White Collar Privilege
Saw an article about how much the Long Shore men are getting and may go on strike...My God did see they make $170,000 a year and they want more. Then there's all the talk about fast food workers getting $15/hr, how terrible.
My question his how much are the CEOs getting?
Don't talk to me about Blue Collar workers making too much and you want to put a limit on what they make until you put a limit on how much White Collar workers make. Lets start that discussion first.

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I am always stunned when I see a clip from a Trump rally and you see the poor white folks lined up behind. How stupid can you be to support Trump who shits on you each and every day? I guess none of that matters if you are a card carrying racist. Who loves guns.
(13,028 posts)Get at least 100 times what a worker makes. Bigger the corporation bigger the injustice.
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)Teachers are a big source of complaints.
I shut down a co-worker who was carrying on about teacher's pay. I asked him if he ever hired babysitters. Of course he did. How much does he pay them? $5 dollars an hour. Then take $5 an hour times 30-40 kids and teachers should be paid $150-200 an hour, right? And that's just to sit with them. Educating them should mean even higher pay. Amazingly, he said he had never thought of it that way and I never heard him talk of it again.
(35,076 posts)Retired teacher posted an article on FB about Long Shore Men on west coast might go on strike. He ended up agreeing with me.
Thank you for this post.
(20 posts)Educators in most of this country are woefully unrecognized. The importance
of a complete and comprehensive education cant be overstated.
That being said the issue is not nearly as simple as "working people should be paid more."
I agree with that basic premise myself making the same rate the last 11 years.
Where we live the problem involves several factors.
First, regardless of the rate of pay or number of degrees an individual earns, 40 plus kids
in a room can not be competently or properly educated. NO THEY CANT
Second, a dilution of curriculum eases the burden on educators forced into this no win scenario
but does not help the student. (our children)
The bottom line is in our sates EDU system teachers get raises with every degree they earn
regardless if these degrees focus are the teachers specific responsibilities.
Example, a third grade teacher earns a second masters in child phycology.
We as taxpayers foot that bill while at the same time see the failure to improve the classroom
experience. Qualified educators that work in environments that allow a competent and complete
education experience do not need multiple degrees. They need only the proper
number of students to handle at a time. One teacher with multiple degrees making, in this example
over 158,000 a year still can not provided the proper one on one just because of their salary.
Two qualified educators making 80,000 a year with only 20 to 22 students to handle
improves our children's education across the board.
Just a very basic view of this opinion.
1. How can you say that a child psychology degree can't improve a teacher's ability to teach better? Hello! CHILD psychology! (Especially when you can't even spell it?)
2. WHERE is there a teacher making $158,000?? I want to go to there.
3. My state passed a class size amendment whereby the maximum number of students in middle school was capped at 22. Many of my classes had 40 students. The district found it was cheaper to pay the fines than to hire more teachers. But they built all the new classrooms to accommodate EXACTLY 22 students! And skimped on bathrooms. My students were crammed in like sardines. Tell me how you think that works for discipline? Answer: it doesn't!!!