SWAT en route to deadly shooting scene

SWAT and area police and sheriff's officers are en route to the scene of what has become a deadly shooting in Yell County. A deputy has died of wounds from the firefight. More details will be released as they become available
Breaking: Yell County Sheriff's officials are currently involved in a manhunt in the Gum Springs Road area between Dardanelle and Chickalah in reference to a morning shooting of three individuals, one of which is believed to be a deputy. Officials state that residents in that area should be aware of the manhunt, keeping their doors locked and if they see any suspicious individuals to contact local law enforcement. Full story and further details to come
Quotes from friend at location:Yes he was our friend that was killed
Still ongoing now the sob has hostage and 2 more dead in yard
Kevin pulled him over then tazed him and she shot him twice in neck. Then took Kevin's gun and left which is where they r now
I've never seen so many troopers and swat vehicles ever