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(69,014 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)there is no dem challenger??
Should I vote for the moderate or stay home??
we were discussing this last night
I cant bring myself in some ways to vote any repug but the tea bagger ( no suprise here) seems to have a lot of cash and though a nobody out of nowhere ,she could win
Yes the mod is a man
The teabagger a women
they have covered all angles to confuse even any disgruntled repug women I think
(2,567 posts)(Disclaimer: I am forbidden to follow that by Federal law)
There may be ways that the situation can be rectified. If not in the immediate, at least the medium term.
If you can't run, then find someone who can and talk them up to your friends. Check out and look at their Debunking Handbook It's built on psychology and applicable to more than just global warming denialist arguments.