Related: About this forum2018 Quilting Projects
I had to finish the embroidery quilt I made as a wedding gift to my granddaughter and her husband. I was hand quilting it last fall when decided to make Christmas stuff, so put the quilt away. After the New year, got the quilt out and finished quilting it. It is now ready to give to granddaughter. Found a lovely pair of vintage pillow cases with "His" and "Hers" embroidered on each pillow. perfect to go with the embroidery quilt. Think this may be my last hand quilting project, getting too hard on my fingers.
I started my first quilt of 2018. I am using a pattern that I like a lot; this is the fourth quilt I have made using this pattern. It is the old favorite, Drunkard's Path. I turn the pieces around so a circle is created in the block, I need 108 blocks and I have finished 98, so hope to get all the blocks done tonight. Then a few days squaring up the blocks and I will be ready to sew it together. Once it is sewn, I will take a pic and post it.
Stopped at the quilt shop last week and the machine quilting lady is caught up on her orders, so I want to have mine ready to quilt by the end of this week so I can leave it for her while she is not so busy.

(2,963 posts)Btw Im a guy who loves to see finished quilts. Took my future wife to a quilt show on a date.
(5,240 posts)MLAA
(18,962 posts)Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)A gypsy wife quilt for my soon to come second grandgirl.
And two matching flying geese pattern quilts for soon to come twin great nephews.
I love the drunkards path pattern, but dont use it for the wee babies, because I dont want to tell the mom that name.
I have never used a machine quilter, but I made a king size quilt top for myself last year that is just too big for me to do. Would you mind if I ask about how much does machine quilting cost? I dont want to get ripped off.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)I am hoping to have my quilt top finished by the end of this week and will post a picture then, will also post a pic of the embroidery quilt.
As far as getting machine quilting, it runs from 75 to 100 dollars depending on the size of the quilt. It runs more if you get several fancy stitches. I had a patriotic quilt done and chose a shooting star quilting pattern that cost me about 25 dollars more. A crib quilt in a plain scroll or squiggle pattern runs about 25 to 40 dollars, again depending on the size.
One other thing you can do is to have a quilt machine basted when you are going to hand quilt it. This is a great thing! I hate to stretch a quilt. Basting runs 30 to 40 dollars and is worth every penny. I have made two embroidery quilts and had them machine basted, then did all my own hand quilting,
Not all quilting shops do good work. I first took some quilts to a shop that did sloppy work and was more expensive. I am very pleased with the lady that does work for me now. She works out of the quilt shop in Duncanville.
I have talked with some quilters who send their tops off and get them quilted - Probably using the Missouri Star Company. I like to have the face to face so I can talk about the stitches, get suggestions, etc.
Cracklin Charlie, I am impressed that you are going to do the Gypsy Wife pattern. I don't think my skills are up to the level of tackling that pattern at this time. The first quilt top I made was Ohio star, looking back, it was a stupid move, every block had about 24 pieces. I really suffered with that top, but when finished, it made a beautiful quilt. Same for my blue house quilt, it had about 18 pieces in each block. I had learned more about quilt making by them and was not a beginner..
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)Finally done with my first quilt of the year. Left it at the quilt shop to be quilted yesterday. I made the pattern from a template for Drunkards Path, was calling it a Somber Drunkards Path; but I will start calling the pattern "Going in Circles". it is one of my favorite patterns, this is my 4th quilt made with this pattern.
(366 posts)That looks amazing.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)Finishing up my third quilt top for 2018. Got the scrappy circle quilt back from the quilt shop, need to bind the edges, made another American flag quilt, left it at the quilt shop this week to be quilted. Almost done with a red and white circle quilt top. I am so in love with the circle blocks. Didn't take any pictures, been so dark and gloomy and getting a lot work done in house. Will take some pics and post them soon.
(46,166 posts)I've only made small and very easy infant quilts to donate. But I sew a lot of the bowl cozies and quilt those with a free motion/darning foot.
Lately, I've been tearing my hair out over the mess my fabrics are in. I was keeping them in a large bureau and never really made the most of pairing fabrics. So yesterday I put together a spare rolling rack, collected a bunch of tiered pants hangers from around the house and got my stash hung up. Now I can see what I have. Seems like the fabrics are almost pairing themselves! Prints I never considered putting together are obvious now that I can see them all hanging up.
Your quilt is beautiful. I love the color combinations you chose for it. Those are colors that make you want to smile & smile some more.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)second quilt was a flag quilt, gave away, didn't get pics of it. Here is my third one, finished, going to give to my youngest daughter. Still loving those circles.
http://<img src="" border="0">
http://<img src="" border="0">
(26,297 posts)You are so industrious!
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)made as a wedding gift to my granddaughter, Used vintage dresser scarves and tablecloths. Collecting some more old embroidery to make another, in the meantime, getting ready to make a quilt from men's stripe dresses shirts that I got at the thrift store. Using a simple patchwork pattern.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)Made this quilt in May to give to my son for his birthday. Forgot to take a picture, he just sent me one, notice the quilt is upside down. I made my own pattern, but so simple, didn't take long to make it. Used a Stonehenge fabric for the red and beige stripes and American the Beautiful for the red and blue star fabrics. The gold fabric was one that I had on hand.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)J am almost done with a simple quilt that I made from men's dress shirts that I bought at the thrift store. I stuck with blues. I wanted to be done with it this weekend, but it is too hot upstairs, supposed to cool down in a few days. 1 only have 2 rows to sew and then put some sashing around the edges.
I have another quilt cut out and ready to sew. I used a Michael Miller print, Bird on the Vine. Has blue birds on blue leaves on white background. I cut the birds out, making 6 inch squares with a blue bird centered in each block. Going to put two rows. log cabin style, around the bird blocks using different blue and white prints. This will be a simple quilt to sew. Will sew it after I finish the blue shirts quilt.
Then since I bought a lot of blue and white fabrics, I decided to print an image of a blue willow plate onto a fabric block. I have done a test run and the block is fabulous Only problem is the fabric sheets I have are not washable. I have ordered some washable fabric sheets which I should get this week. My blue willow image is ready, will have to do a test print to be sure I get the colors right, then I will print the blocks. Fun project!