Related: About this forumOld tractors
Oktoberfest started yesterday. We were in a tent with friends at the Oide Wiesen, the old style area. They have adisplay of old operational tractors. Antohe rpart has a Museum with other old things. Here are some close ups of the machinery. The oldest is from 1920.
Better than new
I know what all those thing do... right.

(48,966 posts)Many of the earlier ones were steam tractors. Everyone wanted mechanized agriculture for the obvious reasons. It was an economic wave every bit as much as automobiles, televisions, computers, and smart phones.
(593 posts)You dont see any of these old tractors working the fields today. More likely a plow team, if anything.
Old Crank
(5,308 posts)you were limited in the area you could plow per day. It was a relatively small area. Tractors changed that. The start of larger farms. But more efficient production.
(153,050 posts)And of course I know what all of them do!
(28 posts)what lens did you use ?
Old Crank
(5,308 posts)Comes on my Samsung A21 phone. I adjust the exposure down a tad when shooting, then found a further control with the edit function. I think it is about 12 mega pixel. Direct to jpeg. It works quite well with good lighting but low light is the pits.
(60,160 posts)Lamborghini started off as a tractor manufacturer
Old Crank
(5,308 posts)alfredo
(60,160 posts)Grumpy Old Guy
(3,691 posts)They were a huge tractor manufacturer in Milwaukee.