How many ebay sellers do we have here?
Just curious. I sell on ebay and have 2 stores and one other site. This week has been the worst ever. Just wondering how others are doing ?
Also, for those of you who sell on ebay, perhaps you could post links to your sites.

(47,675 posts)There are so many damn items listed that it's more likely you'll be struck by lightening than have someone find your item in that mess. I don't bother listing until after the first of the year - most people are too busy or too wasted until then.
(14,807 posts)complaining that they are getting the shaft with Ebay the way they prioritize certain sellers.
they want you to give free shipping w/ 1 day ship time for a spot ..BS
And the fees are killing any profit margin so what can you do
brer cat
(26,812 posts)...just a few auctions a year. Used to be full time but that ebay is long, long gone.
We are in an antique mall, and I sell books on other online sites. I am looking into itsy and may try a small store there in the new year. Our sales tend to be slow this time of year except books do very well through the season.
btw We sell antiques & vintage items with a focus on outdoor living & gardening items, vintage children's things and lots of gently used books (newish as well as old).
(50,130 posts)I used to make a living at it. It was like a money tree. Wake up in the morning and see how much money you made by selling items 24/7 to every corner of the globe. Literally. I sold to Tasmania, Singapore, remote British Isles, middle east.......everywhere. It was so cool.
(50,130 posts)There is a hostile web site made up of conservatives who watch DU and have done harm to DU members in the real world. Be careful about posting personal info.
(3,050 posts)I deal in records, and it's been slowing down a LOT...I'm expecting things to start picking up a bit next week (post gift certificates!). It did the same (slow down) last year too...
(51,663 posts)Maybe you could write me down as an ebay participant rather than seller. I've just about given up on them completely, but thought I'd try a few things over the holidays. What a waste of time. Back to the brick and mortar shop with more stuff.
(1,148 posts)about 2 weeks ago . all of my auctions ended..Do not want to deal w/ going to the PO ..OMG the fees on ebay have been killing any profit!
(27,985 posts)Ebay is fleecing the sellers. Buyers, OTOH, are golden, though it does confuse me how they think the golden cash cow will continue if sellers continue to leave and they probably will.
Now, if any of you are selling crafts you make, I can't recommend Etsy enough. Neat site.
(39,346 posts)SO used to sell used electronic equipment over ebay (networking switches and the like) and was pretty successful at it.
This time he wants to sell vintage audio equipment. There is a pretty big market in vintage stereos and anything made with vacuum tubes.
He knows what he's doing as far as the equipment goes, but all the changes I'm seeing to ebay and how PP works are makes me concerned that is just isn't as easy as it used to be to make money this way. We would be doing this to make extra money.
(7,265 posts)We currently have several hundred items listed in our store. Antiques and collectibles with a few newer things I run across now and then.
This new ebay is not for the faint hearted. More and more, sales are haphazard and inconsistent, though I admit this Xmas season exceeded all previous records for us.
We have Meg to thank for much of today's turmoil. By chasing the quick buck year after year to burnish her short term numbers, she built a rotten foundation for the future. How many (hundreds of) THOUSANDS of neophyte buyers did she kick in the teeth by not only allowing them to be fleeced by crooked sellers but by actively enabling it? How many of those buyers said to hell with ebay and shouted it from the rooftops to anyone within hearing distance? More than we know, I suspect.
Whether they come back to try again remains to be seen. One thing is sure: If ebay ultimately survives the Bain robber barons it will be a blessed miracle.
(39,346 posts)the biggest pluses and minuses of using Ebay to sell your merchandise? What are the things that ebay really does well. And what are your biggest challenges with using ebay?
After 14 years you must have seen quite a bit.
(7,265 posts)Ebay still has the most eyeballs for secondhand merchandise.
That would be its biggest advantage over the myriad of wannabe sites. Amazon seems to be catching up in some categories, and there are probably some good specialty sites for niche items, again depending on what you sell. Craigslist is catching on too but I've found that most CL buyers are ebay sellers looking for inventory, at least in our area.
That's the long and short of ebay's advantages.
The list of disadvantages would take more time than either of us has to write or read. High fees, buggy software, seller-hostile corporate culture, lack of customer support, few buyers and highly demanding sometimes scamming buyers ... the list goes on. The old (easy, fun) ebay is gone for good I'm afraid.
If you're looking to supplement your income or want to sell as a hobby, ebay would probably be great for you. For anything more, my advice would be to run far, far away and don't look back.
(2,352 posts)As a result, I just responded positive feedback to my recent purchases received.
Egads, I cannot image what it takes to sell on Ebay. Good luck to you all
(4,906 posts)did you know that ebay makes almost 10% on the shipping if the buyer pays $20. to ship an item which actually costs $20 to ship, ebay takes 9% actually, almost two dollars. On every shipping cost. Trust me, that adds up. Yet the buyer can leave low dsr's for overcharging on shipping . Thats makes it tough because the buyers dont know. I dont see how ebay gets away with making a profit on shipping charges. I've called them over and over because as a collectible seller, I'm getting killed by them. Now I have 4 dings for overshipping charges and I swear, I don't make money on shipping and usually refund if they live in my state and it ends up costing less. However, 3 dings in a year, even if you have 250 perfect ratings takes away top rated seller status..which translates into a 20% discount on final value fees. Good for the sellers but since Sept, they started profiting on 10% and making it more difficult to get the there ya go, they get 30% more at the end of the month and I'm still working my tail off. I dont charge for packaging materials but Ebay says just build those costs into the price but that's least for the things I sell. How do you raise your prices when people are struggling?
(50,130 posts)It was fun, it was thrilling, it was profitable, it was educational.
As a seller of (mostly) antique and vintage paper items, I had the fun of researching them to the nth degree to find anything about them that might enhance desirability. Just loved it.
I'm mostly out of ebay now. But I watch a seller who does very well, just to see what she's putting up. She sells vintage and retro kitchen, holiday, figurines, linens, and various other items. She makes a lot of money -- very nice supplemental income. She has a good eye. She also has a mall space. Her SO takes the photos and manages the accounting.
It can be done still if you have a niche and can acquire attractive stock that is profitable.
(2 posts)Paper Roses
(7,528 posts)His descriptions were fantastic, as were his pictures. I really did not make any money but moved some merchandise along.
It upsets me that I recommended that my daughter give her stuff to this seller. Don't misunderstand me, the seller is doing great with his obligations but there are no or very few bids on some really good stuff. I feel badly to have let her to give her assets to this method of sale.
My family collected stuff for years, no silly, plastic toys on holidays, we gave the kids antiques and taught them about the history of the gifted items.
What is happening is sad. My other daughter was going to sell some things this way. She has changed her mind and will repack her goodies and wait until things look better. Wise decision.
For those who sell on eBay, good luck. I feel badly that this method seems to have passed it's prime. The work is not easy, the effort by sellers is great(mostly) and the return is squeezing them out.
(22,871 posts)sellers. I sell more there than I ever did on Ebay. The only negative is that you sell for a set price,so if you're unsure of the value of an item and can't find sold prices in completed ebay auctions ,you have to guess. Etsy now offers gift cards, so after Xmas sales should be pretty good, they also offer sellers the ability to accept credit cards. I'm very happy there.
(43,891 posts)Regarding this being your worst week ever, this has been my second best week ever. Too bad the scouting season is winding down for a few months.
(28,404 posts)Sales have been a bit schizo.