The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsDon't know where else to post, need some real estate help! (long backstory, sorry)
I've posted before, but now the situation has grown more complex, and I am at a loss.
Background: My folks passed in 2022&23 my older sister managed the family Trust, which included a couple properties. We sold their house, split it, split everything else. Well, there were 2 properties left... The cabin in Tahoe that my dad built in 1957 (family heirloom basically) which had been devastated during the huge winter of 22 and pipes broke, the whole bottom floor was gutted. The other property was 40 ac in Sonoma(we called it the "Ranch" even though it had no animals etc), which the house was burned in 2020, and is very remote. Both properties were about the same value ON PAPER. We'd had the Ranch on the market since Mom passed in takers.
Sis said her and her hubby were gonna fix the Cabin and keep it in the family...she knew I had emotional attachment to the Ranch, so she suggested we each take one of them and dissolve the Trust, you know...faster, easier...
Forward to now, she sold the Cabin to a developer (for $150K more, cuz market value)
At first, I thought I could make the Ranch work...bbut it is NOT liveable for me in my age and medical issues. Thought I could stick my kids out there in a trailer but the road is not able to handle it, water issues, etc.
I have tried three other avenues to either fix it or sell it, nothing worked.
I thought I could maybe sell it to some crazy preppers, but apparently they all hate "Commiefornia"
WTF do I do? I even tried one of those Land Sale predatory companies, and they almost took it, but their photographer got lost twice and they lowered the poffer to $20K which is nothing.
My Dad bought that place in 1977, it was supposed to be a Legacy. Now I can't use it or sell it, and that sale $ was going to help us with our retirement too...
FUUUUUCK! I haven't told my wife yet, she just had neck fusion surgery and I dont want to freak her out. So I am scrambling to try and find some kind of option!
SOOOOO, any ideas, DU????
(My sister is a bitch and isn't even speaking to me since I told her I was pissed she sold the cabin and stuck me with something unsellable... She used my emotions about my parents to get what she wanted...)

question everything
(49,744 posts)Look at the list of Forums, above. They are listed alphabetically.
Good luck!
(73,525 posts)N/t
(6,672 posts)I'd love to see the listing, but just a lookie loo...
(14,719 posts)Cal Fire runs all that and the county would send out a forester, etc. When I rode out there with the tree guy for an estimate for cutting back the road (over 15K) he said none of them are worth harvesting, but all he saw was the corner of property here the road was, the other 39 acres are WILD jungle!
here's the old listing from when my sister had it on the market
Think. Again.
(21,666 posts)FirstLight
(14,719 posts)trying to list "By Owner" is really over my head.
Had one realtor bail after freaking out about the remoteness. The old one that worked with my sister was emailing jme but stopped abruptly for no reason. I dont have an attorney. I am literally TRYING to adult here... Just literally lost.
(6,672 posts)Perfect marijuana site for cartels if there is water. But it would get wrecked. Thanks for posting the listing.