, you're right -- if there ever was a time for Biden to use the "official acts" clause, this is it.
Kid Berwyn
(18,649 posts)President Biden will need to think outside the box, if not go there, in order to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. Too bad if the weapons he may have to use were supposed to be saved for use by a repuglian. It's not the sick fick, the SCrOTUS and the un-American NAZI horde -- We the People will stand with President Biden.
(39,093 posts)balanced, not asymmetric, jurisprudence. It's called living up to his sworn oath and faithfully executing.
I can't explain it as well as he, but he has to explain what he decides. This can't be a populist, political decision on Biden's part. He has to explain the imbalance of three branch power that now exists.