A Call to Democrats, Independents, Green Partiers, Moderate Republicans and All Americans Who See the Danger we are in!
https://signalpress.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-call-to-democrats-independents-green.htmlGet past all the bickering over the debate, and rescue this nation from despotism.
The past three weeks have brought a cataract of bad political news. I'm 66 years old, have observed politics since I was 10 or 11 years old because of the interest of my West Virginia-born parents, working class Americans who built their family by hard work and lived by and believed in values like honesty, integrity and trust, interdependent friendships and a sense of community support, and were true patriots. My father was a World War II Navy veteran, who volunteered upon graduating from college as a chemistry major, trained as an air conditioning mechanic and spent the war servicing equipment on cruisers and battleships in the Pacific. My mother worked to support him and the family, as a hotel desk clerk, housekeeper, and as my sister and I were growing up, a child care worker. They were Democrats, and they passed those values on to their children.
It's been beyond appalling, over these past weeks, to see where things have been headed. The Supreme Court's declaration that the President of the United States, by example one former one they want to protect in particular, is above the law and immune from criminal prosecution while performinng official acts related to the Presidency has left me absolutely dumbfounded. Any reasonably educated and politically estute American should also have been horrified and troubled by this ruling. This is a consequence of some past apathy that permitted the appointment of three justices who lied during their hearings in the judiciary committee. The value of honesty and integrity took a hit on this one.
The debate performance of President Biden opened the door to a partial cave-in of support from his own party. This has also been an appalling development, especially four months out from the election and less than a month from the nominating convention. With the other side working as hard as they can to make it difficult to vote, and on ways and means to overturn votes they don't like, to have something like this happen is potentially disastrous. The media hasn't left it alone. And today, a tweet from Jake Tapper, of CNN, left me as angry at a reporter as I've been in a long time, hinting that some "high Democratic party officials are already preparing for a Trump presidency."
Is the media conceding this as well, based on their own misinformation, or on their corporate ownership's instructions? Are they trying to get on Trump's good side before he gets in there again? We are now left without a free press.
Folks, this is all gross injustice. It's not coincidental. This country is headed for chaos. The enforcement of the law has been taken away from us. Our constitutional rights are next. And we better wake up now, stand up and do whatever we can do to make sure this country remains a Constitutional democracy under the rule of law.

(393 posts)Not the time to aid and abet the corporate rich a**hole interests of those who think they are above being law abiding citizens. They have eaten up damn hear every resource working people by slowly taking from us one thing at a time until now we have little to defend ourselves with. PLEASE, people let's come together as a one large voting unit and defeat the fascists. If we do not we will pay dearly for allowing it to happen and our future generations will have no choice in the matter.
(6,283 posts)The number of donations to the campaign has soared since then.
Miami Blue
(248 posts)Hi lees1975,
Im with you on everything you stated in your excellent reporting. However, I have faith in the
decency of the American people still.
Anyway, can you please keep utilizing your
magnificent writing skills to spread awareness of the hazards of losing our democracy under a wannabe dictator such as Traitor Trump.
(6,283 posts)And thank you so much for the compliment. It's encouraging.