Hawaiian Telcom workers vote down revised contract offer
By Star-Advertiser staff
POSTED: 05:30 p.m. HST, Dec 13, 2011
LAST UPDATED: 05:50 p.m. HST, Dec 13, 2011

Dennis oda / doda@staradvertiser.com Union members unhappy with offer Members of IBEW Local 1357 walked an informational picket line at Hawaiian Telcom's Bishop Street headquarters Friday to show their displeasure with the company's latest contract offer. Employees, who have been working without a contract since Oct. 24, voted to give union leaders authorization to call a strike. No new talks have been scheduled. - STAR-ADVERTISER FILES
Unionized workers at Hawaiian Telcom voted down an amended contract offer Tuesday that had softened some of the concessions demanded earlier by the company.
Members voted 283-216 to reject the proposal that called for a modest wage increase but a reduction in paid sick leave and a higher employee contribution for health care premiums.
The negotiating team is reviewing all options at this time and a meeting is scheduled with the company tomorrow (Wednesday) to discuss the vote results, according to a post on the unions website.
A Hawaiian Telcom spokesman said the company was reviewing the situation, but did not have an immediate comment.
Whole Story Above: http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/135555528.html?id=135555528