Related: About this forumCrazy Athol tax-protestor claims "legislative immunity". Rep. Phil Hart is locked in a legal tussle with the Internal Revenue Service over $550,000 in back taxes, penalties and interest. Government lawyers are seeking to foreclose on Hart's home in Athol to help settle the debt.
This is the same crazy MOFO that stole timber from Idaho state-owned forest lands.

(6,452 posts)Even as fucked up as Idaho is, this guy take crazy to a whole 'nother level. There's something about Idaho that breeds crazy dudes like Hart and Rex Rammell, then encourages them to get into politics to infect the rest of us with their insanity.
(6,670 posts)I mean, if you were batshit crazy, where would YOU go? If it was good enough for the Unabomber...
(6,452 posts)Even still, yea, you're right. Crazy people are attracted to Idaho because of its extreme tolerance for crazy (one of the few things that ARE tolerated in Idaho).
(6,670 posts)Long, long time ago in Idaho I met an ex-Vietnam vet. He took huge amounts of acid while in Vietnam, he said this was the only lifestyle he knew, and if he thought of it as just like Vietnam except no orders, no booby traps, and no Viet Cong, it was a good life.
Where else do you go if you want to live like that?
From experience I'd say it isn't so much crazy they tolerate as "don't come down your half-mile long driveway except for supplies". They're pretty conservative while you're in town - you can have crazy ideas as long as you act like a good ol' boy. But up your driveway is your business. Four neighbors could be hippie, redneck, telecommuting yuppie, and a guy who wants to be a bear, and from the road you can't tell.
And the Unabomber wasn't the only crazy who went there. The folks at Ruby Ridge moved there.