Related: About this forumJudge Axes Teen Rape Verdict, Says 148 Days Jail Is 'Plenty'
An Illinois judge had a shocking outburst in court Wednesday, kicking a prosecutor out with minimal explanation as outrage grows over the judges decision to reverse his own ruling on a teen accused of rape.
Mr. Jones, get out, Adams County Judge Robert Adrian fumed as he ordered Josh Jones of the Adams County States Attorneys Office to leave the courtroom. The Muddy River News, whose journalist was in court, reported that Jones was set to appear in an unrelated case but had apparently liked a Facebook post supporting domestic violence survivors in the wake of Adrians extraordinary ruling in the rape case .
Im not on social media, but my wife is, Adrian said. She saw the thumbs up you gave to people attacking me.
He added: I cant be fair with you today. Get out.
Adrian declined The Daily Beasts request for comment about the outburst on Wednesday, citing a Supreme Court rule that urges judges to abstain from public comment about pending or impending proceedings.

(18,962 posts)Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Reading further on the links it appears that the chief judge for the circuit has stopped by for a visit.
(19,558 posts)Frank McCartney of Pittsfield, chief judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Court, said he drove to Quincy Wednesday to review and address comments made by Adrian.
I was made aware of the situation (Wednesday morning), he said late Wednesday afternoon. There are going to be some things done over the next few days and weeks that will hopefully alleviate some of the issues. I cant comment any further than that right now.
I'll be very interested to see what happens!
(30,072 posts)Maybe I'm misreading the link, but I can't figure out what his original ruling was, the one he reversed..That said, he, the judge, sounds like a dick, and I'm glad he's being checked out by higher upside in the system.
(162,216 posts)KICK HIM THE FUCK OUT
(40,915 posts)Affluenza? His parents have influence?
Social standing?
(119,459 posts)The Illinois judge who sparked outrage after reversing a sex offenders conviction has been reassigned.
According to the Herald-Whig newspaper, on Thursday Adams County Judge Robert Adrian was removed from presiding criminal cases and reassigned to civil cases including small claims, legal matters and probate dockets after Judge Frank McCartney, chief judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, signed an administrative order effective immediately.
Adrian first made headlines earlier this month, after he overturned the conviction of 18-year-old Drew Clinton, who had been found guilty in the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl last year.
According to court documents, the teenager said that she was sexually assaulted after becoming intoxicated at a party on May 30.