Related: About this forumCOVID-19 'testing blitz' begins in Arizona -
3 MONTHS after first case wonder AZ seems like business as "usual"...

They expect a spike in positive covid19 cases..ya think..the orange anus coming to AZ..NOW we get testing...

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)on the Reservation towns in and around the Four Corners. And in Arizona as well as Utah,oh golly,we know nothing about that Area.
(8,203 posts)hurt, and just add nursing homes, prisons, meat facilities..this is so frightening..
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)personally have interacted with hundreds of Reservation Members through my years working Retail part time. One sees through the eyes of those who you take the time to listen to. For myself,having two of the Reservation Members as fellow Store Employees and those two young Ladies were daughters of one of the Tribal Elders. One receives a true education in Navajo Culture and History.
The real Criminal issue is,how the States of Utah,Arizona and to some extent,Colorado and New Mexico fail in their efforts to honor Treaties and only Exploit the Native Population for the benefit of some Corporation or Political Entity who fosters oppression via Religion and Economic Means.
(8,203 posts)From trip to Plymouth the story goes, when the Pilgrims landed, they found and stole the seeds for the next years planting..the Indians would bury the much history, from East Coast to West Coast..and we do not look good at all..
I had the good fortune to visit Four Corners, not just to observe the vast vista..I had a conversation with one of the tribal elders..I don't recall what I asked, but I can see him to this day..his demeanor, calm, almost resigned to what surrounded him..I have a small hand carved canoe that he made..
also the annual pow wow at San Xavier Mission del Bac Church in Tucson, Arizona..spectacular..