Socialist Progressives
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This message was self-deleted by its author (Ichingcarpenter) on Tue Apr 26, 2016, 03:58 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(1,884 posts)No lie is too great to try to pass off as fact.
(3,343 posts)Well you know what they say... When you go far enough left you end up on the right.
(25,699 posts)They believe that being to the left of Republicans actually makes them "leftists" instead of center-right. Or that supporting some idea that socialists also support makes them socialists. Or - MY personal favorite - that the "far left" and "far right" are identical.
Political ignorance is not a new thing.
(11,481 posts)moving so far to the right. It's also a consequence of the "lesser of two evils" argument in electoral politics. The leading candidates for the Dems and the Repubs at this time consist of a socially MODERATE (NOT liberal) neo-conservative against a proto-fascist opportunist. IOW, the LOTE argument has NOT succeeded in changing things, it's just moved the arguments further to the right. So now anybody that supports a few social democratic programs and believes in turning the Middle East into a playground for American energy interests, is a "left winger". Or even a "socialist". It's not true, but the labeling works to obscure the true positions that are involved in the terminology.
(28,310 posts)LOL all you want. You just proved my point.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)It's true though.
(36,988 posts)Please tell me how Hillary is socialistic or far left?
You can't be serious.
(1,059 posts)It says there are socialists that support her, which is true.
(36,988 posts)that just insane.. Unless they are Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
You have absolutely no proof of that on any that in any socialist website. Its garbage.
(11,481 posts)and I do fully expect the CPUSA to endorse her if she wins the nomination.
Of course I don't consider the CPUSA to be "socialist" either. They are, at BEST, a left-reformist organization.
(1,059 posts)Oh god haha, I just minutes ago wrote a post about people equating
Hillary and Nazis, and then not ten minutes later run into you!
That's pretty funny
(16,104 posts)and leave the viciousness and bile of DU behind, I was quite surprised at the end of discourse regarding Hillary's bona fides as a progressive liberal Democrat.
Our group - "Link Socialist ideas and suggestions for political change to a Progressive framework" - dismissed Hillary supporters without openness or argument, with the viciousness and bile many of us came here to escape.
We'll get it back soon, though.