Great changes coming to St. Stephen's (Phx) food bank
I have been working very closely with our St Mary's Representative to create a plan to serve our clients in the best possible way. The challenge has always been collecting/receiving food for distribution. Effective immediately, we are receiving a food delivery from St Mary's every Wednesday morning between 7 and 9 am. This delivery will include the TEFAP food boxes, the large family bags, produce boxes, meat, bread, dairy, dry goods, etc. The delivery eliminates the need for shoppers to pick up food from St Mary's on Mondays. Our Monday shopping time has been cancelled.
Our Representative is extremely hands on and is working with Anne and myself to be sure we have food for distribution each week.
Thank you!! Thank you to all the shoppers who have faithfully shopped and delivered food to St Stephens each Monday. Your dedication and service are greatly appreciated. Without you we could not have served our clients.
We are also looking at the Grocery Rescue program coordinated by St Mary's. The program would require us to pick up food at a local supermarket each week and deliver to St Stephens. We are only just beginning to explore this option to add to our distribution program. We may be asking some of you to assist us with this program when and if we get it set up.I will keep you posted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call, email, or stop me at church.
In His Service
This message arrived in my mailbox last night.