Communism or Capitalism - what do they mean
When it comes down to brass tax
what the hell does communism actually mean
when practiced by the state,
what if it was a democratic communistic state
has there ever been one of those
No - you got
Stalin, as well as many other
famous authentic Authoritarians
like Genghis Khan
maybe some would say people like
Mitch McConnell, (some might jest that he lies to stall progress, but they would not be necessarily joking)
Putin, Bashar al-Assad in Syria (what a major jerk)
Kim Jong-un and his whole family
and nobody,
Yes nobody.
Idi Amin
Supreme Leaders in Iran
The oppressive Saudi Kings
Fidel, etc...
Somehow that's all labeled communism
when it's really not.
It's more about oppression, not that capitalism by itself cannot be evil,
not in the slightest.
there's no clear-cut democratic communism,
nor is there a socialist or capitalist one.
Is there a clear-cut democratic capitalistic
higher power
Or is it possible that capitalistic ideology itself might be part of the reason
why too many people suffer,
how could anyone know without
critical analysis?
what does it mean to be free?
What does democracy mean?
democracy gets people talking
freely, there are more than a few aspects of capitalism
that do work well towards real progress
the individual is an asset towards any creation
of real progress
as is the team, and the freedom to choose
And it's a big world
especially if you dream
especially if you are free to
It's a lot to consider Joe

(55,655 posts)Yet in the interim--until a classless society is realized--the state acts as a dictatorship of the proletariat. That is according to Marx.
(278 posts)Thanks iemanja,
I guess I needed that clarification.
How does the worker know,
how could they, any kind of commerce
is so, how we say, limited in any individualistic way.
Who controls the ship that sails, is the old age question
I wish it was an answer in itself, but it's not.
But, there is no question at all that we all are
dependent on one another's actions.
Especially when it comes to the Nation States.
(55,655 posts)There is no employer, and no one is exploited by an employer's profit motive. It's idealistic, but that's the concept.
Marx is meant to be the quintessential materialist. Unless you mean materialism as in a lust for goods. His ideal society doesn't have room for that.
good explanation
The way I usually answer is to fist ask: "what is capitalism?" Its not really just "owning the means of production".
Capitalism is M-C-M' ie the the pursuit of profit for the sake of itself above all else. It is the elevation of that above all activities.
Capitalism is NOT the quaint notion of people trading goods and services, using money as an exchange - a bunch of happy artisans working in a village. Actual usefulness is only a byproduct of that activity. The system is designed to be a never ending game of continued increase in extraction (both of human effort and natural resources) for it to survive.
I believe it (capitalism) is fundamentally unsuited in dealing with the problems ie climate change.
Socialism is "above" communism, and contains a lot of subsets that contain "Marzism" which contains different version approaches (like the Netherlands, etc).
Go to about 5:30 in the video link:
(278 posts)so according to Marx,
as you say, but why did
Marx posit this conclusion,
Some say humanism,
saying he didn't take into account
the material world, or the
whole congress about competition
but I think that premise misses the whole point
since I think all beings are pretty smart
I think wild animals are smart ---
even overly domesticated ones
like dogs and cats
and most humans
(278 posts)The slippery slope nonsense is clearly all propaganda which is something political conservative party leaders that imperative to disseminate.
SS or medicare doesn't lead to complete government control any more than public school or creation of the NIH.
Assisting people and protecting the environment in many ways helps to sustain economic progress.
The government can create jobs and has without controlling all means of production.