The Capitulation of The Washington Post do editorials make the news. However, The Washington Post, following in the footsteps of The Los Angeles Times, has managed to accomplish that feat by not printing one. William Lewis, the papers publisher and chief executive officer, declared on Friday that we are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates. So much for democracy dying in darkness and all that. Lewis, an editorial import from Great Britain, created an instantaneous uproar with his decision.
Marty Baron, the former executive editor of the paper, deemed it cowardice, with democracy as its casualty. He went on to call the papers stand if thats what it is, disturbing spinelessness at an institution famed for its courage. By that, he was, of course, referring to the papers determination to uncover the Watergate scandal in the face of multifarious threats from the Nixon administration. Robert Kagan, a prominent columnist for the paper, has resigned from it in protest.
The fact that the owners of the Post and The Los Angeles Times, Jeff Bezos and Patrick Soon-Shiong, respectively, are billionaires has not escaped the attention of their critics, who see democracy as dying in the C-suite. Couple it with the news that Elon Musk, a staunch backer of Donald Trumps third bid for the presidency, has been having secret conversations with Russian president Vladimir Putin, and you have the basis for a perfect storm of suspicion about oligarchs tending not to the public weal but to their own private pecuniary interests.
The Wall Street Journal, no critic of American capitalism, proffers the judgment that the regular contacts between worlds richest man and Americas chief antagonist raise security concerns, topics include geopolitics, business and personal matters. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson declared that an investigation into Musks dealings is imperative as SpaceX has access to top-secret information. I dont know that that story is true, he said. I think it should be investigated. If that story is true that there have been multiple conversations between Elon Musk and the president of Russia, then I think that would be concerning, particularly for NASA, for the Department of Defense, for some of the intelligence agencies.

(595 posts)The editorial board should have just ignored what Bezos wanted. He wanted to stay on the sideline and not be involved in what his newspaper does. They should have just went forward with the endorsement. So in fact, the editorial board was afraid of Jeff Bezos they were afraid of being fired and of course, many of them are resigning anyway.
Silent Type
(8,509 posts)Opinion Post columnists respond
The newspapers refusal to endorse a presidential candidate is a mistake.
By 16 Post Opinions columnists
October 25, 2024 at 6:50 p.m. EDT
The Washington Posts decision not to make an endorsement in the presidential campaign is a terrible mistake. It represents an abandonment of the fundamental editorial convictions of the newspaper that we love. This is a moment for the institution to be making clear its commitment to democratic values, the rule of law and international alliances, and the threat that Donald Trump poses to them the precise points The Post made in endorsing Trumps opponents in 2016 and 2020.
There is no contradiction between The Posts important role as an independent newspaper and its practice of making political endorsements, both as a matter of guidance to readers and as a statement of core beliefs. That has never been more true than in the current campaign. An independent newspaper might someday choose to back away from making presidential endorsements. But this isnt the right moment, when one candidate is advocating positions that directly threaten freedom of the press and the values of the Constitution.
Karen Attiah
Perry Bacon Jr.
Matt Bai
Max Boot
E.J. Dionne Jr.
Lee Hockstader
David Ignatius
Heather Long
Ruth Marcus
Dana Milbank
Alexandra Petri
Catherine Rampell
Eugene Robinson
Jennifer Rubin
Karen Tumulty
Erik Wemple
(65,738 posts)on msnbc. I remember when he lost his beloved wife of many years that I was so sad for him.
(36,596 posts)In the case of the WaPo, it's Bezos' press.
(162,218 posts)included Bezos' feelings IN the Harris endorsement
(26,750 posts)the capitulation of Jeff Bezos?
Bezos is either afraid of TSF or complicit.
As Michael Cohen said, TSF wants to be the richest person in the world and if he becomes king he will take Bezos' money in a heartbeat.
(86,952 posts)CNYHarris
(40 posts)That is going to be hundreds per year because of Bezos and the WaPo.
I am already finding where I can buy the same stuff I buy on Amazon for less or equal prices elsewhere. My goal is zero spent at Amazon.