Related: About this forumThe mailman brought me something interesting today! Have a look . . .

viva la
(3,965 posts)I do get some local GOP candidate material, but never anything from the Bigs.
(153,052 posts)
(114,008 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,052 posts)LoisB
(9,585 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,052 posts)Wonder Why
(5,131 posts)I always save them for her as opposed to other junk mail which goes unopened into the recycle bag.
I tell her that she has some important mail she needs to see right away.
Then she throws it at me.
(153,052 posts)niyad
(122,504 posts)nothing that would not be contaminated by her awful energy.
(153,052 posts)Reading her lies made me feel a little sick.
(95,737 posts)Have an appropriate receptacle for that.
(153,052 posts)There's a recycle bag right next to me, under my computer table.
The torn-up remains of that mail rest in there, never to be seen or handled again!
(95,737 posts)From some of the cringiest people.
(153,052 posts)2naSalit
(95,737 posts)The mailbox is about ten feet from a dumpster.
(122,504 posts)progressoid
(51,039 posts)We often get the mail for my republican mother-in-law. Prior to the caucus she would get two or three a day from Haley, ,DeStupid, Drumpf or one of the many PACs out there. It was pretty horrible.
(153,052 posts)I can bet getting all that political stuff would be horrible. Huge waste of paper and money too!
I get just enough to be amused!
(9,431 posts)Please check one and return:
(Check other, glue the post paid envelope to a brick and mail it back. Just helping.)
(153,052 posts)But she also said the most important thing she could get would be my Endorsement!
I've heard about the brick method! Not for me.
(5,819 posts)I haven't yet received anything from Republicans. I got a letter from Joe for his Victory Fund this week.
(153,052 posts)
(21,159 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,052 posts)ShazzieB
(19,561 posts)I recommend writing "REFUSED - RETURN TO SENDER," just to make sure there's no confusion.
(15,726 posts)has been known to mail back empty envelopes (that were postage paid) especially when he got mailings from that piece of you know what from trump.
live love laugh
(14,973 posts)
(153,052 posts)rubbersole
(9,431 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,377 posts)in the garbage, but that is one that I would throw in the fireplace.
(153,052 posts)Skittles
(162,218 posts)
(153,052 posts)Back atcha!
(39,069 posts)Has been telling me hes been getting crazy sounding fundraising emails from trump. He is mystified over how they could get his #.
I asked him to save one so I could read it for the craziness value and this afternoon I got to read one. Yeah, looney.
(153,052 posts)Lists are sold and sold and sold, till it's impossible to tell just where they came from.
That's life!
(36,088 posts)How do they have the unmitigated gall to send us this crap? I guess, on the bright side, she wasted some money sending it.
One time I got a big cardboard card in the mail from a very anti-choice local R running for office, and since I like to recycle, I used it to scoop my dogs poop that day. I know it was childish but it gave me some satisfaction!
(153,052 posts)And I don't think they give party affiliation much attention.
I definitely approve of your actions with your dog poop!
(15,726 posts)shredded it right away!
(153,052 posts)Actually, I hadn't thought of that. But what I did do was almost as good: It went into my recycle bag!
I'd like to see that paper get a chance at sending out a real message of hope!