Related: About this forumSay It Out Loud: Vendepatria
I am a Texas-born-and-raised non-Floridian Anglo. Like many Democrats, I am disturbed by the lack of voter enthusiasm for Joe Biden.
Despite my unease, I think at least some folks at Bidens campaign headquarters are trying. Comparing Donnie to the long, Sorry line of Latin-American strongmen was a clever move that I doubt previous campaigns ever thought of (its also a valid comparison, BTW).
Still, I think there is one more issue that Democrats and progressives ought to use when appealing to Latino voters: Donnie is a Vendepatria.
I dont doubt that most American-born Latinos are as fiercely patriotic as Bubba and Becky Lou. So are naturalized Latino immigrants. All of us put love of country first and ferociously oppose handing it over to greed heads and foreign interests. We all agree on country first.
Does Donald Trump. I dont think he does, and its a point we should also hammer home. They might not understand it at Mer a Lago, but the rest of us do.
Lets not pull our punches.
Edit: Vendepatria means seller (out) of the homeland.

(4,286 posts)Excellent point. Never cede the "patriotic" ground. That's especially important with this administration of treasonous fucks.
Last couple of days in MSM, dems have been expressing their anger effectively. For me, that is unifying and motivating viscerally. I hope there are more Mayor Pete type interviews.
BTW, "Bubba and Becky Lou"... LMAO

(9,699 posts)working-class and rural whites from Southern and Southern-influenced Midwestern backgrounds.
(32,017 posts)