Trump protesters should stay away from the RNC
for their own safety - these shootings are getting way out of hand and sides are forming. I'd like to see the convention surrounded by "Go Home, Trump" signs (or some such thing), but with a shortage of living targets for RW gun-totters.

(880 posts)I saw a story yesterday that a "Bikers For Trump" group is headed to Cleveland to "protect" Trump supporters. Not good.
(83 posts)and would probably backfire, but may-be something like this would work.
(113,131 posts)with all the violence by the Trump rageOholics having to turn on each other indoors.
Yes, I'm thinking of the DNC in 1968. The same type of people are spoiling for a fight and 1968 was brutal. It also led to 8 years of Nixon/Ford and contributed to the rightward lurch of our own party.
I know you want your voices against Trump heard, people, but don't raise them there. Nothing will hurt those people worse than having us stay away.
(83 posts)I am so sick of CNN running Trump, Trump, Trump all day long. CBS even had a Special Report saying basically the same old crap about who/when Trump is to announce his VP pick - nothing new, mind you, just interrupt the program I'm watching. We all need to just turn the channel when his face shows up or one of his supporters starts rambling the stupidity in their brains. Let the media see their ratings tank whenever Trump is mentioned.
Tal Vez
(660 posts)party's stars refused to come.
(12,771 posts)demonstrations into riots.