Related: About this forumFinding myself
2023 was a year of self discovery. I think discovery is the greatest achievement because you find and fill your potential. There's so many things in my life that i've been passionate about. Whether it was a car show, or cooking, politics,or caring for the people I love~~~
I've never gone into anything halfhearted.
Painting has been a real retreat of how to love oneself and hopefully take that love and share it with others. I've spent lots and lots of hours in my office this year alone, and somehow I was determined to teach myself to paint. But sometimes being alone is a good thing because lots of your life's treasured memories are still present in what you feel. Also teaching me to stick with things, have patience and learn to love the simplest things in life even if it's sharing your desk with your cat. And sharing it with your grand pup.
Lots of good happened in my office too during the year. I found out once again caring for a sick animal that rolls its eyes with love sticks with you forever.
And good friends are always friends.
Mark Twain once said the two most important days in life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.
I'd worked hard this year trying to share my love of painting.
So now from "Scarlett Studio" I'm offering framed pictures with wood frames 5 x 7 $32
❤️Valentines Day, edition. Which just so happens to be my favorite holiday. What could be better than feeling loved?
So to anyone venturing out to find something fulfilling in their life go for it jump in! Many thanks to my friend Winnie Poon who encouraged me, inspired me, who coached me and answered every annoying question, even if it was 3 AM. Sadly she left me for another adventure and passion of hers. She is now a full-time birder and animal photographer. And once again, her passions have surpassed my realm. She is phenomenal. Once again, proving
she is the epitome of anything you want to do or dream of can be accomplished!
I couldn't be happier for her.

To all my friends, and paint partner who supported me and cheered every picture I painted!
Even the crappy ones.🫶🏼
I'll stick to my motto if you don't love something, you'll never be good at it.
Who would of ever thought I would ever lend my ear to a classical Johann Debussy
Clair de Lune ? And a good friend bought me a portable CD player for my office so I can now play all my CDs and sing real loud while I paint to my favorite songs.

(2,067 posts)Your work is so lovely, and your cat is a beauty! I love the toe fluffs!
Keep going...I love solitude, and get a lot of it. Always learning new things as I create new things....
Clair de Lune is one of my very favorite pieces.
Thank you for this beautiful sentiment!
(21,264 posts)Ms. Toad
(36,190 posts)My shorthand for what I'm doing now is being selfish.
All of my iife - starting at least by age 11 - I've focused on serving others. I described my last job as the only job where at least once a week (and probalby closer to once a day) someone told me how much they appreciated what it was I was doing for them. Mostly, admistrative crap aside, I've loved every minute of it - driving into work on a Saturday morning (the day chosen by my students for a weekly study session) or driving home at 2 AM with a smile on my face. But the life I chose left little time for me.
I was forced into retirement in April 2022 (that administrative part of my job I didn't like was mad, and decided if his head was rolling, he was going to make others roll as well - fortunately, I was of retirement age so even though he succeeded in forcing me out - I left on my own terms). I had always said that when I retired I would do all of the things I never had time to do - and I am. So I've taken two dive trips (with two more on the books), taken 6 classes - part of my retirement package - and am now working on a BFA that will take me roughly 5 more years to complete, I've had roles in 3 musical theater productions, and am thoroughly enjoying my life.
At some point I'll probably start spending more of my time serving others - but for now I'm focusing on me.
(I haven't entirely dropped out of serving others - I've been keeping up on a few things that are important to me - poll watching on election days, making pies for a local homeless shelter for Thanksgiving dinner. But those things are secondary, rather than primary, in my life for the time being.)