Related: About this forumI sit in my cubicle and I want to draw...
but I can't.
I have to do my job and pay the bills.
I have been at my soul sucking job now for 14 years all for health care.
I go home at night, and when I finish all my chores and the other flotsam and jetsam that needs taking care of, it's then and only then I have a few minutes to draw.
I'm so very thankful for those few minutes.
It's meditative for me.
Anyone else relate to this?

Been culling out all non art centered life stuff for many years. If it cost a dime to shit I'd have to throw up - and I'm not done culling yet.
(1,536 posts)I'm sitting, right now, in my cubicle in white collar bank job wishing I could be working on penciling the 60 (or so!) page graphic novel I'm drawing.
It would be so nice to do more than a panel a night here or there and, maybe, a page on the weekend. If I didn't need my (really good) healthcare and such. I'd be drawing full time. I can even quit my job and make an equivalent amount just drawing but not enough to pay for my own health insurance on top of it. With a wife and a 9 year old, I can't really let that go.
As much as the repukes talk about being business friendly and being good for the entrepreneur, if we had single payer, I'd probably be working for myself right now.
(63,394 posts)and I think that's the last thing the repubs want the worker bees to have.
(1,536 posts)Steerpike
(2,693 posts)I did a whole series of drawings on post-it notes on the job. They were portraits of people here on DU.
I almost can't help but draw anywhere I am...
(12,051 posts)thought I wanted to draw, paint, etc. when I got home from work, but I never had the energy. If I did try to create something, I'd find myself working on it until 2 a.m., and become enraged because I simply had to go to bed in order to get up the next morning. It got so it was easier to just not do art.
Now that I have been retired for 2 months and various household projects are getting done (like painting the living room), I can see some light at the end of this long, tired tunnel. I collected mushrooms on a camping trip and had great fun drawing them all. I can tell my technique is very rusty, but I will keep doing it just for enjoyment.
(2,255 posts)I doodle. I doodle with thin black sharpies on index cards. sometimes I lay in bed at night and think of colors, patterns, how it would feel to go into a piece of art. Color and light are my first language, english is my second.
If you want to do art, don't let anything stop you.
I decided to commit to being an artist and its what i do everyday. I have no health insurance. I have to create work for myself, toot my own horn, fund raise, justify what looks like i am lallygagging away the day