Related: About this forumHudak will resign seat to end recall threat, hold Democrats’ Senate majority did what was in the best interests of the Colorado Democratic Party.
So take a big picture gander at what has just happened.
The gun radicals have huffed-and-puffed and stewed and steamed -- to what end?
Democrats still control the Colorado state senate; there will be no change to any of the new gun safety laws (there wouldn't have been anyway); the voters have seen just how radical these gun radicals are and just how far they will bully to get what they want; and term-limited Hudak is now a heroic political martyr to Democrats, liberals, progressives and moderates (i.e., the majority of voters in this state).
Frankly, the recall radicals look pretty silly today.
Alas in the end it all boils down to this (apologies to the bard): "It was a recall run by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

(10,602 posts)My wife and I went through about six weeks of H. I was saluted more times with the finger than three lifetimes. Being a vet made no difference. In fact many vets supported the guns for everyone recall. And itr was clear that the recall was NOT a local event because many of the activists did not live in the state much less the district. And it was clearly a white supremacist teabagger movement that was behind this recall.
The neonazi Colorado Gun Owners Assn was a key contributor to this recall. They flew the American flag or rather stole it when they should have flown the Confederate flag. They wore puke green shirts but they should have worn white sheets. And the signers were no more than white crackers with a bigoted ax to grind. The racism and anti Semitism was so obvious.
And at the press conference these cockroaches showed up with their survivalist contingence and its swamp buggy festooned in camouflage gear. These young little brown shirt storm troopers probably had the collective IQ of an amoeba.
This nation is really sick if we do not exterminate this infestation from the body politic. Their recall was all about hatred of the Senator and human decency itself. We have to confront this evil eventually. Passive resistance will eventually fail. They are serious about taking over and have said they will continue recalls until they are in control.
(6,960 posts)In my travels around the petition sites I witnessed an encouraging diversity of folks who were rallying against the attempt to recall Evie Hudak.
Of the petition collectors and those staffing the recall tables -- an amazing singleness of type.
One is loath to stereotype ... but my gosh, the camo attire, the whiteness, the maleness, the belligerence, the motorcycles, the gun emblems, the gun flags, the gun accouterments ... these gun radicals are a very tight, insular fringe in American politics.
Now, I suspect that they got a lot of signatures from run-of-the-mill Repuglicans that will always vote against a Democrat or sign anything anti-Democrat, but the organizers of the recall were definitely of the extreme Tea Party variety.
If people don't think there is a rather scary group of very reactionary right-wingers out there willing to do almost anything to get their way, well, they should have seen what you and I saw in Arvada and Westminster over the last couple of months.
Already I am thankful in some ways that Sen. Hudak resigned -- she clearly had the best interests of her constituents in mind. If they had got the required amount of signatures, it would have been a very nasty, brutal, negative, dirty recall campaign. We do not have to go through that -- another commendation to Hudak for saving us from that (and keeping the state senate in Democratic control).
(10,602 posts)The sameness of all these people was so obvious from the very beginning. Also guys with big trucks were ardent supporters as well. I got the finger from a good many of them. It just seemed to me that the core of their people were white males 40 to 60. There were plenty of plus 60 participants as well.
Even though they are a bring group they are determined to run government. A vast majority of the public is pretty much clueless about what is going on. And for that reason they Aryan's are a real threat. The GOP is more than happy to give them a place at the table.
They are as fanatical and radical as the Islamic extremists. And am afraid we are at the beginning of their assault.