Related: About this forumGood CT Dems, please work for Malloy's re-election!
I canvassed my street yesterday and will make some calls later this week.
We CANNOT let Foley steal this election! CT will be back in fix we were in when Rowland go through with us. No more of these Republicans!
This is crucial. There was a time when a moderate Republican in office, while not ideal, did not set out to destroy the state's middle class and drown us in debt. That time is OVER.
Foley will be a disaster and we can't let him become our governor!

(28,394 posts)CTyankee
(65,820 posts)playing it safe. Goddamnit!
I hope he can turn it around. (I'm not in CT.)
It's still pretty early.
(65,820 posts)won't that be fun...I'll post photos on DU so everyone can see what's going on in our tiny state...
Dawson Leery
(19,408 posts)anywhere near Hartford. Both are running to unseat the incumbent and competent Democrats.
(65,820 posts)I won't touch a republican with a ten foot pole...
why, oh why, does anyone who is an average citizen in CT want to vote Republican?
(16,395 posts)Who wants Mitt Romney, JR. as Gov?
(72,790 posts)I think Malloy is awful.
I was hoping Jonathan Pelto would make his way on the ballot, but his campaign couldn't get their act together.
(65,820 posts)I'm sure malloy has his faults but he has certainly been an improvement over his predecessors! I can't see sacrificing malloy...I don't think we have a choice. Foley will ruin CT. I can't let that happen without a fight.
(72,790 posts)Bad state to do business in, traffic nightmares, everything is too expensive in this state, over-spending, the list goes on and on.
I don't think Foley will be better, which is why I am not voting for him either, but Malloy doesn't deserve re-election.
(65,820 posts)effect of electing Foley. Not that you are wrong in criticizing Malloy, he certainly has his faults. But I learned a long time ago that sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. And in fact you won't get what you want by not voting for Malloy, you'll get worse!
Or at least that's my take on it and I've been voting for a LONG time...
(72,790 posts)I'm about trying someone new.
This is why I think the two-party system is no longer effective.
(65,820 posts)but I had reasons not to vote for Carter (which I now regret). Later I met Anderson (I forget where) and I got a very bad vibe from him -- cold and distant (I told him I had voted for him...he didn't even smile and he had a cold fish handshake).
I agree with you about the two party system. It's gotten so broken it's horrible. My husband works at the local/state level with the Dem Party here and I do what I can in national elections, mostly phone banking, but so much seems just baked in the cake from the beginning. It's depressing.
A true revolution of the 99% would be so welcome to me...
(20,176 posts)The reality is that Malloy has done a shit job and not only deserves to lose...he actually needs to leave office before he can make things worse. They'd both make things worse.
The only way I could vote for Malloy now is if he said he was only in it to keep Foley out of office and will resign day-one of his term if reelected, turning it into an election between Foley and Wyman.
(65,820 posts)Malloy did inherit a helluva mess after all. And he was very good on implementing Obamacare here in CT. We have a strong system working here and that really counts for a lot in my estimation.
We have a close union activist friend who is very big on Malloy. I trust his judgment on lots of things political, particularly at the state level.
One thing that is worth considering is that having a Dem governor is a very good thing when we have a Dem in the White House. And I assume everyone here wants a Dem in the White House after Obama's term, don't we?
(20,176 posts)Foley, if elected, will be largely Romneyed.
Malloy may have inherited a mess but he made that mess worse, not better. He needs to go. He should have been primaried but the state party threw around a lot of weight to insure he got a clean nomination because they feared a primary would leave the winner damaged going into what they knew would be a tough general election. (That's logical, but they should have instead leaned on him to not seek a second term...he's never not trailed "generic Democrat" in this race. An unnamed Democrat who isn't Malloy would be up 5% on Foley, not down 6%.)
Foley will have to deal with CGA and CT State Senate majorities that will continue to do whatever they want and force vetoed legislation back down his throat. The field is largely changed from where it was under's not Democrats breaking ranks and joining opposition, giving Rell victories in the legislature despite CGA being overwhelmingly Democratic; it's Republicans (it only takes ~2-3 on any given bill. Dems are 2 seats short of supermajority in both chambers.) breaking with the caucus to vote with the Democrats. Republicans passed the gun bill. Republicans passed the Medicaid expansion. Republicans passed the tax increase. Republicans approved that budget. Republicans are the weak ones here.
Foley faces 4 years, if he wins, of battling his own party. Legislators breaking ranks to hold their seats versus a governor fighting to be re-electable. That's if the GOP doesn't lose seats and give the Democrats clean supermajorities with which to bully the Governor.
(65,820 posts)I do want to hear your side of this...
(20,176 posts)He made things worse than even what he inherited from Rell. He deserves to lose his job. It's just too bad the only way that can happen elects Foley.
Malloy is and always has been a fiscal-conservative...the policies he promoted, ran on and implemented are DLC to the core. They exacerbated long-term unemployment. Our economy which was stale when he took office is now flat. Dead. Flatlined. In need of life-support. His policies ran jobs out of the state and made it harder to start small businesses. He "right-sized" spending on social programs. He adopted the standard anti-union positions of the DLC. Then when they failed, he raised taxes across the board. Above all else, he repeatedly lied to our faces about the state of the economy and about imaginary refunds from an imaginary surplus that never existed. He's getting beat in arguably the most liberal state in the US for some very good reasons.
How much clearer do you need that to be? He's done a terrible job and things are going in the wrong direction with him as Governor from where he started. Dan Malloy has the kind of job performance to rival Sam Brownback. There would be a universal party in the streets where crowds break out in a song-and-dance flash-mob version of "Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!" if Malloy's loss didn't mean Foley won.
It's like an election where you're lying shivved in the guts and the choice is between exsanguination (Malloy) or getting shot in the face. (Foley) Either way, you're dead.