Ben Carson detests poltics...but he could be drafted
This graphic and the link to the Daily Caller article are now circulating among conservatives on FB.

TheDC: Yesterday, conservative USA Today columnist Cal Thomas said your speech was offensive. Would you agree with that assessment?
BC: Its offensive if youre an ideologue and dont like to have anyone challenge what you think. But if youre an individual who understands what our government is supposed to be and that is something for, of and by the people then its not offensive at all when one of the people comes out with some suggestions; its not seen as an attack.
But, you know, we have these entrenched entities and Im talking about both Republicans and Democrats who believe that when youre elected to office, you become some kind of member of the aristocracy, and that anyone who challenges you is attacking you and is unpatriotic. This is foolishness.
And its just one of the reasons that were in the situation were in now, and its one of the reasons that I rail so much against the whole political correctness stuff thats perpetrated largely by the media, quite frankly. And they need to recognize that they have a much higher calling: a calling to speak the truth no matter where it comes from. A calling not to pick sides and not to try to influence peoples opinions, but rather just to provide the facts. And if they ever could get back to that high calling, I think things would go much better.
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