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Related: Culture Forums, Support Forumsare there any du model railroaders out there ? i have a question. do u shoot your trains and then and or play with them

(14,457 posts)using Trainz Railroad Simulator. The two are not mutually exclusive, but I prefer to concentrate on virtual.
Many advantages: Fraction of the cost, takes no space other than room on my hard drive, and more variety.
I can have a virtual railroad that would fill a warehouse in any scale. I can switch from a vintage backwoods logging route to a modern mainline operation with a few mouse clicks. I can build a layout in a few hours or weeks compared to years to create the equivalent in a basement. The full variety of operations is available.
Most of content is free or low cost. (compared to plastic or brass models). I get better sound and environmental effect that would be all but impossible with models (smoke, rain, snow).
Best of all, I can share my layouts with anyone who has the same simulator.
There are a few "analog" models on my shelf and I look to many model railroads for inspiration.
(20,097 posts)Turns out - my sis just told me a few years ago that my dad wanted to be an engineer. Not the electrical engineer he became but a railroad engineer.
But at some point I forgot what ?institution asked him what he wanted to be and he said, "an engineer". They thought he meant - mechanical, chemical, electrical etc, not the railways.
Now I as a girl/tween/teen and beyond was a "mix" of (the 50's, 60's and beyond depending on where) "girl", and "boy" interests. I loved fashion, and especially jewelry! I love(d) science, and did some sports. I played w blocks, tinker toys, wooden trains, and legos. I want to buy some legos again for a particular project.
Did have some as an adult. The Lego Store!🥰😁
So my dad since he saw I enjoyed the wooden tracks - no wonder he'd take me to see various model train layouts at different stores! I loved the different levels, the scenery, the various bridges, switchings, etc.
So - (like i need another game etc on my phone 😁 ) what would you [or any other fan] recommend as a virtual model train set up app? No rush. 👍
(14,457 posts)One of my favorite toys.
I think that Trainz Railroad Simulator is best for beginners. Lots of content and lots of tutorials,
(20,097 posts)Over the years...I think looked at them a few yrs back on line, and saw new stuff they added.
(20,097 posts)sarisataka
(21,586 posts)2'x8' that I hope to expand to 12'. I will use a random traffic generator to bring in and deliver cars, switching out ones to come off.
(14,457 posts)both analog (HO & N)and virtual.
Recent virtual project was Milwaukee's Kingsbury Branch in Chicago, based on a number of articles and track plans in Model Railroader.
(21,586 posts)And really like the Tycoon games.
I still most enjoy building an actual layout. I am planning to do a brewery complex. The Hamms brewery in St Paul would be my first choice, I grew up near it, but the Schmidt brewery across town had a very interesting track arrangement. It can be done nearly to scale.
(14,457 posts)I'm not sure which sim this is.
(12,721 posts)