Related: About this forum5490 new cases on the AZ Dashboard for week ending 5/10; 41 deaths week: 3911;238

(4,816 posts)not the trend I was hoping for,,,,
we are still very much on people avoidance here at our house. Much easier to do now since our winter visitors are leaving just us desert rats now
(13,288 posts)I too, am still being careful.
(12,685 posts)But they'll show up in about 3 weeks.
Pretty much just decided I'm not going to Comicon in 3 weeks...
(13,288 posts)StarryNite
(11,334 posts)We're heading in the wrong direction...again! I had jury duty last Friday at a Justice Court. Upon entry of course they scan your purse and have you walk through a metal detector to keep us safe. Yet no mask requirement during a pandemic that has already killed one million Americans. I did not feel safe at all. At one point there were about 60 of us in one small room. Only a very few people were wearing masks, maybe 6 of us. About 1/3 of the people were taken into a courtroom for voir dire. The rest of us stayed in the original room but were free to walk around in the hallways or step outside. I was on the end in the front row which I felt was better than being in the middle surrounded by people. I just sat there for most of the 3 1/2 hours talking to the man next to me. He is 79 years old, had just begun radiation treatment for cancer, and was not wearing a mask.
The woman behind me had a sneezing fit. After about the 6th sneeze she finally got up and went out into the hallway. Thankfully they selected a jury from the first group so I don't have to go back. Now I'm counting the days hoping not to have contracted COVID while doing my civic duty. I'm vaccinated and boosted and was wearing one of the N95 masks that President Biden had had sent to stores. I felt it was safer than my other N95s that I've been wearing when I go grocery shopping. It was a good, tight fit but comfortable. I had lines on my face from it for 7 hours after taking it off. LOL Today is day five of the 10-14 days they say are the average limits for incubation.
(13,288 posts)by age alone, even without the cancer and radiation. Both the federal and state courts excused me when I turned 75.
(11,334 posts)He said he tried to get out of it based on his age and the fact that he had more radiation treatments scheduled for this week which could conflict with the trial. He said they wouldn't let him off. I don't know if there is a certain way you have to opt out due to age or how that's done?
(13,288 posts)I called to ask to be excused because I was my spouses caregiver, and the woman saw my date of birth, which made me 74 1/2 and said: oh, youre almost ready to be excused because of age, so lets just excuse you for that. This man should have asked to speak to to the judge. He definitely should not have been there. Hope you stay healthy!
(12,685 posts)Despite the increases in cases, deaths and hospitalizations are not increasing. Less than 100 deaths for the month of April.
And even with the increase in cases, we're still at our lowest deaths and hospitalizations since the beginning of the pandemic.
Not saying we're out of the woods, but even while looking worse right now, we're still far better than we were in the lull before Delta and the lull before Omicron.
Hopefully this will be a dead cat bounce...
(4,816 posts)but I am 72 with emphysema and heart problems,,,, so even tho I've been vaxed & double boosted I am working hard not to get it because it has been suggested to me by my doctors that I stand the chance of getting really sick. The higher positive numbers mean more folks can give it to me.
yikes, I've not heard that phrase,,,, but I hope so too. I am tired of it all.
(11,334 posts)Last week we were at 8%.