Pima County shut down its early ballot request portal, canceling about 4,000 submissions
An influx of vote-by-mail ballot requests led the Pima County Recorder’s Office to shut down its online request portal, impacting thousands of voters days before the deadline to request a ballot in Arizona.
The department closed the portal on Oct. 19, canceling about 4,000 ballot requests after receiving an overwhelming number of early ballot requests. Voters were alerted of the issue and encouraged to call the Recorder’s Office to resolve their online request, said the department in a press release.
The deadline to request a mail-in ballot was Oct. 25.
The department said many of the online requests were duplicates from voters who were already going to receive a ballot because they were on the Active Early Voting List.
Voters who were unable to contact the office or have not yet received a ballot are still eligible to vote in person at an early voting site, or on Election Day.